
Birth Of A Monster 2

A young teen with black hair is seen on a skateboard moving at insane speeds through traffic.

"JINNN!!!!" The traffic officer yelled at the teen who flashed pass him.

"Sorry Mr Smith!" The now identified Jin yelled back but smashed his right side into the bonnet of a car because he wasn't watching where he was going.


"Ow..." he moaned as he stood up and picked up his skateboard and continued limping towards the gates of his school, Oak Academy.


"Right on time hehehe, ow... I think I broke a rib there" he winced as he limped through the gates and made his way to his locker to put his skateboard down.

Jin then tried to sneak into class only for him to fall down courtesy of Jack a bully who tripped him.

"What's the matter dweeb?, Can't watch where you're going?" Jack taunted him whilst holding back a laugh.

And like a domino effect everybody in the class started laughing at Jin alerting the teacher who was still writing notes on the board.

"Well, it seems someone decided to join us. Why don't you tell us why you have chosen to finally grace us with your presence Mr. Arashi?" Ms. Ling the history teacher asked.

"Well you see... I was feeling bored so..." Jin started only for him to be cut off.

"Yeah right, we all know that's a lie you were made to come to school by that slut you call a mum" Jack taunted.

"Shut up!!" Jin roared as he punched Jack square in the jaw.

Seeing this, two big muscular boys grabbed Jin from behind and had him restrained. Jin tried to get out of his restraints only to be socked in the abdomen.

"Oof.." he gasped as he fell on his knees.

"How dare you hit me you punk!" Jack yelled and then proceeded to punch Jin in the face, whose head snapped back from the force behind the punch.

Jack then proceeded to beat Jin up till he was satisfied.

Well you'd ask what type of teacher would allow a student to be beat down. But that was how it was in the world that they lived in. A place where the strong preyed on the weak. It had always been like that since the emergence of abilities came up.

People were given supernatural abilities depending on luck their luck. Meaning someone could have superhuman speed whilst another could have superhuman strength. It was a strange phenomenon that caused this.

No one could recall what happened but, according to history books, something happened a couple of centuries before and that's how abilities came up.

But the strange fact was, only a fraction of people had these abilities and Jack was from a family which had the ability of superhuman strength.

While Jin was part of the majority that didn't have any ability.

" Now that has been dealt with let's continue our lesson" Ms. Ling said indifferently as she continued writing on the board.


The bell rang signalling for the first break of the day.

"Hey Jin, are you okay?" A cute blonde haired girl asked worriedly.

"Yeah am fine Layla" Jin grinned trying to hide the pain he felt.

Layla Jefferson was one of the most beautiful girls in the school. She was talented in many things, sports, academics and many more. A perfect role model. And to top it all off, she had the ability to heal.

But what many people in the school don't get is the fact that she talks to Jin, the most infamous kid in the school. Known for being the son of a stripper.

Jin then proceeded to walk out of his class but was stopped when Layla whispered in his ears and left a few seconds later when she was done.

Jin continued his trip to wherever he was going.

Making sure that he wasn't followed, Jin entered the gym only to meet a sight he thought he'd never see.

There was Layla Jefferson, his girlfriend making out with another guy.

An unknown fact was, Layla and Jin were secretly dating.

He then snapped out of his stupor and took a closer look at them hoping he was hallucinating but it was all for naught, as the scene he was witnessing was still going on.

"L-layla?.." he stammered.

"Hmm.. oh look the loser's finally here baby" Layla said to the guy in a tone that reeked of disgust.

Something he never heard from her before.

"Hey there punk.." a familiar voice sounded.

"J-jack?.." Jin was confused this didn't make sense, Layla was with Jack, but then why did she date him then?.

Theories were going through Jin's mind as he tried to understand what just happened.

"So all this time I loved you..". Jin choked out as tears came from the corners of his eyes as he tried to shut them.

"You.. you were just using me.." he muttered as he cried silently.

" Pftt, use you?, Don't make me laugh Jin" Layla laughed.

" I never loved you in fact.." before she could continue, Jin cut her off.

"I guess I finally understood what mum meant"

"All of you are just the same" he continued.

"Enough already, Jay, Tom, apprehend him"

Out of nowhere two muscular boys grabbed Jin and held him.

They were the same boys that had restrained him earlier.

"You see Jin, you make me sick, always happy, having fun and being yourself, it pisses me off and that's why I've decided to show you your place. As a lowly peasant, a loser call it if you will" Jack said as he made his way closer to Jin and grabbed him by his hair.