
Lion Sin Of Pride

I am an anomaly and need to be killed? Who decided that? Hulk is the strongest there is? Who decided that? Mjolnir is the strongest weapon there is? WHO DECIDED THAT? I AM ESCANOR, PRIDE IS MY COMPANION AND NOBODY BUT ME DECIDES ON MY FATE!

Mys_Terio · Komik
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2 Chs


Nick Fury looked at the name of the bar and couldn't help but snort a little. It depicted a well drawn male lion's head with the name 'Pride's Pub' written on it. He couldn't help himself, for the name was a little too on the nose. Anyone who knew the owner of the pub would feel the same.

He sighed deeply, preparing himself for the meeting ahead. Ignoring the closed sign on the door, he opened the door and just happened to bump into a 2.67m tall blonde, blue eyed, muscled giant. He felt a little intimidated by the height and even more so by the blue eyes that seemed to stare deep into his soul.

"Nick Fury," the giant said, his deep voice rumbling smoothly that it seemed his voice was the work of a voice actor's magic.

"Escanor," Nick Fury greeted back, his single eye not leaving the set of blue eyes on him.

"Here for a drink? Afraid it's too late for that, I'm closing," Escanor boomed, his apathetic eyes never leaving Fury's eye. This was a test, Nick Fury knew, a test of dominance. He knew the man in front of him could break him to two in an instant, but he also couldn't afford to be on the losing side so quickly. If he did so, his negotiations would start on a lower foot and he would fail to gain the maximum reward he needed.

"I hoped you would open for a friend," Fury stated, trying to thaw Escanor out.

"Acquittance, maybe, but friends we are not," Escanor continued icily. "You came for a purpose, the only reason I am not kicking you out yet is because you helped me out."

Fury remembered the first time they met. A meteor streaked across the dark sky of North Carolina and smashed into a mountain range, almost flattening it out. The tremors could be felt all across the world and SHIELD was the first ones to respond to it. Fury was there as they watched this man in front of him laying in the crater, totally unharmed, smoking, his clothes in rags and in his right hand was a beautifully made golden giant axe.

It took three agents to lift the man into a van and eight cranes to finally lift the axe onto a truck that groaned, sputtered and rattled all the way to their base. When the man woke up, disoriented, Fury saw how a punch from him just reduced two men into blood mists! The man was dangerously powerful but he could be reasoned with, Fury thanked God for that. That was one of the few moments he was actually ever religious. It just seemed like a miracle that the being was cooperative. So, Fury and Escanor came with a deal. Fury would provide him with an identity, a new life while Escanor would owe him a favor.

"I've come to cash in that favor," Fury said, stiffly. Escanor frowned a little at this.

"Are you sure this is how you want to do it? My favors are rare and very precious," Escanor said, projecting his unwilling to performing this favor while also being helpless. Fury knew his MO, while cold and very much unwelcoming, he operated with a code of conduct that made him loyal to his word. That's why he was here to play the long game while cashing in the favor. Escanor, seeing his stubbornness, he sighed regretfully before stepping aside.

"I'll bring some whiskey before we talk," he said.

Fury nodded and walked past him to a table at the far end of the bar. When seated, he looked at the giant of a man that was working nimbly behind the counter.

He was amazed by how well he blended in with the society here, while he looked just out of this world. Any one with his physique would be considered alien for no one would have those kind of muscles and a ten pack at the same time, it was unnatural. But, the one thing that even he would agree made the man more handsome was the blonde colored mustache he had going on. Almost made him grow one the first time he saw it. All in all, Escanor blended well and SHIELD was glad. He quickly composed himself as Escanor came with their drinks. He set the full glass in front of him while just downing his in an instant and sitting down.

"I've found no liquor could affect me a few months after gaining this place, probably the saddest day of my life. But, you humans love it so I gained a habit," Escanor said, putting the empty glass down.

"I am glad you are doing well here. Less work for me and my associates," Fury started with small talk.

"Humans find it interesting such a tall bartender serving them. It helps I am considered handsome and I find company of many human woman quite relaxing," Escanor said, a little fond smile on his lips. Fury couldn't help but shudder at remembering the monster between this man's legs. He hoped those women were okay. To take his mind off things, he turned his eyes on the axe on top of the counter, looking like it was just for decoration. But he knew, this was an axe that was more dangerous than any weapon SHIELD had.

He recalled the first time Escanor used it. He had held out his hand, confusing everyone before they saw a bright golden light streaking across the sky and in an instant, the axe came to his outstretched arm. When he swung the axe, Fury felt fear for the first time in a while. Fear of just how absurdly powerful this being was. He used his physical strength to permanently make a six football stadium wide hole, one mile deep, in the Sahara desert, and that wasn't his best!

"Are you sure it's safe for Rhitta to be hang there?" Fury asked a simple question, but one filled with so many other questions when one interpreted it right. Escanor looked at his beloved axe then scoffed.

"I haven't killed anyone who wanted to steal it. Besides, so very few can lift her and I am connected to her. Nobody can take her away," he said, strongly. Fury nodded then took a gulp of his whiskey. He didn't grimace at the taste, not willing to show weakness, then reached into his inner pocket of his trenchcoat and removed a binder which he slid over to Escanor. The man rose an eyebrow before picking the binder and opening it.

"Curious," Escanor exclaimed when the first thing he saw was a picture of a blue glowing cube.

"We call it the tesseract, an item with unlimited power," Fury said, taking a note of every expression on Escanor's face. But was disappointed at the relaxed way he looked. "SHIELD was experimenting on how to harness its unlimited energy on many projects but earlier last night, someone stole it and sank the SHIELD facility that houses it." Escanor closed the binder and looked at Fury.

"You suspect it was me?" he asked with a frown.

"No, the man that did that was a few feet shorter, paler, less blonde and more goth. He called himself Loki, carried a staff that would immediately enthrall anyone once tapped on the chest. Took my best agent and scientist right off the bat, the mother fucker," Fury stated, the last sentence was a little more personal.

"Now, this Loki person is out there with the leading expert of the tesseract, one of the best marksman and fighter in the world with no morals and I do not want to know what he wants to do with the tesseract."

"So," Escanor jumped in, "you want me to find him and bring you the tesseract? Such a simple task, are you sure you want to waste your favor like that?"

"No. That would be a waste of your time. What I want from you is your confirmation," Fury said, a little smug.

"Confirmation? On what?" Escanor asked, still as relaxed.

"I am putting together a team, a team of individuals capable of doing more than humanly possible. Protectors of our world from any outside force that may try to harm us. It's called the Avenger's Program and this is your official invite," Fury said, producing another folder and sliding it to Escanor. The giant still had his relaxed look as he picked up the folder and started going through it.

"Quite ambitious," he said when he finished it. "To imagine yourself the defacto leader of this group of superhumans just because you put it together. But, that's not my problem, is it?"

"I can draw up clauses just for you but, I need your confirmation first," Fury said, trying not to show the excitement bubbling in him. Escanor looked at the Avengers binder, fell silent for a few seconds before his blue eyes hardened in resolute.

"Just for you, Fury, consider this the end of your favor," Escanor said before his giant hand reached out to Fury's for a handshake. The spy master clutches the giant hand with no hesitation.