
Lily’s New Beginning

Omega Lily couldn't control the burning hatred that came out of her first true love. Picking up the shreds of pieces of her heart, she looked into his eyes and rejected him as her mate, but, who would have thought she would leave to become the Luna of the great Lympath Pack.

DAMPEL · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Suspicion



Lily's mind was a mess already as she watched the drama unfold in her presence.


Alpha Paul was already so pissed as he watched the scene.


"How stupid!" she muttered and kept observing.


He could see through Aman already and could already tell he was lying.


The only thing he couldn't understand was the main reason he was doing this.


He was going to find out after the celebration!




Alpha King Acad had been watching Aman for a while.


"I urge everyone to excuse I and my Luna for one sec." he said and held Lily as they walked out of the presence of everyone.



Aman was the only one standing at the front of everyone.


He then squatted on the floor like a hopeless someone, generating more pity from the public.





"Lily I need you to tell me the truth. Nothing but the truth!" Alpha King Acad said immediately they got to his chamber.



"Aman was a man I got mated to two years ago after I had just lost my parents. It had been nothing but troubles almost all my life. Yes, I was in love with him, so I was willing to stay and suffer despite all he did to me. So one day, I woke up and decided to love myself better. I then rejected him as my mate which he agreed to almost instantly. I was about leaving Urod Pack for good when I met you." Lily narrated, almost at the point of tears.



Alpha King Acad felt for his mate when he saw how serious she told her story.


She must have definitely been through a lot. It was no wonder she looked so rough when he came across her. She was I deed strong.


"I trust you Lily!" he said assuringly.


Lily then smiled and hugged him.



"We all deserve to move forward in life without any grudges of any form. You know I will always stand for peace. I love you Lily and I'm willing to protect you." he said, looking into her eyes.


"Thank you so much!" Lily felt moved to the point of tears.


"Don't cry Lily! Hold my hands, I'll help you out." he said as he held her and walked out to face the public again.





Everyone looked at them curiously as they wondered what they had actually discussed inside.




"We have forgiven you!" Alpha King Acad declared as he walked closer with Lily.




Everyone froze.




Wow! Alpha King Acad is indeed amazing!


Alpha Paul wasn't surprised.


This was how good his brother was.


He hoped that Alpha King Acad remain good so he could be successful in all his plot against him.


How he hated this his brother!



Lily didn't care! She was okay with anything her mate says.


She respects his decision and she understands that all he was doing at the moment was for the sake of her image.




"We accept that you come work under this great palace as a gardener. You will be provided with clothing, food and shelter. Do you accept it?" Alpha King Acad asked him.


Aman didn't even wait for Alpha King Acad to finish when he fell flat on the floor in appreciation.


Tears streamed down his face as he bowed for Alpha King Acad and Lily.


"Thank you Great Alpha King Acad! Thank you Luna Lily! Thank you so much! I will forever be grateful to you for this help. I promise to give you all my best." he said as he rolled on the floor in appreciation as he pledged his loyalty.




Everyone was amused at the display and the mood went back to the joy of the celebration.



Everyone was happy as they praised Alpha King Acad and Luna Lily for their beautiful hearts.


They never thought Luna Lily could be so good.



Alpha Paul was so suspicious of Aman as he planned to lay a trap for him.







After the celebration, everyone went back to their normal lives even though the celebration was one anyone could hardly forget.


Aside the refreshments, they watched a great drama unfold.



The werewolves of Urod felt so ashamed of Aman's shamelessly as they praised Luna Lily's heart.



Luna Lily was in her private room sitting on the bed as she thought about the drama that played out in the morning. She refused to believe Aman was a changed man.


"I should figure this out tomorrow I think." she whispered and stood up to go be with her mate before he comes looking for her.







That night, Aman sat outside the building as his heart burned with hatred for Lily.


He remembered her standing close to the great Alpha King Acad.


He wished he never let her go! She could have still being suffering in his hands.


"You will never feel peace in your life Lily. You must suffer. This union, I must crash!" he declared silently.



His phone then rang. When he looked at it, it was his best friend.


Without wasting time, he picked it up.


"Hello! I told you she was just a tiny piece of shattered cake. I doubt she has forgotten me." he bragged as he spoke to his best friend, Jude.


"Aman, you really need to take things slow. Luna Lily is a really good person else, you won't be in there. Do you know how many people wishing to be in your position." Jude said, warning him.


"Who cares about who wants to be in my position. Don't worry, soon, I'll be back to Urod Pack with her and I'll make sure she pays for leaving me. I so much hate her. She has to suffer!" he replied.


"Don't end up doing what you will regret. I suggest you repent now that's still early. Luna Lily is no fool."



"To me, she will forever be a fool Aldo can you stop calling her Luna? I don't think it suits her." he said bitterly.


"Well I think it suits her. Bye!" Jude then said and ended the call.


Aman was so pissed.


"Luna my foot!" he spat and stood to leave.



When he turned, he froze in shock!



Alpha Paul!



How long had he been standing here?