

A world that defies his beliefs. A world where magic exists.    This was the world that welcomed Rigma after he died from an unknown group of people. 'This feels like earth, yet obviously not. But there is nothing to be afraid of, because I have agimat!'

Hanerismo · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Second mystery

"Where am I?"

"Am I dead?"

I remembered my final moments, and thought that I was now in my way to the place where I would face my judgement.

Right, I was still not able to introduce myself. But what was the point when I was already dead right?

But something was wrong here. I felt like I could open my eyes.

I was confused, but I still unhesitatingly tried to do it.

"Kid, get up and start working!"


Stunned from what I heard, I quickly turned to the source of the voice.

A guard in uniform met my eyes. He was using a key to open a jail cell.


Jail cell?

What was I doing here?


As I had that question in mind, an extreme pain suddenly came from my head, it felt like my brain was being pierced by a thousand needles.

I held my head as I endured the pain, almost losing my consciousness in the process.

Fortunately, it didn't last long, and as soon as it ended, a series of information appeared in my mind.

I was indeed in a prison.

And this was no longer the world that I knew.

When I died, for some unknown reason, my soul was transferred to the body of this young man, that was now held in prison.

"Stop acting and start working! Look, I know that those bastards hit you many times yesterday, but it shouldn't be bad enough for you to be crippled."

The guard noticed my weird movements and thought that I was making an act to avoid working today.

I was not surprised to hear the guard using a foreign language, since in this world, the language used by people was english, not tagalog, which commonly used in my country in my previous life.

But what made me raised my brow was about those prisoners who hurt the original owner of this body.

The name of the young man was Rigma, same name that I used in my previous life.

The original Rigma was only fourteen years old, an orphan and was living in harsh environments.

It was only three months since he was sent here in Savage Island as a prisoner.

The Savage Island was the place for the commoners who did crimes against nobles in the Northeast Kingdoms.

Rigma was one of those people. The reason he was sent here was because he was accused for killing a noble in Zanif Kingdom.

When Rigma got to know this news, in his rage, he went to find the perpetrator and attempted to kill him, however, before he could do so, he was captured by the city guards and was sent to jail.

In the past, murdering or harming a noble would result to death. However, due to the sudden appearances of the islands that came from nowhere, the surrounding kingdoms decided to use the criminals to explore these dangerous island to gather information.

Rather than risking their own people, they preferred using the criminals whose deaths were insignificant.

In the past three months, Rigma was abused, not only by the guards but also by the other criminals.

Since he was the youngest one here, the criminals belittled him, always beating him up when they were given a chance. Like what happened last night where he was beaten up for not giving the thing that they wanted.

It reached to the point where one of them used a poisonous knife, causing Rigma to suffer and die even after being able to get back in his cell.

I faintly checked my wound, it was also in the same place where I was stabbed in my previous life.

It was covered in bandages, obviously, Rigma was still able to put a first aid treatment in his body, unfortunately, it was too late when he realized that he was poisoned.

'It seems that this is our fate, Rigma.'

'You have my respect.'

With the memories of Rigma, I was completely aware of how brave and courageous he was, before and after being sent here in Savage Island.

Although he had a tragic end, his decisiveness for killing a noble and his bravery against the criminals were not something you could see to a fourteen year old kid.

The world had been unfair to the child. While the youngsters around his age were enjoying their lives, he was sent here to suffer and die.

'For those people that hurt you, let me greet them in your stead.'

Since I was not able to get my revenge against those people who killed me in my previous life, I would not let those people who caused the suffering of Rigma, live peacefully in their lives.

"Hahaha kid, can you make it out alive this time?"

"Make sure not to wet your pants when facing a monster!"

"Kid, start praying now to all the gods you know before its too late!"

"Don't let a monster eat you alive! Hahaha!"

As I was being sent out of the prison, I attracted the attention of other prisoners from the cells that I was passing by.

Some of them even spit on me, and since I was unable to do anything about it, I could only gave the person a cold look.

When I was out, as usual, there was already a hanami waiting for me. There were guards standing beside him and a hint of reverence and fear could be seen in their eyes.

This world was extremely different from my previous world, and the thing that made this world exceptional was the existence of Han.

Han was a magical and mystical energy. However, only few talented people could feel its existence, and they were called Hanamis.

Hanamis could use this energy to release a magic or spell. The type of magic would depend to the person's technique and affinity.

Things that you thought were impossible were possible in the hand of hanamis. They could create tornado or destroy a mountain just by using han.

This frightening ability caused the ordinary people to fear them, it didn't matter if they were commoner or a noble, when facing a hanami, they must show respect.

The hanami in front of me was covered in long and loose black robe that covered his face.

"Done. Don't do stupid things, I have my tracking spell on you."

The hanami suddenly spoke hoarsely, and I was unable to identify his age from his voice.

But that was quick, I didn't even noticed that a spell was already being casted on me.

Maybe because I was only an ordinary man, I checked my body and found no changes, but I didn't doubt the words of the person in front of me.

'Hanami... If I wanted to live my life to the fullest, I have to be a Hanami!'

Being a hanami not only provides you a special status, but it would also give you power to control your fate and break the shackle of being a slave.

And most importantly, it was the only possible way for me to find my way back to my previous world and look for those people who killed me.