
Little Extraordinary Things

Little things that make life mundane to others yet extraordinary for you; Little things that can either calm one down or cause one to overthink too much; Little things that were often viewed as trivial; Yet, those little things can become special when they hold you together.

iboni007 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


After electing our president and vice president for our first subject, our professor told us to group ourselves into three. Hansel and Leigh are my group members and we are the first group to be formed because, well... Leigh's our president and she's the one our professor assigned to list all the groups. As we we're just waiting for our classmates to look for their groupmates, one of our classmates suddenly messaged me.

Kate: hiii

: Hellooo~!!!

Kate: do you already have a group?

: I'm sorry

: I already belong to a group

: Hansel and Leigh are my groupmates

Kate: oh, is that so

Kate: okayy

: Okieee

And just like that, our conversation ended. Well, she looks nice and it seems that we have the same vibes... but I'm still shy. No, I don't think it was shyness though. The awkwardness, I guess? I don't know, but it feels like I've become a newbie in socializing once again.

Anyways, as the three of us were waiting for our other classmates to find their groupmates, Hansel, Leigh and I shared chika in our group chat until our professor finally dismissed the class.

It was 1 hour and 40 minutes before our second class started so I decided to do some household chores first and then take a shower after. But not like any other human being, instead of putting clothes on immediately after shower... I, a self-proclaimed certified procrastinator, decided to entertain myself first. Oh, you cannot blame me if I feel comfortable rolling in my bed after a shower because it is one of the best feelings that I have felt in my entire life!

Leigh: @Ibon where are you?

Hansel: @Ibon sir is already here at the online meet

Messaged Hansel and Leigh in our group chat mentioning me. Oh, goddamn! Wait a damn minute! I need to put on my clothes ASAP!

Hansel: Our professor wants us to open our cameras during the attendance



I replied then I quickly grabbed my clothes and put them on while panicking because our professor was getting nearer in calling my name. And thank the universe for my luck because I'm already finished putting on my clothes when...

"Ibon..." called our professor to me. He called me by my full name but I don't want to include that here so... bear with me, please. "Present", I replied to our professor, but then I forgot to open the camera of my phone so... "Could you open your camera", said our professor. I opened my camera and showed my messy wet hair. Yeah... messy... wet... hair... you've read it right... unfortunately... "Okay", said our professor so I quickly closed the camera of my phone because I have no laptop or computer to attend online classes properly.

Leigh: Looking fresh

: Of course~

After I replied that, I finally got the chance to comb my hair to be able to look like a decent person at least.

May you find your sanctuary and your people. May you never feel those destructive feelings ever again. My only wish for you is for you to be happy and to live your life with less worry. And may you never forget that someone will always love you for who you are.

iboni007creators' thoughts