
Living with the scarab in the natsu verse

A fan of the Natsuverse gets sent to the natsuverse, yeah you may think that I am living a dream nope I have to deal things like death apocalypse, mages that want me and my hero work as hero identity, and on top of that I have the scarab from DC the red but a Scarab non the less oh god help me

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Komik
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32 Chs

Hero Vs villain

As Thomas went down to the ground to fight this villain, he didn't know who he was, but he didn't care. If he was threatening the people of this city, it was his job as a hero to stop him. The villain, seeing him coming, had a smile on his face. As Thomas went to pounce on him, the villain punched him back, and their fists collided, causing a shockwave. Thomas was shocked. He thought it was some type of mindless beast attacking the city, but it had the power to punch at the same level as him.

"I see, so you are stronger than I thought, hero. I guess this will not be a boring fight after all. We will take care of you now."

The villain said in an evil and robotic voice to Thomas. Thomas wasn't shocked at what he did, but rather the fact that it could talk. It meant that it had intelligence on the same level as a human, which meant that this fight would be harder than what Thomas thought. So, he went back and thought about what he could do.

"Thomas, let me check what his threat level is."

"What the hell is a threat level?"

"It is how I judge people that will fight you. It goes from E to SSS."

Red decided to explain what it meant to Thomas.

"Okay, Red. So, what is his threat level?"

As Thomas said that, a monitor showed up inside of his helmet, similar to Iron Man's interface but in blue. It started to scan the villain, and Thomas saw that the rank was C. He was shocked but not surprised. He then went to hit the villain, trying to finish the fight as soon as possible, but then his fist was blocked.

"Okay, what the he-"

Before he could speak, Thomas was slammed into the ground. The villain then picked Thomas up and sent him flying. Thomas then hit a car, and the villain quickly moved towards him. Thomas jumped up, turning his arm into a blaster cannon and used his plasma blast to send the villain flying. Thomas thought he had won.

"So, is he gone, right, Red?"

"Let me do a scan."

As Red scanned, he saw the villain flying back to Thomas as soon as possible.

"Um, Thomas, he is coming back, and he is alm-"

Before Red could finish his sentence, the villain was already in front of him, and Thomas was shocked. The villain was about to punch him in the gut, but Thomas used his arm to block. He was then sent back, and Thomas removed his arm, seeing that the villain was moving fast. Thomas then changed his arm back into a cannon and decided to blast the villain. The villain, seeing this, formed a shield to block the blast.

"Huh, well, it looks like that's how he survived my attack. Well then, let's get more weapons."

As Thomas turned his right arm into his plasma blade and went to the villain, he tried to cut the villain, but his blade was blocked by the villain's shield. The villain looked him in the eyes and then turned his arm into a blade.

"Hahaha, you see, hero, my armor allows me to fuse technology and weapons, and then I can use the powers in a stronger way. In a way, we are like a symbiote."

The villain explained his power, and Thomas got scared. He then went back, wondering if the villain was after the scarab or something else.

"What's wrong, hero? Are you scared of me? Is that why you're afraid that I will take that scarab of yours?"

Thomas was shocked. How did he know about his Scarab? As Red spoke to him in his head.

"Thomas, I finally remember something. That weapon he has is one of many prototypes created by Reach."

"So, you're telling me that we are fighting a technology-enhanced villain with technology from the Reach? If that is the case, why is he not higher than C?"

"Simple, that is not his full power. And if it was, it would be a B+, but nowhere near S or higher."

"Seeing that I can barely take him down at just C, I can't imagine what he will be like as a B+."

As Thomas was thinking of that, he saw the villain disappear and then reappear in front of him, punching him into the ground.

"You should get yourself destructed like that, hero. Hahahaha."

The villain laughed, thinking to himself that the hero was weaker than he thought. But as he looked down, he noticed that Thomas was missing.

"Where did he go?"

"I will say the same thing to you, villain."

The villain looked back, seeing Thomas with his blaster. As his eyes widened, Thomas blasted him directly in the face, sending the villain flying.

(Okay, so how many times did I write "sent flying"? Can someone tell me?)

As the villain got up, he went to punch Thomas, who dodged the attack. He then used his martial arts, making one of his arms snake-like, hitting the villain hard in the elbow, then turning his fist and punching him in the gut with all of his power. The villain was stunned for a bit, looking at Thomas in the eye. He then smiled before his body started to transform, and multiple spikes formed from his armor. Thomas knew that it was bad, and he jumped out of the way as the spikes went flying everywhere. The wings on Thomas's back blocked the attack, but the shield was removed, causing destruction to the surrounding cars and buildings.

"Well, I feel bad for whoever owned those cars."

As Thomas went to the villain, he tried to punch him in the face, but the villain's armor started to crack like glass.

"Ha, take that."

As Thomas was happy, the villain grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground, cracking it. Thomas felt the pain in his back as the villain got up and was ready to stomp on him. Thomas rolled out of the way, then looked at the villain.

"Okay, you are stronger than I thought, hero."

"Yeah, you too, villain."

"Anyway, what is your name, hero?"

"Call me Scarlet Beetle."

"Alright, Scarlet Beetle. Call me Metal."

Red, hearing the name, almost laughed, but he knew that Thomas must focus on this fight more. As then the villain rushed at Thomas, he saw Thomas rush at him as well. Their fists collided with each other, causing shockwaves as they started to fight each other. But only their fists were clashing, producing shockwaves. Then Thomas turned his arm into a snake-like shape and hit him in the stomach. Metal felt a large pain in his stomach as Thomas then grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground, breaking the ground. Then Thomas raised his right leg and slammed it into his head as the armor on Metal cracked more, and his helmet was ready to break.

"So, is he down for the count, Red?"

"Well, it looks like it."

"Looks like he is defeated."

As Thomas said that, he saw people coming out from where they were hiding. One of the people approached Thomas, looking at him.

"Hello there, miss. Is that villain gone?"

Thomas looked at the girl and then answered her.

"Yeah, he's down for a while."

As the people looked at him, they started to cheer for Thomas. Thomas was kind of surprised, but he had a smile on his face.

"Thank you, thank you, guys."

As Thomas said this, he was then punched in the face, sending him flying. The people, shocked, saw Metal get up and look at them.

"Well, that was some hard-hitting attack. But it looks like he left his guard down. Now, what do I do about you people?"

As Metal said that, he grabbed one of the people, and Thomas got up. He formed a plasma sword and tried to stop Metal. Thomas went to stab him in the back, but Metal pushed the person in front of him, and Thomas couldn't stop. His blade stabbed into the person, and Thomas was shocked at what he had done. He had just killed a person he was trying to save, and he did it with his own two hands. He was frozen in fear as he looked at the villain.

"What have I done?"

Both Thomas and Metal said at the same time, not believing what they had done.

"If I am going to kill people, I don't need you."

As Metal said that, he started to rip the metal-like substance that covered his body, but it was not being removed. Instead, Metal's skin was being eaten, and he started to scream out in pain. Hearing this, Thomas looked at Metal, confused.

"Red, what's happening to Metal?"

"It looks like the prototype is eating his body to get more power."

"Wait, what? Explain."

"Each prototype created had a huge flaw. This one can't be removed, and if it is, it will eat the host alive. It's like a permanent fusion."

Thomas was shocked hearing this.

"We need to stop this."

"We can't. It's too late."

As Thomas saw the armor take on a more human shape with a robotic head, Metal rushed at him. Thomas tried to block, but what he saw was not the robot, but the face of the person he had killed. Thomas was frozen in fear as the robot slammed him into the ground, knocking him out.

"It looks like I can take this to the Reach. Well, after I take the Scarab, that is."

As Metal said this, Red was not going to allow it. He thought that Thomas was not going to allow this, but knowing this would save his life, he would thank me later. Red took over Thomas's body, punched Metal, sending the robot flying. Red then turned his hand into plasma cannons and started to blast the robot at high speed. As the robot got blasted multiple times, Red went to the robot, turning his arm into a sword and started to cut it. He cut off its arms and legs, then cut it in half. Red grabbed the robot's head and flew into the sky, reaching space. The robot started to freeze.

"Let's see. I can last about five minutes here. That is more than enough for you to die."

As Red thought this, he threw the robot into the sun. He turned both of his arms into plasma cannons and blasted at full power, sending the robot into the sun and burning it. Red went back to Earth as Thomas woke up again.

"What happened, and where is the robot?"

"Don't worry, I took care of him, Thomas."

"Oh, okay, Red."

As Thomas looked at the people who saw what happened, they saw him as someone who deals with villains. In a way, that is what Thomas was going to do to the robot. Then Thomas left, and he returned to his house. He went back to his room and was there, thinking to himself that if this was going to happen to this version of him, he was happy that this Thomas did not see that.

"Well, it looks like being a hero is not just fun. People will die."

Red said to Thomas.

"Well, I guess something like Invincible will happen once."

Thomas thought that before going to sleep. The next day, after eating his breakfast, Mr. Riyo took him to Shiki's dojo. After that, he left, saying he would be back to pick him up.

"Okay, bye, Dad."

As Thomas's dad left, Thomas walked into the dojo. There, he saw a new face—a girl with black hair like Arcueid and red, wearing the dojo uniform like Thomas. He saw Shiki there, too.

"Ah, Thomas, you're here. Why don't you introduce yourself to my daughter?"

To be continued

So yeah I hope you lit this story more