
Living As A Double Identity In A Gaming World

In the year 202X, a virtual game came into existence, sweeping all the records and crashing the server. It became history to sweep all the records in the world of creation. The developer of Virtual Survival Instinct, Alexander, and his whole team thought it was the breakthrough of their life and everything ahead was sunshine and rainbows. Until a strange incident started happening to people who were logging in to the game. People started getting lost in the virtual world, unable to come out. It was unusual, not typical of the system. After a series of investigations, it came to light that a bug had been planted in the game which was causing people to get stuck in there. To stop people from getting lost inside the virtual reality and to save the child Alex created with his own hands, he decided to enter in. " Congratulations, the host has entered the virtual instinct ". Ding! " New mission: The host is required to clear the bugs ". A person as new as Alexander in a world full of dangers and monsters, he lost his life in vain while saving the people from Sunray cave. He met Mike, a person who was scary yet kind by heart but got no time to spend time with him, and he died. But that wasn't the end, the second time he entered the game, he met Sharon and Charlie. Will he be able to sweep all the bugs and save his child? (Attention: The cover image isn't mine, it belongs to its rightful owner )

BlossomingDaisy · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Successful entry

Once again, his inside sight became blurry and dark.

His eyelids were shut tightly, unable to open them due to the immense pain he was going through in his head at the moment.

But voices were ringing in his head from time to time.

" The host is entering into the Virtual Survival Instinct....".

( Main task: Survive the firing section and stay alive for the next 24 hours )

( Background: The Open sky is underground, filled with many caves, and monsters are everywhere, firing and shooting will start in the next five minutes once you enter the world. You are expected to stay alive for the next 24 hours.....)

( Advantage: Staying inside the caves will be the greatest advantage right now. While helping the other users in escape will gain you extra points. Make sure to help those in need )

His eyes were shut, but he could still hear the meticulous voice.

While entering the game, his exit wasn't confirmed, instead...he was supposed to first see the world himself.

Once entered, the user was not supposed to back off until he plays or dies. it was the new feature added by the higher-ups as they wanted to increase the time the user spends in the game.

After a minute or so...he was able to open his eyes, once he opened them....his eyes grew bigger.

His room was nowhere to be found in front of his view. All he could see was vast land with a green grass platter on the land and trees at large distances.

He rubbed his eyes, the feeling was too real...he could smell the fresh air, mud, and grass in the air.

" Is this how one feels after entering the game? ", Alex asked himself as it was too misleading to him. Was it supposed to be this real?

He and his team were the first ones to launch this function inside the game. Their ultimate time at that time was to make a game that could give people a hundred percent real feel of the virtual world and it was hyped in many ways to attract players all over the country and world...so once the game was launched, they would not have to worry about the advertisement. And their effort did work out. After the game was launched, they never needed to promote it in any way.

However, with the smell of fresh muddy air, he was able to smell something else. It was undoubtedly....the smell of rotten blood and flesh maybe.

His eyes grew more and more shocked as he tilted his head on the back...and once he saw the scene, he undoubtedly slid backward in fear.

In front of him, lay three dead bodies of both human and an animal...

Both had an unimaginable end. There were two human bodies....their stomachs were cut open as their internal organs were thrown out and their heads were tilted....the eyes opened wide as if the dead were staring at him to eat him alive. It was breathtaking in a worse way. Captivating his soul to throw it away from his body.

His breathing became faster and faster when he saw how much blood was splattered around. It was unimaginable.

He attempted to cover his nose as the stench was too strong, it was making him feel a nuisance. How come the stench became so strong suddenly when he could only smell the fresh air a moment ago?

Yes, it was the effect of the virtual world game. Everything you see inside would look like a real thing but in fact...nothing of that sort was there. It was just the illusion of one's mind, or maybe a trick to scare oneself.

" Calm down...calm down, it's not reality...it's just a game ".

Alex calmed himself at last but the feeling was too real and was still enough to make him shiver in fear.

Then suddenly, the familiar voice started to ring in his mind again as if warning and confirming his existence in the world.

" User ID confirmation....searching....".

Alex had played many virtual games before but this one was the only one that was giving him mixed feelings. He was sometimes scared and sometimes relieved....unable to understand what was in for him the next second he moved.

While the system started searching and confirming his existence in this virtual reality game...

" ID confirm Alexander, a university student...23 years ".

" The mission has been sent to the user's system...please check ".

Alex took a long breath and pressed the Next option as a big window appeared in front of him.

Before going through the missions he was assigned, he decided to see what his level was and where he was...

The first page appears before his eyes. It was the information regarding him. He couldn't believe that he was the creator of this game.

( Name: Alexander )

[ Creature: Human ]

[ Title: None Glitch, non ]

[ Stamina: 100% ]

[ HP: 100% ]

Alex pressed the Next option and then the second option appeared in front of his eyes. The second page was showing which abilities he had.

[ Strength : 0 ]

[ Constitution: None ]

[ Spirit : 0 ]

[ Agility : 0 ]

[ Institution: None ]

[ Ability: Can see other user's information ]

He had just entered the game and had no strength or constitution, everything was equal to non and zero in his case. But one ingredient made his eyes light up in glimmer. And that was...

He was specially given the ability to see through other users' abilities and other specialties which were mentioned in his case.

Alex didn't enter the game as the player but he was using the malting character which was only created for the developer once they want to test the game and see what can be done and what can be changed. So he had the advantage.

He viewed two pages from the character and then...the third one appeared in front of him even though he wasn't asked for and this page was showing all his attributes regarding what he had on him at a moment as a player.

[ Weapon: None ]

[ Skills: None ]

[ Inventory: none ]

[ Rating: Newbie, useless ]

He just arrived, a newbie with no skills and useless without anything.

The system gave him the time to read through the information as the open sky ground was to fall into chaos soon.

Alec was here because he wanted to find the glitch and solve it within the next twenty-four hours but he was unaware of what was to come his way....it was the first time he was testing his own virtual game which was wreaking havoc in the real world.

His mission was on a whole different level than others and hers was to complete it.

Shortly after, the countdown started as the time given by the system finished and the warning was issued.

" Dear host, the war will start in five minutes. Hurry and prepare yourself ".

Alex's heart beat again for a second.

He was startled...

" Ok! let's do this ".

He took a deep breath and came close to the dead body. There were three bodies, one was human and the other two were werewolves.

He gulped down the saliva and extended his hand toward the human dead body. Even though the body was not real, he could still feel the realization. He, as a developer was proud but as a player...he was shivering, his hands were vibrating as he tried to see if the body still had any life left despite the injuries it had a body...

As expected, there was no life left....his heart stopped beating for a moment as he stumbled down.

" Ohh God! it's too cruel ".

From the scene, it was clear that the human player tried to fight the wolves but he was instead attacked as how the wolves shredded his body and cut out all the organs from his body.

And the wolves, were dead because someone fired gunshots at them.

He tried to turn the body upside as he was looking for something.

Even if it was just the simulation playing with his brain and the person who died in front of him was fake. There was no way he wouldn't have anything on his body and that's exactly what Alex thought.

He closed his eyes because it was tormenting to him to see all the blood and the cut Unreachable...he searched the body but unfortunately, found nothing.

" What? there's nothing on his body ".

He started to search carefully again and this time, on the back waist of the body, he found a sharp thing attached to the pants torso.

A satisfactory smile appeared on his face as he got the thing out of the body.

And then look at the object he just obtained.

What he had in his hand was none other than Dagger. It was small... its length was only as big as from his finger to the wrist.

He looked at the Dagger with hope in his eyes...but the system started giving warnings to him again.

" Dear host, find a place to hide....the monsters and players would appear in no time ".

It was the voice of a female, ringing in his mind, giving him information.

So at some point, Alec was baffled if it was alright to have this system with everyone. Because the actions of his system were too strange to decide.

Alex stopped thinking about it as it was not the right time. He was upset to not find any backpack on the dead body but was still satisfied with what he found.

" Let's move ".

He was about to leave the crime scene when he heard a weird rumbling voice from a short distance. When he moved his eyes to see...

His eyes widened in shock...