

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

The math test

You looked down at your schedule and saw your next class was with akira. The amount of pride and haughtiness made you feel woozy but you were also going to be handed the test results of yesterday's quiz even though yours were not going to be marked you would still get to see your marks . Afterall yesterday was your first day.

You were feeling proud of yourself for getting a great score on your math test. As you walked in classroom, you overheard akira talking to his classmates, boasting about his perfect score. He noticed you and asked you how you did on the test. You replied that you only got one mark less than him.

The red headed male smirked and said, "Well, I guess you're not as smart as you thought you were." You felt a pang of anger and frustration, but you took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

Instead of lashing out at a guy like him , you replied, "I'm still proud of my score, and I know that I worked hard to achieve it. I think it's great that you did well too, but it's not a competition between us. We  both  now are ace math students, and that's something to be proud of."

Akira looked taken aback by your response. He seemed to realize that you weren't going to let his behavior affect you. You walked away feeling proud of yourself for handling the situation with grace and maturity.

Well atleast that's what you thought. People started to gossip and badmouthing you. How could you talk proudly when you scored less than the crimson haired male. This made the male smirk at his own victory . He was happy that the crowd was in his control.

He decided to play with you more when someone accidentally hit him with their rubber. The male sent an infuriated glance towards a student and the student began to take steps back as akira soon covered the distance swiftly looking down on the kid for their mistake.

You were walking down the hall when you saw a akira bullying a student. The student looked scared and helpless, and you knew that you had to do something to help.

You walked up to the haughty male and said, "Hey, what's going on here? Why are you bullying this student?"

The crimson eyed male  looked at you with disdain and said, "Mind your own business, pipsqueak . This doesn't concern you."

You stood your ground and said, "Actually, it does concern me. I don't like seeing people being bullied, and I won't stand for it. Now, why don't you leave this student alone and go bother someone else?"

The haughty male looked at you for a moment, sizing you up. Then, he sneered and said, "Fine, I'll leave this loser alone. But don't think you're off the hook, mouse. You just made an enemy for life."

You watched as the haughty male walked away, feeling a mix of relief and anger . You knew that you had done the right thing by standing up for the student, but you also knew that you had made an enemy. You hoped that the haughty male would leave you alone, but you knew that he was the type of person who wouldn't back down easily.

As you turned to the student, you saw a look of gratitude on their face. You smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've got your back. Nobody deserves to be bullied, and I won't let anyone hurt you."

The student nodded, looking relieved. You felt a sense of satisfaction as you realized that you had made a difference in someone's life, and that you had stood up for what was right. You knew that there would be more challenges ahead, but you were ready to face them head-on.

This made you realise you were actually late to your next class and had to run forward only to hurl into what seemed like a wall but it was not one.

You started to fall, but the tsundere male quickly caught you and helped you steady yourself.

You were surprised by the brunette's actions, as he had never been kind to you before. You thanked him for saving you and you both continued on your way to class.

"You saved me back there. Thank you," you said to the brunette with a smile.

The  male blushed a bit and looked away. Regaining compousre  "It was nothing. I just didn't want you to get hurt," he mumbled.

You noticed his blush and smirked. "You know, I never realized that you were such a gentleman," you said, trying to strike up a conversation.

The tsundere male hesitated at first, but then opened up a bit. "I like reading and sword fighting ," he said.

You were surprised to learn that you had some common interests. "Oh, I love reading too! What are some of your favorite books?" you asked.

The tsundere male seemed happy to share his favorite books with you and even offered to lend you some of his own. As you talked, the male became more comfortable around you. He even cracked a few jokes and laughed with you.

You were happy to see this new side of the male and felt that you were starting to become friends.

As you and the male were talking, he saw akira  walking towards you. The brunette male's demeanor changed immediately, and he went back to his usual self.

"Hey, what are you doing hanging out with her?" The red head sneered, looking down at you.

You could sense the tension and decided to step in. "What's wrong with hanging out with me? We were just talking about books and sword fighting" you said, trying to diffuse the situation.

The haughty male  rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Come on, let's go," he said to yukio, grabbing his arm.

The tsundere male looked back at you nonchalantly  before following his friend. You felt hurt and disappointed by the  male's sudden change in behavior, but you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and not hold it against him.

Reaching the class you quickly apologized and sat down besides lily . And sighed in relief that you were in an environment away from the red head . Any other second you would have smacked him  . You looked over at lily who was having trouble answering questions and you decided to help. Pretty soon the lecture ended but atleast this time you were happy it did.

Thankfully you still had another lecture with lily  you hand in hand with her walk towards the next class which was economics . Entering the class you and the brunette female sat down together opening up your textbooks . You saw your friend yawning .

" I will try atleast to stay awake for half the class" the female besides you said in an tired tone . You patted her knowing that's not what was gonna happen.

As the lesson began you couldn't help but feel unease not quite knowing why . You looked around to find pair of teenagers looking at you but you were way too far to scold them to stop .

At a far corner of the room akira and hikaru were sitting down . Staring right at her they made no excuse at hiding it from her.

You decided to ignore them cause shouting in class will get you in trouble not them. She glanced at her friend' s direction to see her peaceful form in deep slumber with her hand still holding on to the pen which stopped in middle of her doodling.

'so much for staying awake half the class ' you got an idea as a grin started to formulate on your face.

After a bit of thinking you took out a marker pen from your bag and started to draw ninja signs on each side of the sleeping girl's face . After a while you stopped and took a moment to appreciate your work. After few minutes you slow started to creep your hand from below the desk and started tickling her . Lily suddenly opened her eyes and tried to scaramble away from her assualter . "Asuna as- wha-" started to regain her speech after what y/n had pulled.

"I thought you said you would be awake for atleast half the lecture." Trying hard not to Snicker at your art .

Lily took out her phone to check the time before she could flip it on she saw her face on the black screen holding a shriek.  Her faced turned various shades of red before she finally started to tickle you  back for your misdeed.

Unaware to you a person from back was controlling flew of his own laughter. Hikaru's started to chuckle at the scene before him. The teenager next glanced in his direction and raised his eyes. " What's got you laughing there hikaru " the red headed teenager asked.

" Haha nothing i am just studying . Teacher was so funny right then."  The blond male replied focusing back to his textbook

" The teacher's not been in class for over 10 mins" the red head knocked on his friend's head "plus you studying impossible you don't put your attention to anything other than drama culinary or English. "

"I think someone might change my decision now" he glanced back at you who was conversing with another girl beside you.

"You are talking about her  aren't you.? Stop it what is it with you four and the girl.? " Akira huffed annoyingly shooting daggers at raven haired female.

"Four .? I thought she would have gotten yukio too now.  Maybe next will be you" the blond winked at his friend as he itched forward towards you before he could move another step his friend pulled him back in his seat.

" I thought you were going to study . NOW STUDY" the red head caught his friend and started to help him in his lesson. But to blond the words were all lost as he was lost in your eyes .

As the lesson kept going by you felt a nudging sensation at back of your head . You decided to look back at the culprits of your paranoia. The pair was still looking at you : one in dream like state other in deep rooted hate or was it something else.

You raised your fists thinking of you should give them middle fingers then an idea came to your mind slowly a smirk started to form on your face . You just had the best idea two birds with one stone. As soon as the bell rang you immediately got up and skipped towards the pair. Leaving a very confused lily.

"I will take you up on that date hikaru . Pick me up at 5 i will send you my address" you said as calmly stifling your chuckles. . The male besides hikaru started to fume as he looked at you with piercing gaze.

" I noticed you can't take eyes off of me . Maybe you hate me or perhaps you are  jealous  ." You smirked knowing you definitely hit a nerve .

"Wha-t " the  red headed male stood up as he first time stumbled his speech " why would I be jealous of you . Stop  the games . I am the one who plays it not you"

"Aww are you jealous for me akira.? Don't worry too much it's going to be the same as always " the blond winked at his friend. At which he gave a smirk.

"Have fun then " haughty male began to walk away before you tapped his shoulder and showed him your Korean heart sign

"Yes we will " you smiled brightly as you leaned forward towards the blond. Which made akira roll his eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes you might find a brain back there."  You said  with your voice dripping in sarcasm. Without further ado you left the class as quickly and swiftly as possible . Leaving the pair to comprehend your gestures.