

Rare genius who manipulates mana with imagination. Creating limitless magic at will, incantation-less. Grew up with only his father away from the city. One day he starts using magic just by imagining. His father realised his potential and decided for him to have proper learning. His life story grows from the academy. Not all looks sweet and nice, hardship always comes. There will be a broken heart, grieving to be expected. Still there is always a dim light in all darkness. ========= Characters name and places based on Turkish, Roman and Greek Mythology. Storyline is fiction and historical names are just a reference. Cover credit to Oreiio. Thanks for your support and please enjoy the novel.

EichAr · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Rare Genius

Chapter 1 - The Rare Genius

Deep in the forest, entertained by the sound of crickets chirping. Interspersed with the hiss of the wind in the crevices of the leaves add to the peace of the atmosphere.

From a distance, a small child can be seen who is already good at running and playing alone. With a cheerful face, a smile was etched as he played while looking at the adult figure which was only a few cubits away from him. Looks like a mighty body that is practicing martial arts.

The little boy was occasionally seen jumping in puddles of water. At times he was seen patting the puddle of water with that little hand. Seeing his behavior, the adult body had called out, "Kaan, let me show you something".

"Use the energy from your hands by imagining a puddle of water splitting", said Emir, father to Kaan. With one stroke of the hand, Emir showed Kaan how the puddle of water had dried without a drop of water. Emir was once a hero who was always humble. Away from Central City after his wife died of her illness. Kaan, who is a small child, imitated his father's movements while patting the puddle of water in front of him with a cheerful smile.

Emir laughed at the behavior of Kaan who tried to imitate as he demonstrated, then Emir walked towards Kaan and lifted Kaan up and put him on his shoulder. They looked merry as they spun with joy.

"It's getting late, let's go back", said Emir to Kaan. With a smile Kaan nodded his head in agreement to return to their hut in the woods.

The next morning Emir woke up but Kaan was not by his side. Emir got up and called, "Kaan.. Kaan.. Where are you son?". Emir looked outside. Seeing Kaan practicing what he taught him yesterday. "You woke up early to practice", shouted Emir.

Hearing Emir's voice, Kaan, who always has a smile on his face, replied, "Father come here. I want to show you something". With full attention Kaan made a hand blow on the puddle in front of him then roared a strong wind to dry the puddle. Not only that, but Kaan's blow caused the ground to bend inwards. In a state of astonishment at the scene, Emir looked around their hut, full of indentations of the ground from Kaan's training.

Seeing the situation, Emir approached Kaan quickly and asked, "How did you make all these dents?". "I imagine the water all drying up and imagine my blow weighing as a large rock", Kaan replied with a grin.

In a happy mixed daze, Emir held Kaan in his arms, hugged the boy with joy. Kaan has the ability to understand the function of mana as well as manipulate the surroundings with his imagination.

So began Kaan's training with Emir. Few years passed and Kaan showed progress which Emir was very proud of. Just by understanding the concept as well as the reaction, Kaan combines it with his imagination to enhance his power. Every day Kaan practices tirelessly. With the guidance from Emir, Kaan's various potentials were successfully drawn out.

Emir also taught Kaan how to improve mana, the power that flows in the body. Which is an internal energy that is controlled using the mind and heart. "Kaan, let me teach you how to meditate to help your growth and strengthen the power of your mind", said Emir to Kaan.

"Now close your eyes. Dive into your subconscious and imagine a vast, infinite space. Look in front of you there is a circle and make sure it rotates stably. Slowly expand the circle and double the circle then rotate it simultaneously with each other", guided Emir to Kaan.

"Father, I think my circle can be tripled. Ughhh.. I felt a little dizzy but I think I can manage to produce three circles that rotated crosswise with each other", said Kaan.

"It seems that Kaan has managed to activate the three mana circles and even Kaan has managed to combine the three circles crosswise", said Emir to himself with a proud smile engraved on his face.

As early as seven years old, Kaan has mastered three layers of mana circles which makes him a Level Three Battle Mage. Very small yet very talented.

Due to this occasion, Emir decided to train Kaan hunting to improve Kaan reflex as well as the fighting experience for Kaan.

After a tiring day of practice, Emir and Kaan returned to their hut. Enjoyed a very tasty dinner and after cleaning up, they prepared to rest. "Can't wait for tomorrow", said Kaan and immediately went to sleep soundly.

At dawn the next day, Emir went to get Kaan, "Wake up son, let's go hunting now". Kaan immediately got up and washed his face.

Emir led Kaan into a forest inhabited by wild animals. After a while of searching they meet the Blood Bear. Emir signals to move slowly and tries not to make a sound.

Very slowly, Emir whispered to his son. "Kaan, you need to move very fast towards the Blood Bear and straight away make a strong attack on it". Kaan nodded a sign of understanding and prepared to attack the Blood Bear.

Kaan closed his eyes and started to cast unto himself. "Body as light as feathers, fast movements like a lightning bolt. Extraordinary overwhelming strength capable of crushing large rocks", as Kaan finished casting on himself, Emir found Kaan's body glowing and saw the three mana circles floating around Kaan.

In the blink of an eye Kaan moved quickly closer to the Blood Bear. Not having time to do anything, the Blood Bear received a blow to the chest by Kaan. "Hiyah!!", Kaan shouted and "Booom", an explosion was heard.

Due to the force of Kaan's punch, the Blood Bear's chest pierced backwards immediately killing the Blood Bear. "I managed to beat the Blood Bear, father", Kaan shouted in delight to his father.

Impressed by Kaan's strength, Emir said to himself, "Maybe Kaan is a rare genius. It's like only one in a million". Emir thinks Kaan should receive a formal education to further hone his rare talent.

Upon arrival home, Emir expresses his desire to send Kaan to the Battle Mage Academy to receive a better education so as not to waste the talent that Kaan possesses.

Kaan asked, "Why do I need to go to the academy to study? You can teach me like what we did now". "You are nine years old now, furthermore at the academy there is a lot of great equipment that is good for the growth of your power", replied Emir. "In addition, at the academy there are lots of friends around your age who can help you in your training", added Emir.

Thank you for reading my work. I hope you like it. Your support is my motivation. Have a great day, you are awesome.

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