
Little Song Bird Is Pregnant [BL]

Heavenly rain, once upon hundred years the human realm was gifted with a great shower of spiritual energy. All heavenly creatures and cultivators drench in it to increase their cultivation. Qu Wren, a hundred-year-old Oyster, was finally allowed to the surface with the other young oysters. With his shell wide open, he was waiting for the heavenly water to drip in. “Eh, why is it so coppery.... is my drop of heavenly rain so special?!” Qu wren happily swam back in. Two months later, holding his bloated stomach, he rushed to a healer clam. “You are pregnant with a little pearl,” the clam shouted in glee. “B—but... I was only drenched in heavenly rain,” Qu wren stuttered. “Oh, the heavens have blessed us. This is a holy blessing of one of the heavenly beasts. Such an auspicious event,” the clam happily jumped around spreading news of his pregnancy. “Then who is the father of my pearl?” And so the little oyster left his ocean in search for his baby daddy. P.s I dont own the cover art

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
200 Chs

Chapter 43 - Stolen At Night

Evening time came sooner than expected and the little human boy started to yawn. Wren helped him to his bed and tucked him in.

A sharp gaze followed every move of his.

Wren glanced back with a soft smile. "I'm just helping him, no need to be jealous little one,"

Feng Mian just scoffed and jumped into bed. He bit his sleeves and pulled him away. 'If I let him get too close he really might end up marrying this kid....'

His red eyes focused on the bed.

The little boy was actually pretty. His eyes were innocent looking; his face was small. His every feature was cute. 'This kid is going to grow up to be a beauty.... what if this stupid oyster falls for him?'

His accusing eyes fell on Wren once again.

Innocent Wren just coxed him with pets and kisses. "It's okay. I won't get married to a kid. That is not right in any way. I am hundred while he is just ten..." he said, gently kissing the birdie's red beak.

Feng Mian just stood still in his arms. 'You better keep your word. Or I might castrate you...'

Qu Wren gently placed the baby bird onto the moss bed. He laid down and held the nest close to him. "Is it warm?"

Feng Mian nuzzled against his open palm and sighed. "Chirp~" he contently chirped.

Sun slowly descended into the horizon and soon the whole room was filled with darkness. There was only a small candle in this house to light it up.

Wren blew that as well to conserve the wax.

He laid down, hugging the nest tight to him. His tired eyelids closed on its own.

Feng Mian secretly opened his eyes and peeked at him. 'Asleep so soon. I guess he was just too tired.'

He once again leaned on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. 'Sucks to be me.. I have to steal heat from a guy who has inexpertly stolen my blood sprit essence.' He thought with a sad sigh.

Suddenly a small twisted idea arose in his mind.

'If copulation can help share essence then....' he sat up and his red eyes peered at him intently in the darkness.

This guy was very handsome, to be fair. His skin was smooth as a baby's bottom. His eyes were a pretty shade of pink, his hair was soft and smooth....

Except now there was some weird black paste applied all over his head.

'This guy is a beauty himself.... if I don't do anything my spirit essence might get stolen my others...'

He jumped down from his nest and sat in a meditative position. With his small pink bird body, it turned out to be a challenge. He struggled a lot whilst cultivating.

The blood jade root he ate previously was still stored in his system. He slowly absorbed the spirit energy inside and revolved around his body. The bird body might have other disadvantaged but for cultivation it was the most convenient.

Since his body was small, the energy was able to revolve around it quicker. Cleaning his already cleansed veins and meridians.

He opened his eyes and exhaled a small amount of black smoke.

'Nice.. if this continued I can breakthrough to foundation realm faster.' He stood up on his chicken legs and spread his wings out.

'Now change.' He instructed his body.

Slowly, each part absorbed some of the spiritual energy and started to shift.

His nose red nose turned into plump lips. Wings changed into his hands, and soon his entire body morphed into a bigger form.

In his half changed body, he sat on the ground. He watched as his talons got absorbed into his fingers and change into pink translucent nails.

'Human body really looks frail.'

Feng Mian stood up and stretched his muscles. "It feels good to stand up straight... goodness I don't have to eat grubs in this form."

He shuffled through Wren's bag and took out the dried octopus packet. He helped himself with a few tentacles.

It tasted much better compared to the rehydrated ones. "I wish I had a few crabs or shrimps to eat..." he mumbled to himself.

His eyes suddenly focused on the black mess of hair that was spread out on the sheets. "I do have an oyster to eat~"

He slowly crawled closer and pulled the sheets down. 'So defence less... what can I do with you...' he gently touched his cheeks.

"Don't do that..." a small voice whispered from behind him.

Startled, he glanced back to see the human child awake and glaring at him.

"Why not?" Feng Mian raised a brow at him. "He has what is mine, and he owes me a shit ton. Before he pays me off no one can have him got that." he threateningly glared at him.

The human child's unwavering eyes descended onto his hand that was touching Wren. "don't touch him without permission.."

"Hump as if I will listen to a human." Feng Mian leaned down and pulled his head onto his naked lap. He swiftly pecked his luscious lips. "Oops, I kissed him, what can you do, huh?"