
Living in Mob Psycho is Pretty Hard

After falling from a roof, I the great Loid has died. What a pathetic way of dying from someone as great as i am, but where is this? Am i not supposed to be in heaven? Why am i in the middle of the street? Did i fall asleep and suddenly woke up here in the middle of the street? No no no, i swear i fell from a roof and died. So where am i?! Oi.. oi.. why is there a creepy ghost staring at me? Wait.. ghost? .... Where am i?!!

LordPool · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


After I made it back home last night, reunited with my family, and gave my mom and dad the money I got, they were pretty shocked at how much money I got and asked me if I did some illegal jobs, but I quickly denied them with a smile and said that I earned this money after saving people.

It's Monday, I'm currently outside on the beach just chilling waiting for time to pass by, earlier my little brother and little little brother wanted to come with me but my mom gave them an earful and said they have school, i told them I'll pick them up later if that was alright with them, and they excitedly said yes as I patted their heads, ahh so cute.

Looking at the view I can see.


Now that I'm in my early 20s and I have a good looking face + the special technique of using shades to hide where my eyes are looking, I'm basically unstoppable.

Just when I was enjoying food, a bunch of kids or high schoolers came to me.

"Mister! Do you want to play volleyball with us? We're missing one person!" A red haired guy asked me.

I looked at the group and examined them, looking them up and down I wanted to relax today but I guess I can't.

This kids aren't normal, their espers or psychics I can sense energy in them.

I gained the information when I was talking with John, the leader I met in America.

Well asides that, this kids aren't really doing anything wrong so I guess its alright to play with them.

"Sure.. but who's side am I on?" I pointed to the blue and red tapes on the ground and asked which side I would be.

"Here wear this!" he handed me blue shirt.

"Alright." I followed what he said and wore it, after that the people entered their positions while I did the same.

'Hehe, this old man will experience something he has never experienced before.' The girl on my side secretly thought while locking eyes with her friends.

"3, 2, 1, start!" the referee at the side shouted, starting the game.

The game started off pretty normal with people just passing the ball around, but it started getting more serious as this kids started using their powers slowly..

'So that's what you guys have in mind, alright I won't go easy on you guys. As the great Loid once said, no mercy.'

Loid also started using 1% of his power.

'Huh..?' The red haired boy twitched his eyebrows and looked at me.

'Heh, I guess we got the jackpot!' He smiled widely and eyed his friends telling them to go all out.


They're preparing something, my sixth sense is telling me.

I wrapped black mist on my arm and my leg, causing me to become more faster.


The red haired man slapped the ball with all his might imbued with all of his energy!

It was coming to me but I didn't panic, it looked slow.

Slow, how can something be so slow?

I teleported to the spot where the ball would drop and readied my arms.

The ball slowly and creepily went to me.

I received it with my arms and pointed it to the opposite corner of the enemy team, i imbued it with 1% of my power causing it to fly out rapidly fast sending whoever touches it back.

Wh - what?! Did we lose..?

The red side was dumbfounded at the result.

"Oi kids! Listen up here." I clapped my hands and shouted to get the attention of the kids.

The kids looked towards my direction and came to me.

"Will you guys promise me something?"

"But we don't even know you mister." The girl on my team with yellow hair said.

"It doesn't matter, promise me that you guys won't go down the evil route alright?"

They all tilted their heads and began laughing.

"You don't have to worry mister, we aren't bad we just love playing volleyball and enjoying life to the fullest with and without our powers." The red haired kid punched his chest and smiled brightly at me.


"Alright, good good come here!" Even if I didn't know them I wanted to hug them.

I hugged the 5 of them making them uncomfortable but accepted it.

"Alright I gotta go, bye kids and remember to eat." I waved my hands and teleported out of there, I went home to find my little brother Ritsu and Shigeo but they weren't here.

"Mom! Have you seen my cute little brothers?"

"They went out didn't they?"

"Huh? Didn't I tell them I'll pick them up?"

Why am I having a bad feeling?

"I'll go and find them."

I teleported out of the house to Shigeo and Ritsu's school.

I tried to find them there but they weren't there as well.

I asked their classmates but they said that they already left.

"Where are they? Weren't we supposed to be going out together?" I pouted and thought that they left me! Are they on their rebellious phase?!

"I'll find you guys!" I made up my mind to play hide and seek with them.

I teleported all around town and kept teleporting until finally I found him.

"Shigeo! Where have you been? And is this guys your friends?" I looked at each and one of them that was surrounding my little brother.

"And have you seen Ritsu? I was trying to find him but I can't maybe he went home?" I walked up while the people surrounding Shigeo began shivering, is this guy his older brother?

"Oi Shigeo quit ignoring.." I walked up closer and closer when I finally saw what happened.










The people nearby shivered and looked at me.

I looked at them locking eyes with them.

"Oi.. what happened here..? Did you guys do this?" I looked at them with killing intent.

"N - no! We didn't do anything! It was the guy with scars on his head and fought with this kid! He also kidnapped another o - one. AHHH! Please don't kill me!" A kid screamed.


"Take care of him, and if you try something stupid." I locked eyes with all of them, and let out my killing intent.

"I'll annihilate you."

I vanished there and went to every single part of the world searching for my brother.

1 day later

I appeared inside a room, with my black mist and hair floating.

"Is this it..? The place where my little brother is..?"

I searched all over this base and found him and 5 other kids inside the cell.

Ritsu saw me and began crying "Loid-niisan!" I knocked out the bodyguards in front of the cell and hugged my little brother.

"You must have been scared.. its alright I'm here now." I calmed down a bit and felt a bit more relieved.

"I'll take you guys to our home now okay? I just have to finish some stuff here, business."

Ritsu saw my face and shivered, he nodded and told his friends to go with him.

They all nodded and vanished from the cell to Ritsu's house.


How did we get from there to here so fast?!

"Teleportation, my brother has the power to teleport where ever he pleases."


They were all speechless but felt grateful that Ritsu had such an awesome big brother.

Back with Loid.

I teleported out of the base and focused on the base.


Black mist flowed out of my hand and coated the entire base, the people inside felt an ominous feeling and the seventh leader felt something wrong, when he focused his energies to see what was wrong it was already too late to put up a barrier.

They were all dead.


A gigantic explosion was heard throughout the entire world, the people inside couldn't survive not even breathe out a last word.

"You messed with my family, you get what you deserve."

And this Claw..? What is it a company? No matter what it is, I'll destroy it.

Loid's rage still hasn't gone down even though he destroyed the base.

He vanished from his spot and started searching all over the world for this Claw members, their bases, squads, troops, everything he will destroy every single thing.

Popping up from America, Brazil, Europe, and more countries.

Every where he popped up there was a base and he immediatley destroyed it, after destroying the base eventually the boss or the leader of Claw heard of it.

"Find this man that is destroying my bases, I can't have anyone destroying 20 years of my hardwork."

He looked at a man that had a suit with a red shirt, coupled with blue jeans.

It was Shimazaki, one of the Ultimate 5.

"Alright, alright."

5 hours later..

"Boss.. I can't catch him.. nor can I beat him.. his too strong!" Shimazaki said while spitting out blood.

"It's a miracle I even got out of there!"

Toichiro Suzuki the leader of Claw clicked his tongue and eyed down Shimazaki.

'Shit!' Shimazaki saw the boss's face and quickly vanished into his safe house, he almost died once again!

"Tsk, useless." Toichiro said while eyeing down the man in front of him.

"I guess i have to take care of you myself." Toichiro said and used 10% of his power to knock Loid back.

"Shut up, and die." Loid said while coating his whole body with black mist.

"Devour." Loid sent out a black mist and swallowed the energies radiating out of his body.

Knowledge flowed into Loid's mind and new energies he could use.


Loid held out his hand and sent out his energies at Toichiro.


He absorbed my energy! This man, is an enemy!

Toichiro quickly used 100% of his power.


He breathed out and charged toward Loid.

"Stop and sit down, your effort is futile."

Loid said while continuously sending out his energy until it hit Toichiro.

"A - AHHHHHHHH! KUAA!" Toichiro was suffering as Loid's energy kept filling him up.

What Loid was doing right now was transferring all of his energies into Toichiro to make him, explode.

"N - No! Anymore and I'll die!" Toichiro screamed and tried to stop Loid but it was futile."

"K - KEUUUK!" He overflowed like a balloon and exploded.

The leader of Claw died.

A video camera was showing what happened to each and every Claw member, everyone's phones except people who aren't affiliated with Claw is playing a video of Claw's leader dying, there was a man in front of Toichiro with a blue mist on his body and face covering it.

"D - dad.. i cant believe there is someone stronger than him.." A foreigner like kid looked at the screen and cried, even though his dad was a piece of shit Toichiro was still his dad.

Back with Loid.

I can finally relax after killing the Leader, now time to go back to the beach and look at the beautiful view.

What about Shigeo? Mah, he'll be fine.