
Living with Arrogant CEO

Matilda Huston is young girl with painful past, she moved to Canada few months back, she got job in world famous multinational company. She met Easton Fanaggaen who is arrogant rich CEO of Fanaggaen industries whose chains are spread through out the world, unknown to her Easton knows more than she know, he asks her to be his fake fiancée in order to run away from marriage his parents has framed for him. Later she come to knows about his secret that shakes her.

Michelle_Zeah_0764 · perkotaan
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23 Chs

Chapter No 9 Troubled

For the whole next day she was checking upon his fever. By evening when the temperature goes low, she makes him egg soup. He has gained consciousness by now.

His phone was continuously ringing. He was trying to reach it, and Matilda picked it up.

"I am Mr. Easton's assistant, he is currently not well so you can talk to him tomorrow bbye," she said and hung up the phone.

He gives her a sigh. "You are acting like my mom," he said, annoyed.

"Miss Fanaggaen would definitely have the same attitude if you are going to work when you are ill," she said annoyed.

"Now you are not going out of bed, you have caught a cold, I have brought you some medicine and you are going to take them on time," she said while raising her finger.

"Okay Mom" he said, exhausted.

"Who was on the call?" he asked.

"Don't know some random woman" she shrugged.

He rolled his eyes.


He remained over the bed for the three days. Now he was feeling better. He came out of the bathroom, when she said. "Mr. Fanaggaen?" he turned and looked at her.

"What have I told you about my name?" he said while raising his one eyebrow.

"Sorry Mr. Easton, groceries in the kitchen are about to end, and I am afraid we have to go and bring a few things and after a week your parents are also coming back, so we should buy few things" she said.

He took a deep breath.

"Okay let's go" he said shortly.


They went to the store, but everything was in Spanish, she was unable to understand anything. Luckily that night Patricia helped her a lot and she was able to buy medicine from a Spanish store but today her head was spinning around because she was seeing everything in the store in Spanish.

She looked at Mr. Easton who was standing without any expressions.

"I, I might need your help" she said.

He looked at her and walked towards the rag he bought everything needed for the kitchen. He talked in Spanish at the counter.

"His accent is so sexy," she thought and then she scolds herself

. "Is that everything?" she asked because he bought so many things.

They went towards the parking lot and put all the things in the back seat. She gets in the car and he starts the car. For a few minutes there was complete silence in the car.

"Mr. Easton?" She called his name.

"You have not told me why you wanted to escape marriage?" she asked hesitantly.

"What have I told you about digging in my life?" he asked.

"But I am curious from my experience, some stop believing in something when they get hurt by it" she said while looking out.

He looked at her, this time her expressions were poker. He did not reply. The road was blocked, there were a lot of people wearing colorful dresses walking over the street.

"What's happening here?" she asked.

"It's our Spanish festival known as Feria de Fuengirola" he said while looking outside.

"Fairy de?" she repeats with confused expressions.

"Feria de Fuengirola" he said again.

"Mr. Easton, can I go and watch it" she asked.

"No" he said shortly. She had gone frown, by looking at her expressions he rolled his eyes and parked the car.

"Get out" he said shortly. She looked at him and he got out of the car.

She got out of the car and was led by him towards the festival.

There were horses and colorful decorations, she really liked those things. "Mr. Easton, they are awesome" she said.

He was normal about them.

"Whoa look, they are dancing Mr. Easton why are you not so excited?" she asked. He rolled his eyes.

"Because I have lived here and watched them since childhood" he said.

A woman who was wearing a flamenco dress came towards them, she was dancing and she held Easton's hand.

"Hola caballero, me importa bailar conmigo" she asked. He smiled in return and went ahead with her.

They started dancing and Matilda was looking at him with eyes wide open.

"He could, could he dance like this?" she thought.

Every movement of his was perfect. He was dancing against the girl professionally. Matilda was about to faint. After a while when the dance was finished, he came back. Her mouth was still open. He was smirking. "Looks like I have touched the nerve," he said in a whisper and walked towards their car.

"Mr. Easton? You know how to dance?" she asked, shocked.

"You saw it, haven't you?" he said.

"It was awesome" she said excitedly.

"Jullieta and I used to do it," he said smiling but there was pain in his smile.

"Julieta?…" she was about to say something but he cut her off in the middle.

"Never mention it" he said in a harsh tone. She remained quiet. He got inside the car. For the next whole journey there was complete silence in the car. She did not try to say anything and his expressions were stone. He was looking ahead out of the window screen while she was looking out of the window thinking things randomly.

Her phone rang. She picked up the phone.

"Hey! Patricia, yeah the medicine worked he is fine now thanks a lot, how is Azalea and where is Ivan? Yeah I am worried sick too ask him if he needs any help call me, I will help him on that I have few savings. Okay if he could not arrange I will send him," she said worried.

Easton looked at her from the corner of his eyes, but she was talking over the phone.

"Patricia, I don't want to talk on this topic if they keep calling you asking about me and then block them, I am totally not interested in their drama" she said angrily.

Easton could feel her upset. She had hung up the phone. After five to twenty minutes they have reached home. She got out of the car and picked a few groceries in order to take them in.

"Take these, I will bring further," he said.

She walked towards the house. She opened the door and went towards the kitchen, the kitchen was dark, she turned on the lights and turned when her heart jumped.

A tall black haired man who had blue eyes was grinning over her. She screamed.


He was holding groceries when he heard her scream, he ran towards the kitchen. She was about to hit the man with a frying pan, when he came in between, the man was trying to save himself. He took the frying pan from her hand.

"Whoa, man your this fling is so dangerous since when you developed a taste for cave woman?" said the man annoyed,

"I am not his fling, Mr. Easton, who is this gorilla man," she said angrily. Easton went towards the window and was taking deep breaths.

"One was not enough, now there are two" he muttered.

"Gorilla seriously?" he said angrily.

"Will you both shut up and let me speak" said Easton loudly.

The both were now silent. "Matilda this is Alejandro, Alejandro this Matilda, my solution," he said while crossing his arms.

"Means you have found the girl who agrees to be your fake fiancé," he said laughing.

"He knows?"asked Matilda.

"Of course now I am his childhood friend" he said while crossing his arms.

"That's explain a lot" she said and left to pick the groceries which Easton left outside. "Hey what do you mean by that?" he screamed. Easton rolled his eyes.


They were eating, when Easton's phone started ringing. He looked at it and went outside.

"So how come you agree to become his fake fiancée?" he asked her.

"Still wondering why? Maybe my bad luck made me meet you," she said annoyed. He looked at her and rolled his eyes.

"He chose the right one, you are as arrogant as he is" he said, annoyed.

Easton walked quickly towards them. He looked at Alejandro and said something Spanish. Alejandro's expressions changed to anger.

"iré contigo," he said angrily.

"No you stay with her, and I don't want her to be alone," he said with concern.

"He cared about me?" thought Matilda.

"But she mattered to me too, you know it didn't you?" said Alejandro angrily.

"I know it, my friend, I don't want someone else to get hurt," he said in a deep voice. Alejandro looked at Matilda and then to him.

They exchanged looks and then he left. "Mr. Easton, where are you going?" she felt danger.

"I will be right back" he said while turning towards her and he left.

"Where he gone?" she asked about concern.

"He will be back Matilda" Alejandro said with mysterious expressions.


They were watching TV when she heard a gunshot.

"Matilda duck" screamed Alejandro. She ducked. He grabbed her hand and took her down in the basement.

"What is happening?" she asked fear.

She was shaking with fear.

"Everything will be fine, just follow me," he said and took her towards the trap door in the basement. She never has seen this before.

"Get inside," he said.

"But it's so dark" she said, crying.

"Get inside it or else we both will fry in the frying pan" he said angrily.

She jumped in the trap door. He jumped too and closed the door.

"Follow me and don't stop" he said in a whisper.

He followed him and they got out. The way of the trap door led them to the Garden of the house, they got out, and looked at the door, and there were 20 to 30 cars outside.

"What is happening?" she asked.

"Shhh let's go" he shushed her and they ran without getting seen by anyone. Luckily they had their phones in their pockets. They were now far away from the house.

"Where are we going?" she asked him.

"To my place, they will not know" he said.

They took a taxi from the nearby street. After half an hour they reached his place. He opened the door they went in.

"What is going on? Where is Mr. Easton? Why did they attack the house?" she asked, crying.

"I will answer every question of yours, just relax" he said while mollifying her.

"I need to know, what really is happening?" she asked. He took a deep breath. "Come on let's go I will show you" he said and led her towards a room.

It was some satey room, she looked so worried.

"Sit down," he said.

She looked around.

The room was well decorated and there was everything in the room for comfort.

She sat on the couch.

"Tell me," she asked.

He took a deep breath.

"It is complicative, you know Easton is one of the most powerful families," he said.

She nods. `

`Power comes with enmity," he said. The family has lost a lot, the one who just attacked us are rivals.

He got up.

"But Rivals, what they want from them?" she asked.

He took a deep breath.

"This is politics come from long rival," he said.

She took a deep breath.

"So Easton, is he alright?" she asked, worried.

"I am trying to communicate with him," he said.

"Relax, you are save here," he said.

She took a deep breath.

"You have fear of darkness," he said. She remained quite because darkness brought alot of bad memories.

"i am going to bring something to eat from the kitchen," he said.

"I need to go to washroom," she said and got up.

After 20 minutes when she came back, he brought alot of snacks.

"Where did you get these?" she asked.

"Well, this is hideout," he said.

They checked their phones there were more than 100 calls from Easton.

"Seems like he came to know about the attack" he said. She called him but he was not picking up.

"Oh Ghosh he is not picking up" she said worried.

"Don't worry he will be here at anytime I text him" he said smiling.

"Since these years you are the first woman I saw he cares about" he said and turn towards the machine.

"Well I have my own reasons to not believe on something known as care" she snapped. He looked at her and than smiled.

"No I am fine, a little bit fear and escape for life ain't make me hungry" she said smiling.

They were talking when main door knocked, they exchanged looks. "I will go" he said and opened the door. It was Easton, he ran towards her and hugged her.

"Thanks Goodness you are fine, I, I was so much worried, he said while hugging her. He was checking her if she is okay.

She was feeling a bit blush.

"Hello brother I was with her as well," said Alejandro.

"You are iron made. It does not make any difference" he said shrug. Alejandro gives him an angry look.

This is totally crazy" he said and left.


Who attacked them?

What Easton is hidding?

Why he is so afraid of falling in love?

What is Matilda's past?

Find out in upcoming chapter.

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