

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

The volunteer

Sitting at your desk you sighed. Today had been hectic, mentally. You had an inking suspicion that your maths teacher was the kidnapper but what you didn't understand was why he kidnapped not one not two but so many people among the rich class.

If he wanted money he could have easily gotten it by now. If it was organ trafficking the black market would have at least the information about this illegal activity

What exactly was he doing with all those bodies and where were they.?

Lost in such thoughts you couldn't hear your history teacher calling out your name. To grab your attention the pink-haired female slapped you on your head. You mentally hissed at your friend but it was enough for grabbing your attention and pulling you back to reality. The history teacher then repeated what she was saying .

"Meet the art head after this lecture" she said sighing and picking up the stacks of paper that had been graded.

Determining that it was no longer your concern you began to contemplate what might the art head want from you. You were not particularly that good at drawing none of your assignments had been graded above b. If anything you could offer was to either you failed arts or the head wanted you to be a still life model.

Most likely it was the latter.

"What did you do again Hayami" the pink-haired girl inquired

"I work with a group of professionals for a multi-billion dollar company that specializes in

inspiring and nurturing the human spirit-one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time" she said proudly

You narrowed your eyes at her description of her job, suppressing a laugh as you realize where she works.

" You mean Starbucks," you said

" Not all heroes wear capes asuna," she said winking.

Making all three of you laugh. But this caught the teacher's attention and she decided to remove all three of you from class. Holding onto your laughs you three got out of the classroom.

Giggling on the way out only further annoyed the teacher.

" Don't they normally let richly rich like you off the hook," you asked Aya

" ah my chipmunk doesn't like it so I told her to treat me normally," she said in a dreamy voice remembering about her said boyfriend.

" you love him don't you, " Hayami said her eyes filling up with strong emotion.

" I am going to marry him. I will make sure I do that " she mumbled with determination

A Sigh escaped your lips as you wondered when will you love someone so deeply that you might start thinking about forever settling with them. If it were given in the hands of your parents they would marry you off to the first guy with money and age near yours. Not caring if he is a good guy. Ah, even your mother might not care would she.?. It was the same for her yet she would abject you to the same life as hers.

A terrible family only furthers the cycle one of the many reasons you are leaving the family. Once you find your brother you could be free from the chains of this tumultuous family. Only then you could find someone like how Aya found Inoue and some strong emotion like how it was displayed in the eyes of Hayami. Only then your life could finally be free.

But something about this said freedom feared your gut. It kept clenching your stomach as if to stop you from further doing anything more.

Setting it aside you walked along the ivory-painted hallway reaching towards a door that was an excellently painted wall art. As simple as Warli's art was you could easily tell this one was special by how beautiful strokes were painted giving the door a mysterious aura. You knocked on the door careful not to touch the painting fearing you would destroy the art.

A male in his mid-thirties and shabby grey hair and tired brown eyes opened up the door for you. Knowing it was the art teacher you stood there smiling but his eyes held no recognition as if he wasn't the one to summon you.

"you are.?" he asked in almost a bored tone. His eyes were droopy and you felt any second he would fall on the floor and not wake up again.

'god what has happened to him '

" didn't you summon me, sir," you asked quizzically

" ah you are the volunteer," he said ushering you in lazily

'Volunteer.? I didn't volunteer for anything ' You walked into the class filled with chattering students covered in paint. Everything was quite messy and chaotic to say it seems they all had already been working on something or other.

In the corner of the room, you saw a hooded figure with strands of purple coming out. Recognizing it to be Takumi you went to greet him.

The purple-haired male smiled warmly as he saw you approaching using his free hand he patted for you to take a seat in front of him not minding where he pointed you took your place beside him making him bashful.

" Asuna, Hikaru volunteered for you. He wanted me to draw you " the male said explaining your situation.

" that- - " you stopped words further coming out of your mouth as you looked at Takumi. You don't want to say something reckless about his friend.

"is something bothering you.?" he asked softly. Slightly moving towards you.

"well yeah" you let out a small laugh " but I don't think you could help me "

' our maths teacher is a criminal running free kidnapping and murdering people' you thought to yourself and again reminded yourself 100 reasons why you couldn't tell the purple-haired male that.

He gave you a soft smile " Try talking it out sometimes it is better to let it out of the kettle. At least that's what subaru says"

You glanced around the classroom already spotting dozens of females looking in your direction. Takumi might not be a hunk like Hikaru but his shy boy and cutesy aura got him a small fan club with enough members and they all seemed to be throwing daggers at you.

" you think this is the right place," you said in a dismissive tone. Hoping the purple-haired male would drop the topic because you would have to lie to him.

He furrowed his brow before something lit up in his face. Hesitating for some seconds he grabbed your hand. Unlike Hikaru's grip. Takumi had a much softer grip. That is to be said. With his lanky body type. He leads you across the hallways

" Follow me please," he said softly

" but shouldn't we be getting to work," you asked as he continued to lead you.

He pushed you through sets of doors before you could protest you found yourself in one of the theatre rooms. The cleaning staff there just nodded and left you both.

" Don't you think we are in an extreme spot to be just talking," you asked plopping down on one of the armchairs. A sigh escaped your lips.

" No. Not if it relaxes you " he mumbled shyly taking a seat beside you soon changing himself in a fetal position.

" tell me what's bothering you or who .? " he asked in his timid voice which made you overlook the pressure on the last word he said.

" it's Hikaru. He dragged me at 6 in the morning and I didn't even get to sleep" you muttered" I had fun but nothing rules my sleep schedule "

" he did.? I will see to it "

"Will you talk to him.?"

The purple-haired male did a forced nod before drifting off to sleep. He did not like talking with his energy he barely ever talks to anyone. So talking is not the thing he will be doing with the blond. He might just do something more physical to leave a lasting impression if the blond doesn't stop making your mood sour.

Unbeknownst about his thoughts. You smiled at the sleeping form of the male touching his lavender-purple hair which was unsurprisingly soft. The touch made Takumi awake he hated being touched. Due to some past events. But your touch didn't seem to make him hate it. He longed for it.

Making sure to cover the sleeping male with your jacket you left him all alone in the room. This was the perfect chance for the much-needed confrontation with your maths teacher even if he was really who he said he was.

"Ma'am, may I help you with those books, " you asked politely smiling at your music teacher

The teacher looked perked at the opportunity to let you carry all her load. Trusting you with all her belongings she went merrily on her way. This was your ticket to the teacher's lounge. Reaching the door you once again glanced from the glass to find your target calmly sipping tea.

Setting down the books and the music teacher's belongings in their right full place you walked towards the seemingly plain male.

" good day, sir.?"

" oh ikari San " his brown eyes had a spark of excitement before they turned back to normal. "shouldn't you be in classes right now.?"

" ah I was volunteering but my work is now done so I helped up a teacher on my way," you said without any hesitation " btw I heard you are an ex-student of this school"

" Where did you hear this rumour," your maths sensei asked his clear eyes fogging in contemplation

" I was walking by the courtyard I heard some girls talk then " you smiled politely "Is it not true.?" you asked feigning innocence.

"No," he said as he began to catch up on work looking up only for meer few seconds " That is your cue to the next lesson is it not," he said in response to the ringing bell.

"Yes sir " you nodded looking down and excusing yourself for the time being taking in note of his peculiar reaction to the rumours. It might just be that he was an ex-student. Making a mental note of asking Sayuri for info on your maths teacher later.

For now, you could get a head start on cleaning the swimming pool. You had an investigation to do and also you needed to visit the boy's dorm and meet with Hikaru for measurements and subaru for chess lessons. You better finish as early as possible to meet up with them.

"oh yuck" you groaned. Surely this pool was cleaned thrice a week yet why does it look like someone sabotaged it on purpose. You would have to clean it all now regardless of the sabotage.

Getting out all the necessary cleaning equipment. You swiftly started to clean up the swimming pool it was more tough since there was a lot more to clean. You undoubtedly knew who was behind it. But you can't just beat the girls more than you already did.

They are humans after all as bad as they are they still belong to humanity. Same for all criminals. They could be the worse scum the world has seen still they are part of humanity. This does nothing but disgust you.

As you finish cleaning half of the pool you move back towards the edge of the pool. That is when a bucket of ice water is emptied upon your head drenching your head to toe in a chilling sensation.

'what the hell'

You look at the retreating figures in disdain. Not only are they cowardly but also foolish. The swimming pool is surrounded by many CCTV cameras also they were wearing a normal mask used only to cover the mouths and nose. Did they think you won't be able to recognize them from their eyes, hair colour and giggles? What kind of dumb bullies are they?

A stifling laughter is heard from behind. You turn back to look at the recipient of the voice to find crimson haired male jumping down holding a perfect smirk.

" What a scene," he said scanning your body up on down a few times before meeting with your eyes.

"what " you scowled at the male.

" take this," he said in neutrality. Throwing a jacket which you easily caught. Averting his red orbs away from your body a slight blush crept up on his cheek complimenting his eyes.


" Unless you wanna go out looking like that "

You looked down at your dress to realise it has now become see-through due to the fact you are drenched in water and your sports bra is visible through your sheer clothing.

" damnit why do they make uniforms so thin ugh " you complained

" shouldn't you be catching those girls? They just don't get enough, do they? Nobody like them thinks they are on top just because they have wads of cash in their back pockets " he said disgusted.

" I don't want to I am already worked up as it is btw I did not you had such ideals pfft" You looked at the red-haired male in front of you.

" I don't care about their face value or name value if they are talented they are respected. And you Ikari was one of them until you weren't... " he said in a soft tone before giving a smirk of his own and turning back to leave

" is that a compliment from tyrant king Akira I hear " you teased the male.

" don't rejoice it is the only one you will receive. " he said not batting an eye " I will catch those bottom chain pests "

" thank you, Akira " you thankful said to the male. Seeing him in a better light. He was still a bully but at least he seemed to have some right things in his mind.

" don't think for a second I don't know who you are " he had a self satisfied smirk on his face " I know "