
Liquid X

Damien is a soldier who was chosen to be a test subject for an unknown drug. This drug was supposed to be their new military weapon. It is called Liquid X.

NoneOfTheAbovel · Peperangan
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 2 Damien

Damien groan as he felt his head. He felt like he had just been hit by a truck. His body felt heavy and uncomfortable.

He opened his eyes to see white. Everything was white but his clothes. He was in his training gear still. Brown pants, black boots and brown tunic.

He looked for anything in the room. How did he get here? Then he remembered the deal he made with the General. Where was Kacy? Where was he? He looked at his arm where the needle was ejected.

There was an awful bruise there. His veins around the bruise seemed to be a weird color. It looked to be silver.

Confused he decided to try and talk, "Hello?"

There was no immediate answer. After a while he was responded by a voice that he knew was no where close but sounded as if it was right next to him.

"Oh? Your up? Good."

It started to give him directions he could barely follow.

"Stand up. Then close your eyes. Walk towards where you feel like you are being pulled to."

What did that mean? Damien didn't know but he followed his orders. He stood up and close his eyes, the white turning to black.

Suddenly he felt a slight urge to his right. He never felt an urge like this before. He could feel that something was there, waiting for him. He walked towards the urge and stopped when it was right before him.

"Open your eyes."

He opened his eyes. In front of him was a sword. He looked around the room. Now there was pillars with different things on top of them.

There was a pile of dirt, a cup of water, a light torch, a rock, a stick from a tree, and a box he couldn't tell what it contained.

"You are a Liquid M. This means that the Liquid X, the drug injected into you, gave you powers to control metal. You may now leave."

Suddenly a door appeared in front of him. Slowly he walked around the pillar that the sword is on. He walked cautiously to the door. He peered into the hallway on the outside of the door.

He check for any signs of danger and after finding none he followed the red arrows painted on the walls to the right of his door.

As he walked another door had suddenly opened a little in front of him and to his right. As he walked closer he could hear the same voice from his own room.

"-you may leave."

Kacy stepped out into the hallway, surprising Damien. Kacy smiled at the sight of Damien.

"You're ok! I was so worried!" He squealed as he ran towards Damien and wrapped him in a hug.

Kacy filled back and starred happily back at him. Damien study Kacy's face, he could tell something was off, but he couldn't place it.

"Why are your eyes silver now?" Kacy asked, tilting his head curiously. That's what was different. Kacy's eyes were now red.

"I don't really know..." I responded. "Could it be an effect of Liquid X? Your eyes are red now."

"Strange..." Kacy responded. "Do I still look good?"

"You always do," Damien chuckled.

Kacy smiled up at him. He spun around on his heels, stuck his arms out as if he was trying to keep his balance, and marched forward.

"Let's go!" He shouted back. He was totally hyper. Damien couldn't understand why. Was he just really happy with the benefits? Damien couldn't figure it out, but he liked seeing Kacy so happy, even in these sorta dire situations.