
Lightning Degree

Ryu-Yeon lost his father to a disease when he was only 10 years old. With the skill he learned from his father, he could carve wood into wonderfully intricate sculptures. One day, after completing the sculptures of his parents, Ryu-Yeon was greeted by an elderly man who was impressed by his sculptures. The old man saw promise in Ryu-Yeon and asked him if he would like to become his disciple. As Ryu-Yeon had nowhere to go and wanted to make the most of his life, he accepted the old man's offer.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Recalling

The first thing Master taught me was to cook! Funny!

"Chaang! Chaang! Chaang!"

The flames are beautiful!

The hammer and the silver were shot with metal.

I was directing! The beauty of the flame that disappears in an instant...

There was a black bracelet on the wrist of the hand holding the iron hammer.

The boy was Ryu-Yeon! The boy's hammering skills are very...

It was masterful and also natural!!

I can see that Ryu-Yeon has been doing this for a long time."Darn it! Why is Master always like that? Oh, my God!"

I've been thinking about what happened this morning.

It's bubbling up.

Who the hell do you think you are to feed yourself?'

At the same time as this thought, the hammer's thrusting speed...

It was increasing!

He was venting his anger at the wrong iron!

What I was doing now was making a sword.

He's very skilled at training iron to make swords.

We need technology!

It's already been nearly six years since this blacksmith worked.

This is Wanzoni's main job! I'll take the money from here.

Master and I make a living! Master was of course unemployed.

Making money was my main job and main duty.

It's kind of a side job to hone martial arts.

"We're human, so we'll have to eat to practice martial arts!"

I said, but there was only a snort!

It was seven years ago when I was ten years old that I met my master.

I was then the son of an ordinary sculptor, and my father was a little trinket.

He was a man who carved and sold small Buddhist statues. My mother told me that when I was five,

He's already dead. I remember my mother was quite a beautiful person.

He was a caring father to me, and he taught me how to carve.

He taught me whenever he had time. When I was 10 years old, I thought I'd have a pretty good level.

I was able to. Then came the misfortune.

Suddenly there was a plague in the village and most of the villagers died.

Among them was my father.I was an orphan.

Because I didn't have any family relatives.

I dug my own father's grave and buried him there.

My hands were chapped and blood flowed out, but I didn't care.

Instead of a tombstone, I carved my father's figure out of a pretty big log.

I pulled you up in front of the grave.Something seemed to be missing.I'll think about it for a second.

He began carving his mother's figure on a log of the same size.

I thought my father would be lonely alone.Next to my father's grave is my mother's.

I just finished sculpting my mother's figure and putting it next to my father.

When I looked back, there was an old man standing behind me.

The old man pointed to his father's grave and asked, 'Did you build this tomb?'

I replied honestly and airily, 'Yes!'I'm a man of pathological.

Because he was a good kid!

And the old man said, "Did you make this piece?' I asked.

These two pieces are the pieces I've carved so far.

It was a masterpiece, so I don't hesitate to say yes!

replied politely.

The old man thought for a moment with a grimace and reached out to me.

I asked, 'Would you like to come with me?'

Then I asked, 'What will happen if I follow you?'

The old man smiled at my polite question,

He said he would teach the best martial arts in the world.

I didn't believe it taught me the best martial arts in the world.

I thought it might teach some level of martial arts.

I was an orphan, had nowhere to go, vague about the herd.

I had a yearning, so even if I followed that old man,

I concluded that there would be no damage.

At the end of the calculation, I say 'okay!'

I held the old man's hand.

That was the first encounter with a master and the beginning of this d*mn destiny.

To know that the calculation at that time was a huge mistake.

It didn't take long.

I still regret the decision I made then.

Chapter 2 Recalling 2 - Is it a performance machine or a food mosquito?-

Master took me into the mountains next to a village.

The village was a pretty big town.The mountain is very high, connected to a fairly large mountain stream.It was deep in the mountains.From a storybook or a storyteller's talk.

Most of the people in this deep mountain are deceived.apart from

Disciple (in this case, it usually teaches only one disciple, so it is not plural!)

Teaching made my master look more and more plausible.

He took me to two rooms deep in the mountains with a kitchen next to it.

It was a small cabin.There was a lot of firewood piled up by the cabin.

Oddly enough, there was no iron axe in the woodcutter.

This is the house where the master lives, I said.And I'm gonna have to live.

And that's where you do it.

I've got everything locked up, and I've got everything in full bloom, like Mureungdowon.

I was disappointed but didn't show up, not in the cave.

Because I thought Master would be disappointed!As expected, I was a good-natured child.

Based on your place of residence and your environment, the master is so...

It didn't seem to be a high-level person.

However, I understood it as wide as the sea.

But Master betrayed me!

My understanding is the same, my beautiful, good heart.

You betrayed me!Master, my brilliantly shining blueprints in pieces.

And then you tore the erection apart!

That's when my ordeal started!

The first thing the master taught me was how to cook.

Rice was warned not to wash more than three times.

It's less nutritious if you wash it more than three times.

And when you cook rice, you put your hands on the water, and the water goes up to the back of your hands.

He taught me that the car is good enough.And make sure the lid of the pot is closed.

And on top of that, it's better to put a rock on top of that.

It's a secret recipe, Master said.The reason is that this is a high mountaintop.

It is different from the ground, so if you cook rice in the same state as the ground, the rice will stand out.

How to cook rice was relatively easy.But that was just the beginning.

The next thing the master taught me was how to make side dishes.

Because the master wasn't a good man.

Reproduction alone couldn't hold!

I had to eat meat to get protein, sometimes, all the time.

I had to drink.

I didn't want to live off raw rice and pine needles, so I had no choice.

I had to learn how to cook.

First, simple side dishes such as stir-fried vegetables, stir-fried meat, braised tofu, etc.

I learned how to make soup.When stir-frying vegetables, add oil once (before stir-frying vegetables).

It means to dip vegetables in and out of oil) and stir-fry them quickly.

Oiling is used to prevent the scent and taste of vegetables from flying away during stir-fry.

It's called a measure.Master asked me again and again that cooking is my heart.

I was suspicious of the master's transfer. No, I thought he might still be active.

Well, Master says that the level of rain you're going to learn is considerable, if not tremendous.

It was that dexterity and delicate sense were needed.In that sense, cooking is...

A dexterity, a collection of techniques and senses that harmonizes technology and senses.

It is the height of art.Listening to the master's cooking worship, I snorted!

Hmph! Fit! Paeng!

I thought that was just an excuse.

One of the reasons that sounds good is that the name of the warrior to be learned is quite plausible.

It was just that I heard it.

I've been through a lot of accidents, and now I've come up with a basic diet.

I've come to have skills.

That's a long time to learn how to cook rice and side dishes.

I didn't get caught.Ever since I acquired that skill, I've been cooking.Work has become my business.We'll decide the number of meals according to the day of the week.

I gave my opinion to the master that we should share the work, and he was hit a few times.

Then I felt painfully that the fist was faster than the horse.

It was a real bone ache.It seemed to have been quite sour.

That day I could control reason and emotion with my fist.

Learned and this fact greatly influenced my personality formation.

The next thing the master asked me to do was chop firewood.

I thought you'd need firewood to start a fire when you cook.

Took me to a pile of trees.

On the right was a pile of firewood split in half.

On the left was a pile of trees from the mountain.

But no matter how many times you look around, the iron axe you use to cut wood...

I couldn't see it.

"Where's the iron axe?Don't you have to have an axe to cut down a tree?"

I'll share with you the reason why you don't have an iron hand.

I asked for an explanation.

"I don't need that!"

It was the master's answer.

"Then what are you cutting the tree with?Beat him like a dog!"

"Padda" means splitting wood with an axe.

It also meant to beat me up like crazy, like this.

The question was, of course, the result of the logical thinking process.

There was a master's response to show a demonstration.

The master's tone was imbued with irritation.

"Well, you're still understaffed.We don't have enough training!'

I've been evaluating the master in my own way.

Master, in a pile of wood on the left, a log the size of an adult's forearm.

He picked one up and put it on the bottom of the cut tree.

Master pulled a little prayer out of his sleeve.

It was an ordinary rain that could be seen everywhere.

The length of the day was as short as a child's palm.

You go to some unknown hardware store, general merchandise store, or a small arms store.

When I said, "Hey, man, give me one rain!"

It was such a cheap bido that the owner of the store brought, "Here you go!"

He took out his sado and squatted in front of him.

He held the silk slightly with his fingertips, and in the middle of the cylinder of the standing tree,

I tapped it a little bit.No, talk! is just my expression.

Master only moved his wrist, and Vido...

It's like cutting down a transparent tree, making a semicircle.

It's a figure that's passed by.

Something amazing happened the next time.

This is because the standing tree was split into two pieces, exactly half and half.

I was so surprised that my mouth opened wide.I've never done such a stunt before.

The master looked at me with his mouth wide open and smiled.

"You have to be able to do this with technology without the strength of your skills.

The trick is speed and the trick is flexible use of the wrist."

He said a mean word and told me to give it a try.

I'll set up a tree just like you, and I'll be in the same form as you.

As he moved his wrist, he hit the tree with rain.


The rain I hit left a nail-sized suction on the tree and then stopped.

I was ashamed inside.I could feel my face getting warm.

"and not only the wrist, but also the elbow, making a big semicircle.

Hit me!

Master said,

There was a second attempt... ...and a failure, too.

Maybe it's because he hit the tree with his elbow.

It hurt badly, but fifty steps back! It was there.

"This time, use your shoulder to swing it very big!"

Master ordered.

I gave it a third try.The result was also a failure.

But this time, I couldn't see the tree that was standing on the bottom of the tree.

It didn't just fade away, but in the third attempt earlier,He flew away with a thump!

"Because of the lack of speed!Even if you don't have power, you can do it only with tricks."

Master, about the cause of the tree's fall and the cause of my failure.

I was kind enough to analyze, but I was 10 years old!It couldn't have been successful.

And if you don't have the strength or the knack of hitting with an iron axe,

Often, a tree cannot be split into two pieces and an ax is stuck between it.

How can you cut firewood with this little bit of rain?

Only after the rain isn't the greatest wonder!

But now that you've made it happen before my eyes,

I can't argue that it's impossible!!!But isn't the master a master of talent!

That's why I failed because I was still a beginner!

I have come to an excellent conclusion that.

Then he spoke respectfully to the master.

"Master, I'm still a ten-year-old, vulnerable young boy.