
Living As Trash Villain.

Liam, a 26-year-old guy, gets transmitted into a novel he read before his operation. And the body he possesses is going to die soon. How he will change the story to stay alive.

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30 Chs

Chater-24 East Dungeon.

The sounds of swords clanging and the voices of the heroes encouraging each other while fighting with monsters. Along with them, I was charging my dagger and axe to slaughtering each of the monsters. Salmond was wielding his swords, cutting the monsters into a two-piece, and protecting the injured men.

The monsters are in a form of a wolf but their strong sharp fangs and claws can pierce through one's body and red eyes can lock their target. Its speed and attack are stronger than the other monsters. It was a never-ending battle for us. They keep coming in a pack and we keep slaughtering them without any rest. 

Not long ago, when I was returning to camp with the children. The monsters had already launched attacks toward others. I couldn't take those children with me, at first I hid them in a safer place applying the forest perfume. Since they are wolves' monsters, their smelling sense is stronger than anything. They can smell the scent of human beings at any kind of location, either they are running or hiding. So applying the forest perfume gives the smell of the dusky forest and hid the original smell of the person. I happen to obtain this perfume before coming here. 

While we were still fighting with them, suddenly a hoarse roar can be heard from the inner of the forest. The wolves suddenly pause their attacks and started running away while howling. It was a relief they had withdrawn but still, there was danger moving around us. Most of the men were injured and others seem to be exhausted after the eight hours of the battle.   

"Hurry up boys, we are moving from here" Salmond shouted. 

Everyone starts moving, some were supporting injured ones and some were carrying the injured ones' materials. After walking meters away from the village, we found a cave. It wasn't deep and it seems to be safe for the treatment. Soon, the treatment was complete, and while everyone was taking a rest, the ground starts vibrating. The person who was guarding at the entrance came running in.

"Sir Salmond quickly look over that things" His voice sounded panic. 

Salmond and I quickly run outside of the cave and the appearance of an unknown monster was discovered. The Orge, who was not seen or mentioned until now has appeared. Judging them, they were ten feet tall and has green color skin. The ugly appearance with the sharp fangs and nails. They were not looking like normal Orges, they wearing armor and long sharp blades were on their hands. 

"Quickly get ready" I shouted toward everyone. The orges were approaching toward us and they were marching faster and faster. We still have two or three men left to recovery and had fewer men to fight with the huge orges. At first, we changed our location, leaving the injured ones in the cave and others getting ready for the battle. The Orges seem to follow wherever we go. And the next battle began. 

Even though the orges were only two but it's was getting out of hand. Their skin was thick and their armor is blocking the attacks. Though the orges weren't wearing full armor, there was barely exposed of any skin. 

Salmond uses one of his special attacks called the 'God Hand'. This attack was passed in the Salmond family from generation to generation and it said, this was gifted by one of the gods to his ancestors. To achieve its full power one have to train harshly and Salmond was halfway to gain full power.

Salmond was attacking one orge and I was launching my attack toward the other. The orge strength was equal to ten people. They were trained orges. They can detect the attack coming from a different way and blocking them. They also returned the attacks with powerful energy and strength. 

While I was fighting with orges I found their weakness. The orges fight separately and whenever they are close, they seem to glare at each other with murderous vibes.

"Salmond, tell everyone not to let the orges fight separately. The more they are closed, the more it will be easy to handle them"

Salmond didn't ask anything and he reacts quickly. By this, it shows Salmond is trusting me fully. Not only today, he never asked me anything about the things I do. And the other heroes started bringing two orges closer and closer. Finally two orges were standing side by side surrounded by us. The orges soon start to push each other.

"Attack" Salmond screamed and everyone attacked the orges at once with their every strength and this was time for me to try my ability. I haven't tested or tried my new gain abilities even once.

I click on the Poison ability and start spreading the poison on my axe and dagger with the help of magic. And I charged toward the open area of the orges. I stab on one side of their eye with my dagger and made huge cuts on the legs with my axe. Still, it was not enough. I repeated the same attack toward the open areas of the Orges until the poison start showing its effects. The orges slowly start bending on the ground but still, they were able to injure more than ten heroes and killed eight heroes of Wolf Solider. 

While the poison start showing its effects, I quickly switch my ability to the Flame user and signal everyone to withdraw. With the huge amount of fire transfer into my axe and dragged. I brutally start cutting down the two orges. they were screaming in pain and trying to stand up but they failed. They were infected with poison along with the strong flame and soon they burned down into ash and expired. 

Everyone was cheering up with happiness but soon they start mourning. Their brothers had lost their lives in the battle. They made the grave for those dead ones and prayed for their soul. Ten of the men were heavily injured and Salmond told them to return to the city for treatment. I thought it would be good to send the children to the city with them. 

"Salmond. Can you do me a favor?"

Salmond looked over me and nod his head "tell me".

"I found two children in the wood. Can you send those children with your men to the city and treat their wounds also. And take care of them until we return".

"Children!" His mouth was opened and his eyes widened. Well, of course, he will be in shock after all the living beings were found in this deserted place. 

"I found them while I was in the wood"

"But how they are only survival?"

"I also don't know. They seem to be traumatized by the incident in the village. First, send them to the city and we can ask them later"

Salmond touches his head slowly and he agreed. I went back to pick the children and return. Everyone was stunned like Salmond after seeing the children. After all, they searched the whole village but they were unable to find anyone. So, how those kids were still alive. Everyone had the same question.

Before sending them, I asked the younger one how they were able to survive. He responds in a trembling voice "our mother hide us inside the empty well and told us to cover with the mud".

That's made clear everything for everyone. Everyone pitted them and they praise the children's mother. At last, they depart. 

Now we are only fourteen or fifteen left. Before going to the east side, Salmond asked everyone to train in the wood. And it took more than three weeks for us to clean the whole place from the monsters. Everyone was getting stronger and increasing their strength. Also, there was a beep beep sound coming from my chip. Soon, the light blue screen floated in the air. 

[Registered Number- 0000236]

Level 2 star S3.

Strength - A+ improved by 99%

Magic.    - B improved by 2%

Power.    - B improved by 3%

Body Rebuild - 26%

Flame User.   - E(9%)

Poison User.  - E (31%)

 Hmm with the strength and magic my ability has also improved. Wait, if I keep using the ability, it also keeps improving. That's a nice thing. I should keep finding the opportunity to use my ability I thought. I smiled looking at the screen.

After the end of three-week hunts of the monsters, we finally marched toward our main destiny. Toward the east.

After traveling for a week we finally reached east. There was no village or any houses. The east was filled with the vast green forest with beautiful scenery.  And the tents of other clans and soldiers and merchants were built. It seems many people wanting to hunt the monster inside the dungeon. Among them, the male lead was also there. Hmm, to be Male lead here means there is something valuable is inside the dungeon. And He was here with the inner guards from the Royal Palace. Seth wasn't the only person attending with the people of big shots. Inside every tent seems to have more than three-star level and four-star level warriors. And the four-star level warrior doesn't even think it's important to hide their aura or care about it.