
Chapter 3

I held out my palm, and channel a ball of pure void energy. A level 12 Zombie Elite was guarding the boss door of this dungeon, and I just wanted it out of the way quickly. It smell liked rotting corpses and old asshole down here, and to be honest, that was probably accurate.

The ball shot at the Elite, and once it struck it in the chest, the creature dissolved and died instantly. I knew this place was going to be easy, and despite the creatures being higher level than I remembered from the game, they were still child's play, if that.

I walked up to the door, and I could barely contain my excitement. Once I defeated this boss, I would finally be able to reach the surface and see the world around me with my own two eyes. The thought of my favorite vistas of the game looking lifelike sent chills through me. I walked up to the double doors leading into the chamber, and with both hands, I shoved it open.

The room was just as I remembered it. A large circular room with a metal grating beneath me. It was your typical fighting arena. Torches spanned around the walls in a circular pattern, and in the middle of the arena, the boss awaited me.

Lich Lord Harkoll

Level: 15

"10 levels higher than normal, huh?" I mused as the thing set it's eyes upon me.

"Hmm...who are you, and how did you get in here?" The Lich asked, and I had to do a double take.

"You talk??" I asked, perplexed. This thing had never talked before. It usually just shrieked at me and attacked.

"I am speaking now, am I not?" It responded.

"Huh. Well, since you can converse, any chance I can just scoot on past ya?" I asked, although I think I already knew the answer.

The Lich chuckled at at me.

"Funny. You mortals amuse me. No, now that you have seen me, I cannot let you go. Surrender, and perhaps-" The Lich was saying, but I was its face in less than a millisecond.

I used my spell Heavenly Flameburst, a spell which damage was quadrupled against undead targets. The Lich turned to dust, dead before it could even finish what it was saying.

"I tried, but you just had to be a douche."

I got a measly amount of experience from this fight, and while this game never had an experience bar, your character would often reflect on how close or far they were from powering up. Strangely enough, I could intuitively feel the amount of experience I had, and how much I needed for the next level. I wasn't even close.

I got a staff for raising the dead, as well as this things robes. I wasn't going to use either, but I threw them in my inventory anyways. I had the space, and either I could give them to someone, or I could just sell them. That thought made me check the upper right of my inventory menu, where my currency was displayed for me.

Platnium: 6,145,718,039

Gold: 143,884,748,002

Silver: 7,456,811,093,727

Bronze: 18,475,990,140,645

I staggered in place upon seeing that. I had forgotten how much currency I had racked up during all of my playthroughs of this game, and if things were similarly priced here as they were in the game, then that means...

"I'm goddamn rich."

I only did a small jig for a few seconds before I schooled myself, and decided it was time to get out of here. The world awaited me, after all. Climbing the final staircase took me a good 15 minutes, but once I finally reached the top, a large iron door stood in my way. I walked up to the door, and once I turned the handle and flung open the door, I was hit with a cool breeze, the smell of fresh air, and a light so bright it burned my eyes.

"Oh, that's the night vision."

I turned off the skill, and I was greeted by a beautiful sight. The wind tickled my skin as I began to walk down a set of stairs to the ground level. This place was pretty well hidden, behind large but beautiful indigo colored trees. Knee high grass of green and yellow varieties covered the ground I stepped onto.

I turned around to the dungeon I had just exited. It was literally just stone steps built leading up to a iron door that had been built into the foundation of a stone wall. Not very practical, but just the game, this world seemed to be full of impracticality. Still, this world looked even more beautiful than I had even imagined, and all I could see were trees and grass.

I opened my map to see which direction I needed to go. If I were to head southeast, it would take me towards the town of Lindell. That was usually the first place someone would go after getting out of this dungeon if you followed the main road. All I had to do was navigate through the trees until I got there. Simple enough, and if I was being honest, I was excited.

A decent amount of different races of people existed in the game world, and seeing those people with my own two eyes was going to be an experience I couldn't pass up. Not to mention, I would be able to talk to someone to truly test the limits of this new world I found myself in. The Lich didn't count as far as I was concerned.

With my mind made up, I advanced forward. The foliage was thick, but I was able to easily push through it. I pulled out a machete that was in my inventory to cut at many of the plants that barred my way, and in no time at all, I reached one of the main roadways. It was merely a worn down dirt path, but it did serve as a good marker. Checking my map one more time, I decided to set a waypoint for Lindell, and once I did, I could feel the pull of my marker in that specific location.

"Neat." I said as I made my way towards my destination.