
Limitless Class Lever

The story of the lowest,a man rising into a legend.In the world of magic and mystical creatures,many mysteries and adventures are imminent.enjoy!

Rashid_Kabir · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 7 : Now I Will Level

The Waldis drew closer,just a few steps before it squashed the little girl and ripped her soul into itself.It was as if Sebastian didn't think before acting,he sprinted toward the little girl at the top of his speed.He was far from the girl but the Waldis was closer,waldis being naturally slow made the situation more like a race.Aria stood there and watched him take rush to save the little girl's life,She questioned herself.

"What is he doing?He'll die.."

The Waldis was finally above the girl,it raised its long arm aiming for the girl,amidst the moment, Sebastian swooped in and grabbed the girl, rolling out of the creature's range.He quicky took her to small corner near by.

"Stay here,ok? you'll be safe."

Before he could figure what to do next,he was swatted right into a wall like an insect.The monster proceeded to its new target, Sebastian who scrambled back on to his feet.

[ system ]

//Damage. -4HP

//Health. 3/10 HP


"I feel extremely weaker after that hit"

Starring at the digits.

"I think I'm finally understanding what this screen is all about and if what it's telling me is true.Then one more hit..."

Rushing from the east,the claws of the Waldis, Sebastian was stunned by how sudden the attack came up but he still managed to crouch escaping the creature's swing.Aria wanted to rush in to lend a hand but had second thoughts on the situation.Normally,it's against Guild rules to attempt battling ranks above E without an Enforcer present.Seeing Sebastian constantly evade from place to place barely landing on his feet most of the time,she had to at least do something.Swinging her wrist impulsively as she cried out.

"Earth Magic..Bolder Lane"

The ground cracked,huge rocks rose above the Waldis and rained, inflicting damage to it.Sebastian took the opportunity and took the girl and rushed to Aria.

"Thanks for the hand."He handed the girl to Aria.Aria being startled suggested they leave while they still had the chance.Unfortunately,she regretted suggesting that after witnessing Sebastian's courageous smirk and words.

"Don't worry about me..I won't die."

That alone changed the perception she always had towards him.Although she could still sense the weak energy he had but in her heart Sebastian looked the strongest she ever set her eyes on at that moment .Sebastian charged forward seizing a crowbar from the ground into his hand.Fortunately,backup just arrived.Aria watched as two enforcers rushed passed her.

"The Enforcers are here"

Out of relief,her voice lowered to the level of a whisper.They stood at that distance then hurled simultaneous magic spells moving with sparks on it's trail.The spells zipped passed Sebastian hitting the Waldis onto it's back.One of the Enforcers yelled.

"Hey kid!Aim for the gem on it's head"

Neglecting the risk, Sebastian held firm to the crowbar prepared to deal damage.The Waldis made effort to get up, sadly it was restricted, Sebastian stomped on it's neck and shoved the crowbar straight through it's head shattering the Gem into pieces.

[ System ]

//Waldis Defeated

Reward granted.....(Open to obtain)


Sebastian's panting was loud,normal for a person on his kind level.He could barely keep standing.The body of the Waldis vanished disintegrating into particles hardly visible to the human eye.It wasn't long,the Enforcers and Aria came running towards him.Aria uttered with concern, holding the little girls hand.

"Sebastian,are you alright?"

Sebastian smiled and showed a thumbs up.


Sebastian didn't expect the gratitude of the little girl,she hugged him tightly with tears running down her eyes.

"Thank you...Mr..Thank you for saving my life"

Sebastian pat her head consolingly.

"It's alright.you're safe."

The Enforcers were impressed,they also expressed their portion of gratitude.

"You did well,kid.We'll take it from here"

The other lifting the little girl into his hands.They offered farewell then left.Aria helped Sebastian and they returned to the guild.That night Sebastian stayed at the guild.He couldn't sleep,he kept thinking of what had happened the past few days,from killing a rank E goblin to killing a rank D Waldis,unbelievable achievements even his father couldn't perform.Luckily his mind crossed something,he remembered of the reward he read about in the screen earlier.He sat up comfortably and muttered.

"Now how do you summon a floating transparent screen that only you can see."

Suddenly the screen appeared.

[ system ]

//System screen appears by user's mental or verbal command.



[ system ]

//Reward (opened)

# Regeneration lv1 1HP per hour

#Title : Plunderer - Seizes useful ability of anyone user defeats.

#Skill : Overdrive lv1 - Multiplies user's stats by 2

#Item obtained : 2 health potions,short silver blade

****Saved to inventory****

#Aura unlock+stat upgrade

Health: 15/15 HP. Endurance +5

Strength: 22

Speed: 24

Stamina: 19

Magic: 14

"That's a lot of cool stuff for a reward."

Kael walked into Sebastian's room uninvited and from the way he spoke,as if he was standing behind the door for sometime now.

"You like talking to yourself at night?"

Sebastian narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want here?"

"Well..I just came to see how much you've healed up after the event.you know,I did go a little bit too far."

"It's alright"

Kael stood by the entrance,still holding the door.

"I'm Kael"

Sebastian hesitated before voicing out.


Then Kael proceeded to leave and close the door.

"Then I won't waste much of your time,Good night, Sebastian."

Kael left, Sebastian continued to go through the system to learn more about it.He took out the short silver knife from his inventory inspecting it from edge to edge before returning it.When he thought he had seen everything a new pop up appeared.

[ system ]

//System Quests. Acquired

Quests will begin from tomorrow


End of chapter.I am a student so I may take long in releasing.please try to understand and if you feel like making any suggestions or feel like saying anything please leave it in the comments.have a great day.Bye :)