
Never being so embarrassed in my life

All my personal life is like a nightmare . When it happens I just think that somebody will come and just wake me up but I never get the luck to find that person next to me ,even today I'm still waiting for my luck .Maybe someday I'll find that person and I hope that my lucky charm will whisper in my ears and say"MRS PADLOCK PLEASE WAKE UP DON'T FALL FOR THE ILLUTIONS THAT ARE BEING CREATED IN YOUR MIND ;Wake up, just wake up because it not what it seems to be"

if you are in need for help don't hesitate to ask for it .If you feel that you trouble don't make decisions in such hurry because everything we do has consequences as they say"YOU CAN'T ACCEPT TO SEE THE BLOOMING RED ROSE WHEN YOU HAVE PLANTED THE WHITE FLOWER, IN OTHER WORDS YOU WE GET WHT WE ASK FOR IN LIFE." No one is expected to do what makes them uneasy. Most people makes unimmatured decisions but we can't blame them because it all about our feelings and stress. It depends on our point of views towards somethings that we can't even explain on our own words and mouth.We need peopl who will stand for our peopl .

Zarh_Ngidicreators' thoughts