

Rare genius who manipulates mana with imagination. Creating limitless magic at will, incantation-less. Grew up with only his father away from the city. One day he starts using magic just by imagining. His father realised his potential and decided for him to have proper learning. His life story grows from the academy. Not all looks sweet and nice, hardship always comes. There will be a broken heart, grieving to be expected. Still there is always a dim light in all darkness. ========= Characters name and places based on Turkish, Roman and Greek Mythology. Storyline is fiction and historical names are just a reference. Cover credit to Oreiio. Thanks for your support and please enjoy the novel.

EichAr · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Academy

Two or three days have passed since the occurrence in the market. The day has come for Kaan to get accepted to Mímameiðr Academy of Battle Mage. Promptly toward the beginning of the day Kaan had spruced up preparing for his first day. With his white robe prepared, brushing his hair flawlessly, Kaan presently advances toward the institute.

Joyfully strolling toward his institute, guided by Emir, Kaan's father the other day, Kaan effectively reviews his direction. From a long way off Kaan can see the glorious form of Mímameiðr Academy. Wide and gigantic palace made the foundation look respectable, encompassed by high engraved dividers explicitly made for protection. At long last Kaan showed up at the fundamental entryway. Brilliant door cut with old style plan. Finished with Mímameiðr Academy sign and emblem as the cherry of the cake.

The door is exclusively open inviting new recruits. The affirmation day resembles a merriment occasion for the institute and the city. It's the day of recognizing new youth abilities and developing their gifts. Kaan can scarcely envision there's such a lot of young recruits around his age at the foundation.

Every one of the new recruits is directed by their seniors to the primary lobby for the affirmation service. Erroneously, Kaan heard somebody calling out to him. By the second Kaan turns his head, Gray Von Dutch is strolling towards him. "You're getting admittance here?", asked Gray joyously. "It appears as though I will be your aide currently", added Gray with a major smile all over.

Kaan recalls the day of the market occurrence where he and Gray trade good tidings with one another. Gray was so thankful with Kaan getting the thief who fled with Gray's present for his mother.

Apparently, Gray is a second year recruit of the institute. That makes Gray a year older than Kaan. The both youthful chaps walk cheerfully to the foundation's primary lobby for the affirmation service. "Since you're the new affirmation recruit, you will be situated in the first column. Anyway fret not as I will be on the second year recruits seat", said Gray to Kaan while his finger pointing towards the second year seatings. Noded with a smile as Kaan got what Gray had told him.

And here the ceremony begins. The instructors started entering the stage. Covered with their ravishing black and yellow robe as an image of an instructor. However, among that line of instructors, there's a familiar image to Kaan.

Emir shocked Kaan by accepting the proposal as a combat instructor. Perceiving how extravagant his father is, Kaan smiled so wide and scarcely concealed his excitement. Lastly here comes the institute director, the main individual in the entire foundation. The most leaven individual in Arīḥā.

"Good morning my young recruits. It's been an honor for me to welcome each and everyone of you to the most glorious academy, Mímameiðr, The Battle Mage Academy. My name is Dārayavahush Miru, Mímameiðr Academy's director", welcoming speech by the director. "I hereby inaugurated all my new recruits as Mímameiðr Academy's students", as Dārayavahush ended his speech.

The whole crowd clapped their hands in high-spirit, cheering with all their might. Fireworks shot in the sky, leaving it with a magical scene.

Every new trainee is aided by their respected seniors to show them around the academy and to go through the academy's rules. Without exception, Kaan is aided by his second year senior, Gray. The two have incredible chemistry and they get along pretty good. Gray exhilarated to accompany Kaan for his academy tour.

"Well that's about all you need to know about our academy", said Gray. "Should you need any assistance or an answer to your question, just let me know my friend", added Gray. "I can't thank you enough for the tour. Should I need anything, you will be the first person I'm gonna call for help", replied Kaan with a smile.

The two part ways as Kaan seeks out for his father's whereabouts. As Kaan recalled all the locations Gray showed him, he thought of the instructor's office. Kaan began to imagine the hallway, the walls, the front door of the instructor's office, in a blink Kaan teleported right in front of the office front door as he portrayed in his mind.

"Woow.. This is convenient", said Kaan to himself. Effortlessly, Kaan had activated his teleportation skill just by picturing the location in his head. Kaan knocks on the door and requests permission to enter. "You may enter", replied a familiar feminine voice on the other side of the door.

Once Kaan entered the room, he was greeted by Ecrin, the academy's dean. "Hi Kaan. What's brought you here? Well let me guess, you're looking for your father, am I right?", greeted Ecrin.

Kaan nodded with a smile. "Is my father around Dean Ecrin?", asked Kaan with his eyes looking around the room. "Let me guide you to his desk", replied Ecrin. As the two walked, they had a small talk. "Kaan, do you happen to know which level you are at currently?", asked Ecrin. "No, I wasn't aware of Dean Ecrin", replied Kaan with a smile. "It appears that tomorrow before class, all the new recruits will have their level magnitude test", added Ecrin. "I can't wait to know which level you are Kaan", Ecrin talked with full excitement.

As they approached Emir's desk, "Here we are at Instructor Emir's desk", said Ecrin. Kaan smiles widely as he sees his father there and straight away greets his father. "I congratulate you father, as the new appointed academy combat instructor".

"If you guys need me, I'll be at my office. And Kaan, do not hesitate to seek my help if you face any difficulties. I am more than happy to help you", said Ecrin while she walks away.

"How's your tour around the academy?" asked Emir to Kaan. "I'm so excited. Plus Gray is so kind to show me around. We get along very well", replied Kaan. "By the way, Kaan, we're moving to our quarters today. All the moving was arranged by the academy earlier. So we are going straight to our new place", added Emir.

Later both of them walk back to their quarters. It only took them a few blocks away from the academy guided with the address provided by the academy administrator, they just couldn't believe their eyes once they arrived at the stated address.

It's a mansion.. A huge mansion. Both of them didn't expect instructor quarters to be this big. There's two butlers and four maids who come with the mansion to assist with daily chores. "Welcome Master Emir and Young Master Kaan!", greet all the attendants to both Kaan and his father.

I'm taking it slow to create the surroundings.

EichArcreators' thoughts