
The morning

The pain in the chest was increasing day by day no medicine was helping she did not want to trouble her boyfriend with her problem she called her doctor " I am Amy speaking can I come for a check up now my chest is hurting a bit " . The doctor confirmed the date then she called her John " hi honey good morning how are you ?" John answered a while later " I am busy now talk to you later " saying this he hung up the phone she was hurt by his behaviour but did not say anything went about the room preparing breakfast . She made up her mind not to disturb him so she went to the clinic herself " hi doctor I am bit late today sorry " The doctor looked at her " I got your report today the cancer is spreading fast you need a chemo as soon as possible " she looked at the doctor " ok I will come chemo from next month " She had tears in her eyes as she came home did not want to die but was forced to count the days of her death .