

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

The chaotic dorm

You ran away from the bathroom reaching to a door at the opposite side of the room which was slightly open. You could hear a piece of calming music flowing out of the room every step you took the music got better even though it already was flawless it seemed ever more perfect.

You finally reached the door and pushed it open to see the white-haired male lost in the calmness of his music he was playing a violin. It was the first time you had seen him play that instrument needless to say you were captivated by the beauty of the song.

" ah Asuna, I knew you arrived, " the male said as he set down his violin on a metallic grey table.

"That was beautiful" you complimented him.

He patted at the seat besides him. Nodding you sat by him. He began moving his fingers in elegant rhythm bringing a soothing sound.

You almost forgot the reason about why you had come to this dorm but you pulled yourself out of comfort and stared at the Subaru. His grey eyes shone in fascination as he kept on playing the rhythm in expertise.

" Subaru weren't you going to teach me " you said as soon as he finished up the song.

" ah yes " he slid his hand over the marble white piano and turned to you.

After slight ruffle on your hair he moved towards an corner of his room to retrieve game of chess.

Featuring 24 pieces and a folding box, this chess set was made from wood, resin, marble and 24k gold. It boasts both elegance and chicness with its classic black and white colours topped with gold in the chess pieces.

You had seen one of these in someone's collection you couldn't recall whose but one thing was sure this was expensive as hell. This made Subaru a chess fanatic. Only people who liked chess way and beyond would own this .

"chess "

The touch of the cold inorganic instrument sends a shiver through you. Subaru holds your chin up with his silver ink pen making you match his silver- grey eyes.

He seemed to have picked up on your reaction. However his gaze takes up on a new level of calmness.

" I will teach you the rules now"

You respond in a high thin voice "Yes ". He nods approvingly.

You listen to him go over the rules before you challenge him to a match. He goes on through the basics before smiling towards you as he ended his explanation.

Heart in your throat. You move your pawn forward. Subaru instantly darts forward one of his own. To each of your moves he seems to have a counter move. He manages to keep seeing everyone of your attacks and blocks before you could proceed with it yourself.

" as I have told you before this game hinges on power on imagination. If not much at least you need to be two steps ahead of me to win " he remarked.

As if confirming your suspicion you think over to everything that has happened yet. He means he figured out all of your means and twisted it into something that works in his favour. Not only in this game but elsewhere too.

" ahh, I lost " you metaphorically dabbed your tears away as the male packed up the game.

"dove~" a voice slurred through the hallway " my dove " it kept coming closer till the door sprang open to reveal Hikaru who had several things in one of his hand upon closer look you saw a measuring tape and few fabrics coiled up in his hand.

" tsk " you heard a small disappointed grunt from the male besides you. He had not even got an hour to spend with you before Hikaru busted in and dragged you to his room.

" you really like dragging people don't you " you said to the blonde haired male as subaru's room faded from your view.

" nah just you, dove ~" he said gleefully. Wrapping his hand your waist you both entered into a room.

The inside of this room was taking a space & giving it beauty & flow, as well as functional purpose through decoration using art & furniture. But aside from that this the room could really use a touch of a woman.

" I like it just this way. If I change it. It feels empty " Hikaru says, as he makes some space for you to sit down. He clears up heaps of cloth throwing them in random direction. He had a weird way of cleaning up that's for sure.

The sun filtered through the windows as it casted a warm glow upon the room. The playful blonde decided to get focused on the current task. His mischievous demeanour held a subtle edge. The reflection of his darker undertone.

"Asuna, " a meek voice called out.

The lavender haired male sat down in one dark corner of the room. In his hand their was a drawing book. His hands seemed be tired. He held up the page in his hands. Only for it to be covered by Hikaru

"takumiiii ~" the Hikaru said " we don't want to ruin the surprise for her do we.? "

Takumi looked down in shame thinking he almost ruined the surprise for you. You felt bad for the male and went to pat him. He blushed upon the contact with your bare hand. The sensation against his skin felt like a cooling effect.

Hikaru immediately tugged onto takumi's collar dragging him out of his room. He shut the door tight telling him that he is going to take your measurements now.

"Hikaru " takumi called out. " you don't even like working. I will just watch from a corner"

You chuckled. This is the most noise you have heard from the purple eyed male.

" no can do" said Hikaru ignoring the shy male's complain.

Hikaru focused entirely on you as he prepares his notebook for measurement. " let's get this measurement right. We wouldn't want a wardrobe malfunction at the upcoming ball would we " he amused. His voice had playful charm as usual with undercurrent of his intensity.

It seemed like he decided to be more open with you from now on.

His hand extends gracefully, his fingers brushing your skin as he reaches for the tape measure.

A surprising gentleness accompanies his touch as he says, "Just stand still for a moment."

The tape measure glides around you, his fingers moving deftly to capture each measurement, which he then jots down meticulously on the notepad

His emerald eyes meet yours, creating a wordless connection between you both. Or at least that is what he was thinking. His breathing was shallow as he peered into your eyes. He wanted to hold you into his heart somewhere you couldn't escape from. He was going to catch his beautiful dove and put her into his golden cage.

You wonder about the thoughts lurking behind those eyes, especially considering recent events that have woven your lives together in unexpected ways. He was going to be targeted by the serial killer soon. He might not be as innocent as his face makes him to be.


But no one deserves to be. That. Become what you saw today. You will have to save him from that monster.

As you turn to leave, hikaru's voice stops you. "One more thing," he says with a playful glint in his eye.

"I must admit, measuring you has been the most enchanting part of my day."

His lips curve into a smirk, and his eyes hold a mischievous twinkle, hinting at a flirtatious intentions. You internally sigh at his attempt to flirt.

Before you could react, his playful demeanor shifted. With a sudden motion, he reached out and took your hand, his grip firm yet oddly tender yet firm.

"Actually, I have another idea," he murmured, his voice carrying a trace of mischief as he guided you to an unassuming corner of the room.

As he pulled you closer, the distance between you seemed to vanish, and his eyes held a glint of anticipation, inviting you into his world of playful intrigue. You narrowed your eyes at him.

You remembered last time you were this close to him what happened. You started to raise your hand to push him away. But the door busted open. Out came flying akira.

Kazuto stood there glaring at the red haired male. He seemed to be shooting daggers at the fallen male. Hikaru just laughed off at the situation seemingly knowing what was happening.

" you did it again akira " Hikaru said.

Smirking he dusted his body and stood up. " I would - " he paused after his eyes met yours. He seemed to be wearing contact lense. The black eyes of his was now covered.

"Asuna, " he murmured. This seems to catch kazuto's attention too. He looked at you shocked. Rubbing his eyes thinking he must me tired from playing video games for hours.

His mood changed from one of anger to full of love. He came towards you walking like a three year old towards their favourite candy. When he came near enough Hikaru blocked his view of you. Covering you with his body he stood in front of you.

"not so fast kazu ~"

"move out of the way Hikaru" kazuto glared at the dubious male.

"I was currently measuring her for a gown so come back later"

"You. Touched.her " he almost neared his blonde friend.

You decided to end this fiasco you were too tired to watch them fight. Telling the measurements are already taken you lead kazuto out the room.

Akira stands back with no motion as he stares at the spot you stood couple of minutes ago. Hikaru just giggles at his reaction and decides to poke at him.

Out of the room. You could hear sound of laughter from Hikaru and akira's stammer. Yes akira stammered. You wanted to know what they were talking about. But you had promised Yukio that you would spar with him.

Kazuto was in state of euphoria. You had held his hand for a few minutes now. The area where your hand and his were connected were sending tingles all over his body. The intervene of fingers kept him active as you both walked towards the living room.

His grip tightened as he saw you heading towards the living room. Thinking you were leaving he began to pull you in opposite direction excited to show you his room. It might not be the best decorated. But you would sure be fascinated by it.

"I am not leaving kazuto. Just finding Yukio" you said. Tapping his shoulder gently.

He leaned further into your touch. You smiled down at him taking your hand back to yourself to which he gave quite the reaction. His hazel brown eyes who were always hidden behind the set of codes and computers had some disappointment in them. He did no attempt to hide it a stomped his feet in a funny manner.

"I will take you to him"

He lead you further into their dorm. Making you wonder why these boys need never ending amount of rooms. Each room seemed adequately furnished and cleaned. This must cost a fortune. No other students can afford this luxurious dorm after them.

You finally reached the room Yukio was in. Entering the traditional dojo, you're embraced by a serene ambiance. Moonlight filters through shoji screens, casting patterns on tatami mats.

The scent of polished wood and faint incense lingers. Scrolls and training weapons adorn the walls, while the hum of focused energy surrounds the area. The yukio's voice guides the room.

Sweat adorned his body as he kept focusing not batting an eye towards the two teenagers that entered his private dojo.

The fabric seems to caress his silhouette like a second skin. His dark brown hair, kissed by the shadows, falls across his forehead in an artful disarray, framing a countenance that is both enigmatic and captivating.

As he practices, his motions possess a grace that borders on ethereal, each step and gesture a symphony of controlled power.

His intense focus paints an intriguing contrast against his features, his eyes flickering with determination and an air of mystery. With every twist and turn, he commands your attention, his presence an irresistible magnetism that leaves you spellbound.

He is really strong.

You moved further into the room to make your presence known.

"I knew you guys were there" the older male muttered.

Kazuto immediately went to him scolding him and telling him to take it easily as over working his body might be harmful to him in future. He dismissed his concerns and threw a sword towards you.

" are you ready little kitten. Not scared " he smirked. His muscles were visible through all that sweat he worked up. Only word for his physique was scrumptious !!. You internally screamed to yourself telling you can't be distracted by his talent.

"never. I am never scared."