
The propose

In this book, I and you dear reader will surf the ocean of truth which has always been under your nose but you never saw it. For me, it has always been like this. But for you, it depends, some will turn crazy, some won't turn crazy but they will go in the wrong path like doubting their existence, some will realize a small part of the meanings and some will realize a big part. Maybe you noticed that I didn't mention someone that will realize everything, that's because this is nearly impossible, even if the ones who will understand a big part won't surpass the half. But if it happened that someone will understand everything, he won't need to read this page. But the certain thing is that you'll what you have never been able to see.

Anyway, the next line is for those who doesn't have enough skill to realize or didn't begin reading this book to enlarge their knowledge: this book will be in the form of a puzzle, everything is meaningful and with many connected meanings, you'll often need to see what's behind words, you'll never see what's important in the first try and sometimes what you'll be laughing at will be the main clue.

If you read that line twice, I want you to know that you're in the right path, you won't understand now but it's a good thing. If you didn't, go and read it again because this book was built on a mountain of dead bodies, I'm risking my life and yours as well trying my best to show you what you're missing. That line is more important than you think so be careful from now on.

This page is the only page that is not a part of the puzzle and the most important thing is to put that line in your mind. Other than that, enjoy suffering.