

God firstly I thank you because this man is not violent.

He gets up from the bed and his looking at me, waiting for me to start explaining myself. I don't even know where to start or what to say, I can see how angry he is and I'm a little scared.

"Is this the reason you don't want to have sex with me because you've been fucking another man?" He shouts in a loud voice. At this point I've just told myself to start crying the rest will flow as it should.

I swear down I'm scared, trembling and ashamed at the same time. "Baby it's not what you are thinking I swear, I love you baby and of course I still want to have sex with you I'm not not feeling well" i said. "Shut up, just shut the fuck up, I can't believe you've been cheating on me,why did you do this to me huh?? what did I ever do wrong?" he says in a low sad tone. At this point tears are flowing like a river ,I feel so much guilt right now.

He storms out of my bedroom and out of the house he goes. I ran after him and he just couldn't hear anything I was explaining.

As am walking back to my house, I tried calling his phone but he wasn't picking up and he later turned it off.

I send him long messages explaining what happened and how everything went down but I'm sure it sounds fake and unbelievable.



Still no news from Richard, so i don't know if I'm single or not.

As I'm thinking to myself what to do next or if i should try to reach out to him again, my phone pings, it's him.

"I can't do this anymore, I've been beating myself up about what happened and yes maybe you didn't fuck him but who knows if you'll be in such a situation again, and you went out and lied to me, I'm sorry but I'm done with us."

I tried pleading but it seemed his mind was made up.

Some days later, I receive a call from a strange number. I picked up and guess who it was........

It's the Devil's advocate Jon, it's a Saturday and as I hesitate he tells me he will be where he dropped me off the last time in 30mins then he cuts the call.

I don't know what to do now, should i go or should I stay? I mean I'm single after all, so i start dressing up and everything.

I walk out of the house then boom! Richard is at the gate, he starts talking about how he can't leave without me,he was just hurt and his Ego was bruised too. As at now I'm not sure if i should tell him to go because Jon is on his way but I love Richard his the love of my life and he can fuck real good too.

As I'm still thinking, a voice calls my name from a car that just parked opposite my gate. Richard gives me a nasty look, so i tell him who he is and his about to flip and walk to the car. *I've always wanted two men to fight over me so i might as well let him go* The rational me pulls him aside and explain what Jon is doing here and I ask him to give me just five minutes to send him away, he agrees and I walk to Jon's car.

I tell Jon what's going and he says he likes me and he will fight me. *This is not how I planned this out in my head*

Richard is walking towards the car and Jon steps out too. He asks Jon to stop calling and leave me but Jon asks what I want instead.

I grab Richards hand and I walk away.... .. ... .....