
Living with the scarab in the natsu verse

A fan of the Natsuverse gets sent to the natsuverse, yeah you may think that I am living a dream nope I have to deal things like death apocalypse, mages that want me and my hero work as hero identity, and on top of that I have the scarab from DC the red but a Scarab non the less oh god help me

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Komik
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32 Chs

Thomas Vs Xue ling

Got it! Here's your fanfiction with the grammar and spelling mistakes corrected:


Thomas and Xue were at the opposite side of the ring but looked at each other, waiting for the other to make their move. As they both took their fighting stances, Thomas pulled his arm and whispered "plasma sword" before shaking his head, realizing that this was a normal martial arts match; he was not fighting a villain or stopping crime. So, he positioned his arms as if holding swords and shifted his left leg back and his right leg forward. Xue did the same, also ready to fight. As they both took their fighting stances, Ishiki said "start," and they both moved at each other, ready to finish this in quick blows, but they were then blocked as their hands clashed, the sound of impact heard around the room.

"Well, you are strong now, aren't you, Thomas?" Xue complimented Thomas, who had a smirk on his face hearing that from her.

"You're not half bad yourself, Xue," Thomas replied, smirking.

As then Thomas jumped back, looking for any type of opening to exploit.

"They both seem to be great at fighting, Shiki. It looks like you taught them well," Arcuied said, complimenting her husband on training their daughter and Thomas. Shiki, hearing this, had a small smile on his face.

"You're right, but this is different. Thomas is only a green belt, almost going to blue and almost red, but with what he is doing, I will say he is close to a red belt," Shiki replied. Arcuied, hearing this, had a shocked expression before turning it back to normal and then looked at her husband.

"If I remember correctly, our belt system goes like this: it starts with white like every other dojo, then it is green, which is intermediate, then blue, semi-master, red, master, and then black, expert."

"That is correct, and it looks like Thomas has a lot of talents," Shiki added.

Little did they know that it was all of Thomas's training; he didn't have any talents. He used his martial arts in his crime-fighting, and with his training with his Scarab, which allowed him to learn it so fast, it also helped that his Scarab was memorizing all the moves Shiki taught him and was teaching it to him. Thomas was really a hard worker. As they heard another clash, they saw it was Thomas who blocked a punch from Xue. Then Xue used her left leg to swipe Thomas's legs, but as Thomas was going to fall, he used his arms to cushion the ground and jumped back up, almost kicking Xue in the face. Then Xue jumped back, feeling a bruise on her face, as they looked at each other.

"Impressive, Thomas. You're getting good at this, and it looks like you hit me in the face, even though it was little damage," Xue said, impressed.

Thomas smiled. "Yeah, but I am not done yet."

As they both charged at each other again, they started to match each other blow for blow. Each of their attacks was being blocked by each other, almost like they were reading each other's moves. They collided with each other, both of them smirking. Then they jumped back.

"You are strong, Thomas, and you're learning fast. Are you by any chance a prodigy?" Xue asked.

"Nope, I am not. If I was, I would be stronger than you," Thomas replied, smirking.

"Well then, let's see what you can do with this," Xue said.

As then Xue rushed at Thomas and so did Thomas.

"Arcuied, they both are at an equal level with each other," Arcuied said, smiling.

"It seems like it," Shiki said, looking at both of the fighters.

As then Thomas pulled his arms back and hit Xue in the face. As she dodged the punch but grazed her, seeing this, Thomas used his leg to swipe her as she fell onto the safety mat they were standing on.

"Hey, Xue, are you okay?" Thomas said, worried that he may have gone a bit overboard with that. Xue got back up and uppercut Thomas, sending him back a few feet.

"Ouch, that hurt," Thomas said, touching his chin. "Take that, the first clean blow, and also, yeah, I am fine."

Thomas shook his head and got back to his fighting stance, and so did Xue. They both rushed at each other again. This time, Thomas was the one who was more aggressive, and Xue was on the back foot.

"Okay, what the hell? How did you get so fast?" Xue asked, surprised.

What she didn't know was that Thomas was also surprised at his newfound speed.

"Hey, Red, do you have anything to do with this?" Thomas asked.

"No, Thomas, but I can feel that your body is producing more sugar, which mixes with your blood, making you faster. Okay, so just imagine what Luffy does with Gear Two but without the steam and him turning red," Red replied, trying to explain what was going on, using Luffy as an example.

As then Thomas went for a punch at Xue, Xue crossed her arms and blocked it.

"Well, Thomas, you are fast and strong," Xue said, smiling, which made Thomas's heart skip a beat, and his face had a hint of pink.

"Hormone levels are rising, Thomas," Red said.

"Shut up, Red," Thomas said in his mind.

Seeing that Thomas was distracted, she punched Thomas in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Then Xue kicked Thomas in the side, and Thomas felt like his ribs were being broken, but it was not.

"Oh shit, I think I may have gone too far with this one, Dad," Xue said, worried that she had hit Thomas too hard.

"Yes, you're right. I should end the match here," Shiki said, sternly and strictly, ready to end the fight.

"No, don't end it. I can still fight," Thomas said, determined.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? You can get badly hurt," Arcuied said, concerned, hoping Thomas was not pushing his limits just to fight.

"No worry, Miss Arcuied. I can handle this," Thomas said confidently.

Thomas got up, ready to fight again. He rushed at Xue, and so did Xue. As they fought, Thomas stopped to block Xue's attacks and grabbed Xue's fists with both hands. Seeing this, Thomas moved his free arms and tried to karate chop her in the head, which she blocked, leaving herself completely open. Thomas grabbed her by the uniform and slammed her to the mat.

"That's payback," Thomas said, panting. He needed a few seconds to catch his breath and take some rest, but he would not in a real battle; it was kill or be killed, especially if he let his guard down. The last time he did that, someone had died, and it was his fault. As then Xue got up and looked at Thomas.

"Well, that was one hell of a throw, but still, I am not done yet," Xue said, getting up.

As then she wentbehind Thomas, trying to German suplex him to the ground. Thomas, seeing this, didn't want this to happen, so he elbowed her in the face before stepping back.

"Well, shit. I think I went too far," Thomas said, realizing the force of his elbow strike.

Thomas could see that Xue had a look on her face that said she would kill him.

"Well, in this moment, I think you humans say you are screwed," Thomas remarked.

"Yeah, you're right, Red," Thomas said.

As then Xue started to laugh, which confused both Thomas and Red. They thought they were going to get the beating of their lives, but here she was, laughing.

"I am sorry, but you actually hit me in the face, even though the other students don't. Well, I have to say, you have guts, and yeah, let's see what else you can do. But then again, I want to end this fast," Xue said.

As then Xue's eyes turned into a rainbow, Thomas realized that she had the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. He knew the chances of her having them were high, considering both her parents had them, but the fact that she had them made it bad. Thomas was thinking that, and then Xue rushed at him at high speed. Thomas blocked her attack, but as he did, he felt his arm go limp. Xue's arms turned into something like that of snakes as she hit Thomas at the right and left elbow, then the chest, and then his head. She did this a few times at a fast speed, and Thomas fell to the ground.

"First form: Snake Disassemble," Xue said, as that was the last word Thomas could hear.

After a while, Thomas woke up to the sound of fighting happening. He got up and saw that it was the other students, fighting each other. He also saw Xue, who was fighting a student as she took him out in a few attacks.

"Ah, looks like you are awake," Arcuied said as Thomas turned his head to see her.

"Oh, hello, Miss Arcuied," Thomas said.

"Well, you see, your dad will be here to pick you up in a few minutes, so yeah, you should change back into your clothes," Arcuied suggested.

"No need for the 'Miss Arcuied.' I came here wearing this," Thomas replied.

Arcuied nodded in understanding, then remembered something. "Oh right, Shiki told me to tell you to meet him when you wake up."

"Thank you, Miss Arcuied," Thomas said, before walking up to his master.

"Master Shiki, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Thomas asked.

Shiki looked at Thomas with a smile and pulled out something—it was a red karate belt, which he then gave to Thomas.

"Here you go, Thomas. You have earned this," Shiki said.

Thomas was shocked. "Th-Th-Th-Th-Thank you, Master Shiki. This means a lot to me."

"Well, look who is stuttering here," Red teased.

"Shut up, Red," Thomas muttered.

"Did you say something?" Shiki asked, confused.

"No, nothing at all, Master Shiki," Thomas replied, trying to defuse the situation.

"Alright, Thomas, but your training is not finished. You still have the five forms to master," Shiki said.

"Five forms?" Thomas asked in confusion.

"Yes, I made these five forms. They are made to end a battle as it starts. You had the first form used on you," Shiki explained.

"So that's what it was," Thomas thought to himself. "Yes, indeed. I named them after one of the Chinese zodiac signs, and one by one, you will learn all of them."

"Yes, Master," Thomas replied.

After a while, Thomas's dad came to pick him up, but not before Xue approached him and asked if they could exchange phone numbers and Discord IDs, which they did.

"Black Dragon Hun," Thomas said, introducing himself.

"Blood Red Vampire," Xue replied.

"You have unique names," they both said in unison.

As then Thomas, in the car, realized what had happened. He had just exchanged his number with a girl.

"Hormone levels are rising again, Thomas," Red said.

"Oh, shut up, Red," Thomas said in his mind.

Meanwhile, in the Emiya household, Rin was looking at Thomas's hero video and was impressed.

"Well, it looks like mages are using their powers to play hero. But why don't they know that they will be putting us and mystery in danger?" Rin pondered.

Shiro walked in and saw the video as well. "Rin, do you think that this is not magecraft or a Mystic Code?"

Rin looked at Shiro with a confused face. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember what we found in that park? Some type of yellow beetle that tried to grab onto me before I kicked it away," Shiro reminded her.

"Yeah, but why do you bring it up, Shiro?" Rin asked, confused.

"Look closely at the new hero. He called himself Scarlet Beetle, and his suit looks like that of a red beetle, or well, more like a very dripped out version of it," Shiro pointed out.

"Now that you mention it, it does look like one. Also, where did we find that Yellow Beetle again?" Rin wondered.

"I think it was at Salvador, if I remember correctly," Shiro replied.

"Oh yeah, that is where we went to find a mage who was doing a lot of illegal things. So, Shiro, you are telling me that this hero or mage is related to that Yellow Beetle we found?" Rin asked, trying to connect the dots.

"At least that is my theory, but for now, we have to wait and see what happens. Plus, I have been getting reports of many more energy signatures around the world," Shiro said.

"Do you think it is the other side of the world trying to break out?" Rin asked, worried.

"We just have to see what happens," Shiro replied.

As they were talking, Thomas was taking down part of the city's crimes. Then, he went to a rooftop and sat there.

"Well, well, look who we have here, the Scarlet Beetle," a man with gray hair, green eyes, and wearing a trench coat and hat said, approaching Thomas.

"And who may you be?" Thomas asked, worried.

"Oh, you see, I am a mage," the man replied.

To be continued.

So yeah hope everyone likes this ch and tell what your thought are ok in comments