
Live 6 (2/2)

" " - Talking

' ' - Thoughts

[ ] - Skill/Images/Stat Increase

∆ - Typed Chat

(" ") - Mind Speak

★★★★ - Holographic Screen

Please let me know if you see any errors or comments on your thoughts.

You could also give me some stones!

Also, I would like to apologize. I couldn't do two today as promised because of work and the heat. Oh my gosh, the world is currently on fire, or at least that's what it feels like to me.


:Main Universe:

After assuring everyone that he was fine, Emil continued on his way to the city park. It was supposed to be a simple stroll, but now...


He seemed to have acquired a tag-along.

The dog wouldn't stop following him. On multiple occasions, he tried to shoo it away, but it was determined to stick by his side whether he wanted it or not.

Seeing this, people would call him a heartless monster, but he knew himself. If he stayed with this dog any longer, he was going to want to take it home.

His apartment complex didn't allow pets, and he was in no condition to find a new residence, not at this moment anyways.

The money on his card is enough to find a new place, but what if he doesn't make enough to keep the home? He was, after all, unemployed.

("You could run and lose it if you wanted to.") Mona said, sounding a bit annoyed.

'I could...but.' Emil stopped his advance to take another look at the dog.

It was obviously still a puppy with its small head and ears. The little thing barely even reached above his ankle, and its walking still seemed a bit awkward. Its fur was dirty and matted, but one could see a hint of its blue and white hair underneath.

Emil had never heard of a dog with such color, and its bright green eyes were also unusual.


Seeing that he was finally paying attention to it, the dog barked happily and wagged its tail before running in a few circles.

It was trying to appeal to the human.

Emil tried to force back his growing smile, but he was obviously failing in front of it.

"...Ugh! Fine, you win. I'll take you home." He knew there would be problems, but he couldn't see himself not taking it. He was thoroughly smitten.

"Bark!!" The dog barked again as if relishing in its accomplishment.


'I am not! Do you have something against dogs?'


'That took some time to answer...are you sure?'

("I am! Now shut up and just take the stupid dog with you.")

'I will! And he's not stupid!'

("You haven't even checked its gender!")

'I don't need to! Obviously, this guy is a distinguished gentleman. Just look at him!'



:Main Universe:

What started as a walk to the city park turned into a trip to the veterinary clinic instead.

The people there were extremely nice when they heard he was going to adopt the dog, but unfortunately not nice enough to give him a discount.

It was expensive.

After everything was said and done, Emil could barely recognize the little guy. With the dirt cleaned and matted hair gone, what was left was a puppy with a beautiful fur coat.

It was a bluish-grey with an almost pure white underbelly, making it seem quite majestic, like a king in the making. One could only imagine how it would look after he grew up.

He asked the staff if they had ever seen a dog like him, but nothing would come to mind. It would have been nice to know, but it wasn't going to make him change his decision.

Once the check-up was done, Emil took the dog to the pet store to get a collar and a few supplies that he sneakily placed in his storage ring.

After paying, of course.

"Well, what do you think, Lambert?" Emil said as he gently placed a red collar around the dog's neck.

"Bark!" The newly cleaned dog barked with satisfaction before rubbing his head against his new master's hand. He seemed to be happy with the name.

("Why the name Lambert?")

'Well, he kind of reminds me of a dog in a movie I watched several years ago. Hence Lambert. I think it sounds cool, perfect for the distinguished gentleman." He smiled, pulling the dog into his arms.

"Don't you think the name is cool, Lambert?"


"Exactly, she doesn't know anything." He chuckled as he stroked his head lovingly.

("I know that you're getting on my nerves.")

"Well, now you understand how I feel," Emil replied, mentally pumping his fist. It was a small victory but a victory nonetheless.

With his first triumph on his mind, he then decided it was time to make his way home. It was still early afternoon, but he felt he had already accomplished enough.

A half-hour later, Emil arrived at his apartment with his new friend in hand. He, of course, had to sneak Lambert in, but it was easy as he was still small enough to hide in the hoodie Emil was fortunate to bring.

"Well, Welcome to your temporary home Lambert. I wouldn't get used to it as I will have to figure out where to move soon." Emil said, placing the dog on the floor.

Almost immediately, Lambert started to run around the place, sniffing everything as if it was an ordinary hound. After several minutes of exploring, it dashed right back to his master's side and barked happily.

"For the next few days, you'll have to be quiet, Lambert. You think you can do that for me?" He asked, bending down to stroke the puppy's head.

"Bark..." Lambert barked quietly and nodded its head as if to affirm his master's words.

Perhaps there was something more to this dog than one would think.

Emil flashed a grin, "Good boy!"

Now that he was home, Emil decided to try to decipher the martial arts manual again. Something told him that he was going to get it this time, or perhaps it was just his happiness talking to him.

There was no denying that he was depressed; although he's gotten good at hiding it, it still lingered and preyed upon his mind like a bad memory.

However, now everything was changing.

He was changing.

It was like a gear had just finally started to shift, pushing him to a new level.

"Hah..." Emil exhaled slowly as he pulled the manual out of his storage ring.

"Here we go..." He opened the first page, scanning the faded sentences he had seen a hundred times. Honestly, they looked like ancient hieroglyphics typically found in Egypt.

Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy to decipher it. The only simimulatries was the fact that they looked weird.

("Perhaps you're looking at it the wrong way. Don't try to look with your eyes.")

"Don't look with my eyes?" Emil frowned. The idea was sound, as he's seen countless stories that use this concept. However, applying it to himself was a different story.

"But...it doesn't hurt to try..." He muttered while closing his eyes. Once they were tightly shut, he started circulating his qi, feeling the familiar energy rush through his veins.

Soon his breathing started to slow, almost to a crawl, only taking in air when it was essential.

[Spirit (Qi) 38→ 40]

Unbeknownst to Emil, the characters in the manual started to shake as if they were alive. The letters would then give off a faint light, no brighter than an ordinary candle, but then the light began to grow, becoming more brilliant than even the sun itself.

It was as if it was demanding to be seen and stand out above the crowd.

But it didn't stop there.


The weather started to change. Thunderous clouds rolled in seemingly out of nowhere. The local weather forecasters were losing their minds at the abnormal phenomenon.

They couldn't make sense of it, and yet it was happening right in front of their eyes.

Was the world ending?

Or was it a sign of something more to come?




No one knew where or how it started, but they swore they could hear a humming noise—a low but loud noise, almost like a man that naturally sang baritone.

People around the world believed they were going crazy or there was something seriously wrong with their heads.

But then...


It all disappeared like it never existed.

News outlets around the world were already posting about the strange disturbance. But just like a singular boy's happiness, it too shall fade away with time.

[Skill Learned - Unnamed Fist]

[Strength 13 → 17]

"Is that it...? A skill to punch things harder?" Emil was devastated, but who knew that the skill would be the beginning?

The beginning of the emergence...

Of the Heavenly Star Emperor.


:Main Universe:

"And I have returned. How are my loyal subjects? I hope you are ready to be amazed by what I have been working on. There's no need to worry about what I will be doing anymore, as I will post my streaming schedule every Sunday."

The day was young, and the eyes of hundreds of people were on a male vtuber with an enormous amount of animations for something that was 2-D.

It was, of course, Jun Wuxian, the Star Emperor, aka Emil Valentine, but only a select few knew that last part.

After being disappointed by the skill he learned, he decided it was now time to focus on his career as a vtuber. His growing fans were clamoring for him, so he gave them what they wanted.

More content!

"As you can see on the screen, I have quite a few things lined up for this week, but today I'll just converse with you all to get to know you better." Emil smilingly said as he controlled his model to flash a gentle smile.

"I have enabled super chats, and I'll answer any ques—"

∆Enchantress has donated $100

What realm do you live in?

∆Enchantress has donated $200

Can you tell me more about you?

∆Enchantress has donated $500

What do you think of women with blonde hair and green eyes?

∆Enchantress has donated $1000

Can you tell me your location?

∆Enchantress has been blocked by LunaSea(Mod)


Enchantress2 has donated $1200

∆Can you not get in my way?