

Rare genius who manipulates mana with imagination. Creating limitless magic at will, incantation-less. Grew up with only his father away from the city. One day he starts using magic just by imagining. His father realised his potential and decided for him to have proper learning. His life story grows from the academy. Not all looks sweet and nice, hardship always comes. There will be a broken heart, grieving to be expected. Still there is always a dim light in all darkness. ========= Characters name and places based on Turkish, Roman and Greek Mythology. Storyline is fiction and historical names are just a reference. Cover credit to Oreiio. Thanks for your support and please enjoy the novel.

EichAr · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 2 - Arīḥā The City

Many years passed. Kaan turned fifteen now and he is in the right age for the academy admission. Emir had taken several steps for Kaan's enrollment into the Battle Mage academy. The journey to the central city took ten days to arrive from where they lived. In the past, since Emir was a hero for the central government, it somewhat simplified the matter of Kaan's registration.

With the help of one of Emir's acquaintances is the dean of the academy. Ecrin, who was once in the Emir's party when he served in the central government some time ago. Nowadays Ecrin is the dean at the Battle Mage school which is revered by the entire country. Ecrin is a Level 7 Battle Mage, the highest Level recorded currently.

Upon the arrival of Emir and Kaan at the central city, they proceeded to the inn nearby to the Battle Mage academy. Even before they had time to rest their bodies from the long trip, they were surprised by a visit from Ecrin.

"My source told me you arrived here earlier. That's why I immediately came to see you Emir", said Ecrin starting the conversation. "Haa .. You must be Kaan. I am Ecrin, your father's friend and also the dean of your academy later", reprimanded Ecrin with a friendly smile. "I welcome you to the central city, Arīḥā", added Ecrin.

"I have a gift for you both", said Ecrin with a big smile until her eyes were closed. In Ecrin hand was a white robe embroidered with gold thread and a silver medal that was semi-circular and elongated like a sword. There is an inscription written by Mímameiðr Academy.

"This is your uniform Kaan, a welcome gift from me", said Ecrin. With a smile that was always on Kaan's face he greeted, "Thank you". Seeing Ecrin giving the uniform as a gift to Kaan, Emir also thanked Ecrin for the gift.

Ecrin then requests Kaan to try on his uniform to make sure the size is right for Kaan. While waiting for Kaan to try on his uniform, Ecrin asks what Emir will do when Kaan starts his studies at the academy later.

"I do not have any need here. After Kaan's admission day, I will return to our hut", said Emir. "Why not just stay here near Kaan?", asked Ecrin. "What can I do here? I am just a former warrior who is no longer needed", replied Emir with a smile.

Ecrin then tells Emir of the second gift was the academy's request to propose Emir as a combat instructor soon after the academy learns of Emir's arrival to the central city. "Accommodation is provided for the staff and the academy also needs your experience and skills to train this young generation to defend the country", said Ecrin to assure Emir.

"Don't waste your skills Emir. No one in this country can match you, the only Level 9 Battle Mage, the country's foremost legendary warrior ", added Ecrin again.

Unbeknownst to Ecrin and Emir, Kaan overheard their conversation. Kaan was shocked and not in his slightest moment thought that his father Emir was the country's foremost warrior.

"Father, you never told me that you were a great warrior," said Kaan. "It's all in the past my son", replied Emir with a smile but in his heart he was sheltered by a very painful sadness. "By the way, Ecrin, you're not supposed to say my ranks out loud. We agreed to keep it between us", Emir calmly expressed his uneasiness.

"Enough so far, let's see Kaan in an academy uniform", said Emir. His son came closer to his father and hugged him tightly with a smile, "No matter what has happened, you're always my father". Although a smile remained etched on Kaan's face, the tears that flowed could not be hidden. Ecrin who saw them also shed tears in the sorrowful atmosphere.

"Let's see Kaan", rebuked Ecrin. "It looks like this uniform is just your size Kaan", added Ecrin again. Before leaving Emir and Kaan, Ecrin reminded Emir that the academy offer will still open for him and awaited Kaan on the day of admission of new students.

After Ecrin disappeared further away from the sight of Emir and Kaan, they also took the opportunity to rest after a long day.

A third of the night passed and suddenly Kaan awoke from his sleep. His father was seen sitting meditating as he did in their hut as usual. Kaan also got up and greeted his father to meditate together and Emir replied with a nod of agreement.

Taking a slow breath, Kaan began his meditation. Closing his eyes slowly, breathing in then slowly breathing out. Kaan began to dive into his subconscious mind. In the midst of his subconscious mind, he saw his three mana circles which rotated so hard that it produced a golden spark.

Kaan maintains control of his breathing. In his vast subconscious mind, Kaan tried to stabilize his mana circle. However one of the circles spin so hard and then produces two more mana circles.

Kaan could feel his mana expanding and then he tried to fuse the mana circle to rotate with each other. With all the struggle and effort, Kaan somehow managed to unlock Level 5 Battle Mage. Emir who meditated on Kaan's side could feel the increase in Kaan mana and smiled as he continued his meditation.

In the morning Kaan was getting ready with a decent attire bought by his father. White shirt with brown trousers makes Kaan look charmingly cute. Kaan then expressed his desire to go for a walk to his father.

Emir reminded Kaan to be careful and return before late evening. Cheerfully Kaan made his way for a walk outside. Curious with what the city offered, Kaan happily explored his way.

Since he was a child, Kaan lived in the forest with his father and this was the first time Kaan was in the central city. Kaan greatly admired the building throughout the central city. Seeing many outlets with busy people coming. Some selling, some buying.

In the bustle, Kaan was tickled by something approaching him. From a distance someone was seen running. In his hand was something very valuable and also a knife on the other hand. His face was covered except for his eyes.

It was then that Kaan could tell this person was doing something bad, a thief he believed. Immediately Kaan pointed his hand towards the thief. The roar of the strong wind came rushing. The wind moved in a spiral direction and produced a small tornado that went straight in the direction of the thief and tossed him. The thief threw the jewelry and Kaan made a lightning fast movement to grab it. At the same time Kaan made a quick movement towards the thief and knocked him out.

Alas Kaan apprehended the thief with his formidable strength. The crowd stunned in awe and started cheering on seeing Kaan manage to catch the thief from running away with the jewelry.

Soon a group of guards came to arrest the thief to be imprisoned. Behind the crowd of guards, appeared a neat, aristocratic-looking young man. "Was the jewelry successfully retrieved?", the young man asked with a moping face.

Kaan immediately shows the jewelry he managed to retrieve with a smile. "Thank you for getting this jewelry back. I bought this for my mother's birthday present then it got snatched by the thief", said the young man.

"Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. I am Gray Von Dutch, the son of Ronan Von Dutch, the Arīḥā Minister of Defense", said the young man introducing himself.

Fast forward for our MC be in the right age for the storyline. Let's watch how he grow.

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