
Chapter 20 - The Mysterious Bond

Gulia Island,

The phoenix, Feng Mian just rolled around in bed. His heart wound had already healed, but his servant was not letting him cultivate. "Why can't I at least mediate for a while?"

Mu Zeng, the young peacock shifter, glared at him. "You just lost your complete cultivation and yet you want to cultivate! Young master stops being so reckless. I don't want to change to another master so soon in my life. I'm too young to be passed on to another master."

Feng Mian scoffed. "You are older than time and yet you claim you are young. Such a sly mouth," he grumbled and rolled around in the silk sheet.

He tried to cultivate but he could not feel a tinge of energy from the surroundings. Sighing, he held his head. "That darn bastard who stole my cultivation!! I'm gonna but him and roast him alive."

The servant glanced at him with his brows raised. "I firmly believe that you just lost your heart blood. No one stole it from you."

"But I can feel it Mu Zeng. I can feel that bastard every time he cultivates. It's like a bond of some kind. And frustrating me so much!" he sat up and scratched though his long brown hair. "Like how is that even possible. This guy just steals my life blood and my entire cultivation and there is a bond between us. What kind of sorcery is this?"

"I'm not sure either, young master. As for now, I can only ask of you to rest. A few thousand years and you would have restored your cultivation back to its original." Mu Zeng said as a matter of fact.

The young phoenix shot up. "Never!! I don't have that much time. That darn Hou Ro can attack anytime. I have to defend my lands." He glanced out the window. The serene forest slightly swayed in the wind. "How can I protect all these creatures if I don't have my cultivation?"

"I can fight in your place, master,"

"No! He is too powerful. He might even freeze to death," he grumbled and plopped back in bed. "If only I can cultivate in the spirit hoard we found recently." he expectantly looked at his servant.

"Sorry, young master, I'm not telling you the location however much you ask. If you try to cultivate now, it would definitely cause adverse reactions. It's suggested that you rest."

"Agh!! He tossed the pillow at him and rolled around in bed, throwing the sheets around. "I hate being idle. I hate it!"

"Stop being a kid and eat your breakfast young master," Mu Zeng smiled and walked out.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Feng Mian sat up. "You think you can stop me. I am unstoppable." He silently slid over to the tapestry that hung behind his bed and pulled it to the side to revel a small door. This was one of his small escape passageways that has a connection to all the rooms In this castle.

He slowly slid onside and scurried over to Mu Zeng's room. The servant was nowhere to be seen, so he snuck inside to check through his scrolls. "He must have it somewhere around here." he shuffled through the drawer but he was not able to find what he wanted.

Sighing, he checked each of the numerous shelves in the room. In a small corner, he noticed a small scroll sticking out. He opened it up to see a small map and the detailed image of the spirit stone hoard. "got it!" he cheerfully laughed and ran back to his room.

The location on the map was not that far from here. It was a small village named Yuti, closer to the shore lines. It occasionally goes through a serious drought. Even a single drop of water can't stay on land. It automatically gets absorbed by the spirit hoard. So people moved out peacefully except for a small family.

With a wide smile on his face, he closed the scroll carefully. "My spirit stone hoard I'm coming for you," he chuckled and started packing in secret.

Through the secret tunnels he left hi castle to the rural village. As per the map, it was a day's trip away from his current residence.

He moved to a huge clearing and slowly stretched his muscles. "Piece of cake. I can just fly there," he smirked. "change!" he shouted with his eyes closed.

Wind gushed over his face. He happily opened his eyes, but the sight disappointed him. "Eh, why am I still in my human form? Maybe I did it wrong." He closed his eye tight again and shouted, "change!"


Nothing happened this time as well. Unspeakable rage rushed through him. "That fucking bastard!! He stole my cultivation as well as my skill to change!!! I'm gonna roast that guy alive!!! Roast him ah!!!!!"

A small distance away, Qu Wren, who was floating calmly above the surface, sneezed loudly. "Am I getting my fever again?"

Big shout out to edgar, inez, jhanie, for all the votes and comments.

Lullabybaocreators' thoughts