
Chapter 15 - Hatching a Plan

That night, Qu Wren slowly opened his eyes. He could feel someone else in his room. 'Is it that darn Diago or Ren? Maybe it might be mother as well.' he peaked out of his sheets. All he saw was long white hair that cascaded below the chair. 'Ah, it's Hachin!' he sat up immediately.

"Hachin! Hachin, wake up!" he slowly whispered and patted his head.

The little oyster murmured something and slept peacefully in his chair, with His head was dangling in an awkward angle. 'I bet that would hurt.' he cupped his face and held it in place and slowly massaged his neck.

"Hachin!" he whispered close to his ear.

The little oyster moaned and whimpered a little.

"Did he just moan? Wow, did not expect he would." Wren silently enjoyed this teasing. The little white oyster, Hachin, had always been prima and pristine, never showing his expression of joy or sadness. Seeing him moan a little Wren's naughty heart wanted to do more.

"Hachin, if you don't wake up I will tickle you." he slowly slid his hands over to his arms pits.

Hachin turned his head and moaned louder.

"Wow, you are so sensitive when you sleep." Wren finally slid his hands under his arms pits. Right then, Hachin clamped tightly on his hand.

"Wren, what the hell are you doing?" a stern voice whispered in his ear.

Qu Wren guiltily glanced up. "Just wanted to tickle you. I thought you would cry or laugh, but guess what you moaned. I can't believe you moaned when I just touched your armpits." he laughed in glee.

"Qu. Wren!" Hachin said, gritting his teeth. "Go back to your bed."

Wren pouted and rolled over. "boo hoo, boring,"

Hachin sighed. "Aren't you supposed to be sad?" He snapped back. But only after saying that did he remembered he was not supposed to mention this to him. He clamped his mouth shut and peered at Wren's reaction. Much to his surprise, Wren did not act any different.

Wren scoffed a little. "Why should I be sad? I am going to keep my baby no matter what." He said nonchalantly.

"Wren." Hachin crawled into the bed and held his face. "Are you being serious?"

"I am dead serious. I am not aborting my child at any cause."

Hachin bit his lips anxiously. "Do you even understand what you are talking about? Didn't you see the report? If you keep the child, it could claim your life. You might die!"

"So what," Wren shrugged. He sat up and pushed Hachin away from his face. "Look, I don't care about all that. All I know is that my child and I will survive."

"And how do you know that," Hachin angrily griped his shirt.

"I—I can't explain it. It's my gut feeling, okay." Wren pulled Hachin closer and peered into his eyes. "You know about my gut instincts, right? It is never wrong. You know that,"

Indeed, Hachin knew about that. When they were just ten summers old, they went about playing in the reef once. Suddenly Wren said that he was feeling good at that place and suggested they move somewhere else.

Hachin blindly followed after him. But later on he got the news from his parents that the shark clan had infiltrated their security and four people got gravely hurt.

This was not the sole incident.

Just a few years earlier, when he had developed feelings for Wren, he tried to put his distance with him. But all of a sudden one day Wren came knocking at his door and hugged him. He hugged him tight and cried. He cried so much that Wren got a fever after that.

He had not realised it, but later on that night he got the news of his parents passing.

From them on, Hachin always trusted Wren's gut instinct.

"But still this is too risky." Hachin hugged him tight. "I can't bear to lose you too, Wren. I can't. Trust your instant, but I can't trust my heart. If anything happens to you I might just break," he sobbed silently.

Wren patted his back softly. "Hey hey, why are you crying now? I told you right, my gut is never wrong. As for this chid I feel nothing wrong coming my way so stop It." he vigorously wiped his tears away until Hachin's cheeks became bright red.

"Look at you, just a touch and you are pink," Wren playfully pinched his cheeks.

Hachin swatted his hand away. 'Silly Wren, how can you not realise I am red because of you... silly silly guy,' he took this chance to lean closer and placed his head on his shoulder. "How do you plan to make your family believe in your gut feeling?"

"I'm pretty sure they won't believe me at all." Wren rolled his eyes. Suddenly, an idea sparked in his mind. "butttttt, I can make them believe if I had proof." He pulled Hachin closer and kissed his cheeks. "You are a genius Hachin!"

Hachin turned right red, holding his tingling cheeks. "I am?"

"Yes, you are!! If I can find Ren's lieutenant and ask how he prolonged his wife's life. Maybe I can use the same technique to prolong mine to! Genius!!"

"How would you know if it would work?" Hachin sat up, watching his friend fussing inside his wardrobe.

Wren put his head out while wearing a white shirt. "Wouldn't hurt to try, right?"

"You are reckless as always." Hachin sighed. He walked closer and helped his friend tie up the stings on the side of the shirt.

Wren winked at him. "I am who I am. Can't change that, can we?"

Chuckling, Hachin helped him dress up.

They both opened the door to find a stern faced Diago standing like a statue outside.

"Where do you think you are going, young brother?" his deep eyes peered into his. "You were not planning on going out to meet Ren's lieutenant, were you?"

Wren's eyes went wide. He glanced at Hachin. 'Our plan has been revealed. Retreat!!!'

Hachin nodded. "Brother Qu, I was just leaving. Wren wanted to send me off."

"Oh, but let me send you off, Hachin. It's not safe for two young oysters out there," Diago glared at Wren ad gestured to him to go in.

Wren pouted and flipped a bird at him. Then he noticed Hachin looking his way. 'Hachin, go see that guy and report to me,' he mouthed slowly to him.

Hachin nodded and smirked at him. "Take care Wren,"

"You too," sending Hachin off, Wren happily strode into his room and closed the door with a bang.

Big shout out to habigail, Jhanie, Kimwoosung, Tauruslove, bromance, Roomno4, for all the votes and comments <3

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