
Limitless: 10 Billion Times Power at the Start

Have you ever wonder: what could be achieved with a multiplier of tens of billions? [Ding!] You obtain various currencies, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your wealth increases 10 billion-fold. [Ding!] You acquire new techniques, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your technique evolves into a more powerful version. [Ding!] You collect various pets, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your pets multiply by 10 billion. [Ding!] You are attacked, but with your defense fully maxed out in your current realm, all attacks at the same level are completely ignored. [Ding!] You practice diligently, and with a ten billion-fold increase, your cultivation instantly reaches the highest level of your current realm. ... As Li Taixing continued his journey of cultivating immortality, he realized that the multiplier of ten billion didn't just apply to objects—it applied to himself and his pets as well. Slowly, he discovered that anything could be multiplied, from as little as one time to as much as ten billion times, all under his control.

Eternaldevourer · perkotaan
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37 Chs

Chapter 29: A Deal with Bandits


Li Taixing saw a villager suddenly running toward him, panic written all over the man's face. He kept glancing back while desperately sprinting forward.

Not far behind, two bandits on horseback emerged from the village. Waving their machetes wildly, they shouted, "Run faster, or you'll die! Hahaha!"

Tang Caidie gasped as she spotted the villager, pointing frantically, "Li Taixing, he's friend! He's in danger!"

Just as the bandit's machete was about to strike the villager, known as Gouzi, Li Taixing teleported in an instant, grabbed him, and pulled him to safety.

Li Taixing set Gouzi aside and focused on the gravel littering the road. Using his Psychokinesis, a small stone floated into the air.

[Ding! Trigger tens of billions of multipliers: items of the same type can be manipulated within a certain range of augmentation.]

In an instant, all the nearby stones of similar size were suspended in midair.

Li Taixing waved his hand, "Go."

The stones shot toward the bandits, hitting them before they had a chance to react.

"Puff puff."


The two bandits fell off their horses, screaming in pain.

Wasting no time, Li Taixing rushed forward, using his Psychokinesis to summon a nearby saber into his hand. He struck down the villain standing in front of him.



The bandit let out a blood-curdling scream as he fell.

"Damn, I forgot to ask Master for a proper sword," Li Taixing muttered as he dispatched the second bandit who had just managed to stand. The man crumpled to the ground with a thud.

Gouzi was trembling with fear, and even Tang Caidie had gone pale, visibly shaken by the violence.

Li Taixing turned to Gouzi and asked, "What happened in the village?"

With tears streaming down his face, Gouzi sobbed, "Brother, save the villagers! The bandits are robbing us, and anyone who resists gets killed. Wang Erniang, my sister-in-law, even my black dog… they're all dead! There are others too…"

Li Taixing nodded, "You two find a safe place to hide outside the village."


"Li Taixing, be careful."

"I will."

Li Taixing tossed the saber into his dimensional space bag.

[Ding! The increase of 10 billion was successful. You've earned Saber* 10 billion.]

With his Psychokinesis ability, Li Taixing flew through the air and landed on the roof of a house, surveying the village square below. He spotted the villagers trapped in the center of the square, surrounded by bandits.

'Damn, this won't be easy. They're all bunched together,' Li Taixing thought, counting twenty bandits in total. After analyzing the situation, he realized that to save the villagers, he had to separate the bandits from them. If he acted rashly, the bandits could harm the villagers.

Li Taixing considered his options, glancing at his dimensional space bag.

'If I want to deal with them, I'll need to get creative,' he thought, formulating a plan.

Leaving the roof, he stepped into the square. The bandits heard his approach and turned toward him.

"Who goes there? Stop!"

Li Taixing raised his hands in a non-threatening gesture. "Hello, brothers. My name is 'toomuchmoney, and my father is the richest man in the land."

The bandits exchanged puzzled looks.

"Passing through Xianghua Village, I ran into some trouble, but thanks to Xiao Tang here, the villagers were kind to me. How about this, let these villagers go, and I'll give you money. Deal?"

The bandits stared at Li Taixing in disbelief.

"Too Much Money? Richest man? Is that even a real name?" one of the bandits asked, confused.

"Hey, you don't have to believe me, but I can prove it."

Li Taixing waved his hand, and piles of copper coins appeared before them—hundreds of thousands of coins at least. The bandits' eyes widened in astonishment.

"Whoa, that's a lot of money."

"I've never seen so many copper coins!"

Their greed was palpable.

"Are these enough to buy the villagers' lives?" Li Taixing asked, cupping his hands politely.

"Boss, look at all that money. Maybe we should—" one of the bandits whispered.

Li Taixing overheard and interrupted loudly, "I wouldn't suggest getting any ideas. I've already sent my servant ahead. If he doesn't see me within half an hour, he'll report back. My father will definitely hire immortal cultivators to deal with you."

"You've seen the wealth I carry. My father has much more."

He waved his hand again, and a small pile of Spirit Stones appeared on the ground. Though there were only a few hundred, the bandits gawked at them in shock.

"Spirit Stones!" one of them exclaimed.

"Who is this kid?" another whispered.

Spirit Stones were far more valuable than copper coins, and these bandits had likely never seen so many in one place.

Li Taixing smirked as the bandits began whispering excitedly among themselves.

"Spirit Stones… forget these villagers. Let's take this rich kid instead!"

Li Taixing saw their greed intensifying and decided to push his advantage.

He waved his hand, and the copper coins and Spirit Stones vanished.

"What are you doing?!" the bandits cried out in panic.

"If you're not going to make a decision, I'll just leave," Li Taixing said, turning away.

"Wait! We can talk, we can talk!" the bandits yelled, scrambling to stop him.

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