

Rare genius who manipulates mana with imagination. Creating limitless magic at will, incantation-less. Grew up with only his father away from the city. One day he starts using magic just by imagining. His father realised his potential and decided for him to have proper learning. His life story grows from the academy. Not all looks sweet and nice, hardship always comes. There will be a broken heart, grieving to be expected. Still there is always a dim light in all darkness. ========= Characters name and places based on Turkish, Roman and Greek Mythology. Storyline is fiction and historical names are just a reference. Cover credit to Oreiio. Thanks for your support and please enjoy the novel.

EichAr · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Recovery

Kaan is dispatched immediately to the medical bay. The academy is alerted upon the First Year's Rankers incident. Emir was informed of Kaan's condition, which is unconscious.

Cassavetes and Byzantium were not heavily injured due to the quick reaction of the team in taking care of each other. In the meantime Balto and Maaza only suffer from mana depletion.

Gray discovered Kaan had returned back from the dungeon. He looked through Kaan at the medical bay and found his friend oblivious on the bed wrapped with bandages all over Kaan chest. Witnessing what happened to Kaan, Gray burst out in tears.

Few moments later Emir showed up at the ward where he saw Kaan lying on the bed unconscious. Gray is next to Kaan still with tears in his eyes worrying about his unconscious friend.

"You must be Gray. Kaan told me about you", as Emir moved toward Kaan's bed. Gray gazed toward Emir and gestured his head. "I would need to check the status of Kaan condition. Will you assist me by not letting anybody disturb us for some time?", requested Emir to Gray. Consent to help, Gray gestured his head and went to watch the entryway outside.

Emir sat next to Kaan, on the left of the bed. He put his right hand at Kaan's head and his left hand at Kaan's chest, at the heart area. Emir breathed in profoundly then breathed out. He shut his eyes and dive into his subliminal mind then he interfaced himself to Kaan subliminal.

In Kaan subliminal, Emir observed Kaan lying encompassed by his mana circles. Emir approached Kaan and called out to him, "Kaan, wake up son". Kaan heard Emir's voice and turned his head around, "Father, is that you?". "Indeed, it's me", addressed Emir. "What is wrong? Are you alright?", Emir asked with a worried face.

"I failed to protect my team", Kaan replied with a miserable face. "I'm not strong enough", Kaan slammed the floor with his right hand. "I mean Cassavetes and Byzantium got injured. Balto and Maaza spent all their mana to guard. On top of that, if I were stronger, nobody would get injured", Kaan blaming himself for what has occurred.

"That is not true. Because of you, your team makes it out alive. The injury is treatable", Emir comforted Kaan as he clarified that the Rankers are in good health because of Kaan.

"You mean everyone is safe?", with an inquisitive glance at Kaan's face. "In the next few days all is up and running", Emir persuaded Kaan. Then, at that point, Emir finally sees the smile that is always on Kaan's face. "Always keep your spirit up my son", as Emir approaches and embraces Kaan in the subliminal space.

Following Kaan's smile, his mana circles spin like crazy. Emir with a shock on his face makes a movement telling Kaan to sit in his meditation state. "Your mana circle is expanding. Allow me to help you", whispered Emir to Kaan as he sat behind Kaan with the two of his palms at Kaan's back.

In the subliminal space, there is thunder rumbling like a horrible climate is coming. Kaan's mana circle spins wildly crosswise one another. Gust blowing constantly. Emir saw one of Kaan's mana circles begin to flicker.

Emir is currently providing his mana to Kaan to stabilise Kaan's mana flow. Gust is getting more fierce and Kaan's mana circle is flickering rapidly.

Outside of the ward, Gray takes a gander at Emir and Kaan. He saw Emir drenched with sweat situated at the same pose for more than an hour. Gray then heard running footsteps rushing toward the ward. "It's Dean Ecrin", ponders Gray about the situation.

"Do you happen to know where Kaan is?" Ecrin asked Gray as she drew closer with concerned looks, little tears visible toward the end of her eyes.

"Kaan and Instructor Emir are inside this room, however I have gotten a request from Instructor Emir not to permit anybody to come inside the room at the moment. You may have a look at them from here Dean Ecrin", disclosed Gray to Ecrin as he honored the request made by Emir before.

Ecrin can see Emir is seated next to Kaan. As she looked carefully, she understood the reason why Emir mentioned not to be disturbed. "You are Gray Von Dutch I assume, Minister of Defense's son", Ecrin looks at Gray after watching Kaan and Emir. "Indeed, Dean Ecrin. It's an honour to me for you to recognise me", Gray bowed to Ecrin in an aristocratic way.

"How did you and Kaan meet one another?" Ecrin is curious with regards to the connection between the Minister of Defense child and the kid who is still unconscious in his bed. "I was at the market plaza. A thief snatched a present I purchased for my mother and Kaan who caught the thief and retrieved the present", Gray clarified his encounter with Kaan for the very first time.

"What a righteous kid he is", acclaim Ecrin happily. "Much thanks to you Gray for being here. I hope you will always be at Kaan side", Ecrin pat Gray shoulder as she is grateful to him for being there for Kaan.

In the subliminal mind, Emir ceaselessly supports Kaan with his mana, meanwhile Kaan's mana circle goes crazy. The subliminal space went hectic with gust rushing in and thunder rumbling

Kaan is still battling to stabilise out his mana circles on the contrary of his physical issue not completely mended. After holding on for more than an hour, Kaan's physical condition made an impact. The aggravation Kaan confronts is agonizing for a normal person. He even spurted out blood a few times in the subliminal space and in reality.

Looking out the situation is worsen, Emir changes his arrangement to recuperate Kaan then, stabilising Kaan's mana circle. "Kaan, how about we mend your injury first then we redirect the energy to stabilise your mana circles". After hearing Emir's directions, Kaan gestured his head concurring with his dad.

During the recuperating process, Kaan continued to project his thoughts on his recuperation. Rapidly Kaan's injury mended in reality. Thanks to Emir for assisting Kaan to redirect his mana at the injured area to recuperate it. Given the experience Kaan had when he battled the Demon Spider has given Kaan the knowledge to create <i>rapid-recovery</i>. This will definitely increase Kaan battle abilities effectively.

Fifty-four minutes passed. Kaan at last fully recovered from his injury. Kaan can feel his body is improving. He recapture his solidarity. "Now, how about we proceed with expanding your mana circles", said Emir to Kaan as they regularize Kaan's mana flow.

There is time I got stuck. So I do what makes me happy first then the story come to me

EichArcreators' thoughts