When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
After Kurayami finished with his family, the first thing he did was call a meeting with his allies. Ainz, Azazel, Azrael, Ajuka, Nyx, Hades, Sirzechs Mephisto, Edmund, and even Shiva was here on the Moonbase in the New World.
They decided to rope in Shiva was more trustworthy than Indra. They were looking at Kurayami and Ophis as they wanted to know why the Moon got moved. To start with Kurayami started his explanation.
"Satanael, Atlas, and the Titans were working together. Satanael gained the power of a Dragon God and could match me and Ophis in combat for a time. I did not want the Moon to get destroyed so Ophis moved it."
She nodded.
"The hidden master of Satanael is not about to give up and we know his name. However, it is better we do not say it."
Azazel had a guess so he snorted.
"Let me guess, something Eldritch."
Ainz's imagination started to go wild.
It made him think of his spell and wondered if it became real. Kurayami nodded at Azazel who already figured it all out.
"Smart as always."
Ajuka looked at Kurayami as he had a question.
"How many humans died?"
Kurayami raised his arm where a bright red mass of souls was swirling. It was super compressed, but from time faces would emerge in the blood-red orb. When many souls gathered in one spot and went through unimaginable agony, a soul orb would be created.
The one that Kurayami had was the purest any of them had seen and it caused hunger from Ainz and even Edmund. The dead always wanted more soul power, but he had a use for the energy trapped in it.
"Before the time reversal, over 95% of all life died. We managed to turn back time by 10 minutes and saved most of them. Of course, 2 billion humans died and for Supernatural races, I do not know. I got the souls here."
Sirzechs looked at the red orb with some fear.
"What do you intend to do with it?"
Kurayami smiled as he held the cursed orb in his hands.
"Summon a Demon at my level. I will make a pact with this as the offering."
Hearing what he had planned made them all look at him like he was crazy. Azrael tried to talk him out of it.
"Kurayami you are taking this too far. A Demon won't submit to anyone much less you. You are going to get yourself killed."
Ophis shook her head as she already knew that it was fine.
"Maybe because you are all too weak. Demons are more than willing to make pacts with strong beings, but Algor is different. Esdeath is killing him so that does not count. What Kurayami wants to do is to get a Demon who is his equal."
Hades crossed his arms as he looked at the orb.
"How confident that this Demon you summon won't kill you?"
Kurayami had nothing to fear as he knew that this many souls would be enough for a decent demon.
"100%. Azazel, I want you to work to organize the troops. All of you make sure your assets are fine. I will be moving the moon Titan to replace the Moon as I will leave this one over the New World."
Sirzechs sighed.
"I need to return to the Underworld. Even if the damage was minimal, I need to be with my people. I am glad Rias was not in Japan at the time though."
Ajuka also stood up.
"I also need to go."
They took the gate back to Earth as this had become a calamity. They needed to make sure that their people were safe. As for the humans, they were on their own. Kurayami did not know, but mass riots were taking place all over Earth.
People died and came back to life. They even remembered the pain and feeling of death and they were raging for answers. Of course, Kurayami's worshipers were taking advantage and subjugating the humans in some cases.
This was already turning into a dark age for the humans and Kurayami intended to make it a paradise for the beasts and the strong. He had no use for the weaklings so only the strong mattered to him. Those who survived would be recruited and those that died would nourish the strong.
As for Hades, he started to walk back as well.
"Kurayami, tell my son that I want to meet him."
Kurayami nodded.
"That is fine, I did not tell him about you yet. Only your daughter is a bitch."
Hades snorted as he walked back to Earth to check up on his organization. Nyx had already done that and found that Tartarus was even less affected than the Underworld. Most importantly her trees were safe.
Kurayami glanced at Ainz and Edmund.
"How is your progress?"
Edmund patted Ainz on the shoulder.
"He has learned a lot of things and his undead are getting stronger. He even taught me the method he used to become an Overlord. I think I will try it. Can I request one of your scales? The material needed asks for a Dragon Scale, but maybe yours can give me some benefits."
Kurayami brought one of the scales he shed in the fight as he did not mind. He first sealed it in as it would be dangerous for anyone weak to touch it.
"Take it, I don't mind."
When he held the sealed scale he looked at it with pure greed. He also gave one to Ainz who looked at it with interest.
"Put it in the Exchange Box. I want to see just how much that box thinks I am worth."
Hearing that made Ainz nod and store it in his inventory. If he could get a huge amount of gold, he just might be able to invest in more things.
While Ainz was thinking about all that, Nyx sat on Kurayami's lap and looked at everyone in the room.
"Well, you heard how it is. You are all too weak and will need to get even stronger. Get as strong as a Dragon God at least."
That made all of them look at her annoyed. Shiva's face palmed as he had a headache.
"How easy do you think that level of power is to achieve?"
She shook her head.
"It is not meant to be easy. If you can't do it, it means you are nothing. All of Kurayami's harem is hard at work to reach that level."
Azrael pointed at her.
"What about you?"
Nyx pointed at Kurayami.
"I am training, being in contact with him is enough for me."
Azazel wanted to make a joke, but it was not the time and place.
"Fine, the Earth needs a moon so move Titan already. Summon your demon, I will be hard at work."
Azrael nodded.
"Same, if Raynare is still training guess I need to measure up."
Shiva shrugged.
"Fine, fine. I will try."
He took the gate and left toward Earth to get to work. Kurayami held Nyx's hips with his arm and stood up.
Kurayami looked at Ainz and Edmund.
"You two, see if you can both evolve to a higher state of being. Ainz, Shalltear drank my blood. She seems obsessed with me."
Ainz thoughts turned weird.
"Is she part of your harem? How? She hates the living."
Kurayami scoffed.
"Look at me Ainz, I am me. What is tastier than the Blood of a Dragon God."
Ainz realized he had a good point.
"True. Thanks for the scale though."
Kurayami nodded.
"Well, I will be off to summon my demon. Nyx, Ophis let's go."
He teleported them all quite a distance away from the New World which was in a unique solar system. He had not explored the other planets, but that could wait for now. They just appeared in the void of space where nothing would be destroyed if a fight broke. out.
Nyx looked at the orb in Kurayami's hands with interest.
"How does this summon work?"
Kurayami smiled.
"I activate the spell and offer this in exchange for the service of a Demon. Let's hope a good one comes."
He held his hand out and a blood-red magic circle appeared in the middle of space. He cut open his palm with his nails and splashed the circle with his blood causing it to turn bright purple.
Kurayami tossed the soul orb in the middle and held his arms out. He covered in Nyx so she could not hear him speak in the Primordial Tounge.
'Chaos Demon, I call you forth to serve me, Abhaiond'endan. Son of Death.'
Ophis was unaffected as she was connected to his soul so she was safeguarded against the negatives. A giant blood-red portal opened straight into the Wrath Ring of Hell. Here, Dragon God-level beings were dime a dozen.
Many demons who had heard his offer rushed forward to claim the orb and his contract for themselves. To serve the kin of Death would give them a status of unimaginable degree so Hell turned into a free for all.
Many demons fought for the offer from humanoid demons, ones that looked like monsters, to dragons. The wrath ring was a land where the strong fought for eternity which was more like a blessing to them.
The hoards of the ring were fighting and dying by the droves for the tantalizing offer until one Demonic Chaos Beast as big as Kurayami blasted everything around him with a white ray that came from his flashlight like eyes.
It was the biggest Demon Beast in this part of hell and stood a staggering 120 meters tall. He swung his spiked tail and killed a giant dragon that rushed for the orb.
A blood-red orb appear on top of his horns and it vaporized thousands of demons before he stood in the magic circle. He looked at the orb that was offered and kneeled down.
'Xargomoth offers his service.'
Kurayami felt a demon take his offer and when he saw it, he nodded.
"I accept."
Once the pact was sealed and he ate the Soul Orb he felt the power of the souls seem like nothing when he felt the energy that Kurayamo contained. The demons around him all cursed as they had lost the offer to a lowly Demon Beast.
They considered Beast Demons as beneath them despite Xargomoth being the king of this part of the circle. He stood up and began to walk toward Kurayami to gaze at his new master.
The magic circle expanded to accommodate the beast and once the head was out Nyx looked at it with pure shock. This thing was on the level of the Dragon God's if not higher. Meaning it was equal to or slightly below Kurayami, but it did not care in the slightest.
(Image Here.)
The Beast once unleashed onto real space looked at Kurayami with white lights for eyes. It stood on four legs and was covered in red crystal-like growths A giant pair of horns were on both sides of its head while it lowered its head toward him.
Its growl was like a rumble of an engine.
'I pledge myself to serve you till the end of time. My life is in your hands.'
Kurayami reached out and placed his hand on his face.
"I accept the terms of the contract. Welcome to my service Xargomoth."
Once the contract was done, Kurayami felt the power and knowledge of the demon enter his mind. He saw that Xargomoth had once been nothing more than a bull calf that was thrown into hell as a joke by some sadistic cultists.
He saw how much the Xargomoth had suffered to reach the point he did now. How he braved danger and never retreated from a fight for over 10,000 years. He had risen to be an overlord of a section of hell, but that was nothing.
He learned of the hierarchy of hell, it was Lesser Demon, Middle Demon, High Demon, Greater Demon, Arch Demon, Demonn Lord, Prince of Hell, and Demon king. Xargomoth himself was at the peak of the High Demon rank but was still not a Greater Demon.
Seeing how many ranks higher remained wanted him to go to Hell to train.
"Xargomoth, would you guide me when I enter hell?"
The demon nodded. He could not speak normally so he spoke through growls.
'It is my pleasure.'
Xargomoth could feel the aura that seemed to nourish his body. He felt that with the souls and the pact he would rise to the Greater Demon Rank in 100 years.
"Xargomoth, can you shrink down. I don't want you to be sealed up all the time for it."
Xargommoth nodded and shrunk himself into a tiny cat-sized form. Kurayami held him in his hands while Ophis and Nyx looked at him. Shin smelled the Demon as he was curious about Demos.
Ophis touched his horn and felt just how sharp it was.
"I hope you serve my mate well."
Xargomoth growled which Ophis understood.
'You are as strong as the master. She is weak.'
Nyx felt insulted by the way that flashlight-like eyes looked at her.
"He is looking down on me."
Ophis nodded.
"He thinks you are too weak. Train harder."
Nyx nodded.
"Fine, I will do just that. Until I am stronger than Shiva."
Kurayami smiled as he liked to have more pets. While he was doing that Ainz was having a huge isssue. Pandora's Actor was panicking as an Exchange Box was spitting out Yggdrasil gold like a fountain.
Ainz and Edmund were in the treasury as the Exchange Box took the scale and saw it as priceless. It began to spit out gold coins without end that started to fill the treasure. Ainz freaked out and turned on all the environmental defense features that cost money.
He had turned them off to save money, but now he had too much. Some of the gold was used up to turn them back on, but the Exchange Box kept spitting out near-endless amounts of gold.
After 30 minutes the Exchange Box spat out Kurayami's scale with about half of it devoured. The great tomb would never run out of gold like this so Ainz started to use the gold to summon pop mobs and the like.
He had too much and Pandora Actor was trying hard to manage the new treasure. Despite his initial panic he wanted to keep the scale that caused this boon. Ainz and Edmund were nearly crushed to death by the storm of gold so they now had great respect for Kurayami. It did put the box out of commission as it tried to recover.
Now that Kurayami summoned his demon, he, Nyx, Ophis, Shin, and Xargomoth returned to Earth as they had some work to do. Ophis looked at Saturn in the distance.
"I will go get Titan. The Earth is going to need a Moon and Titan is just a bit bigger than the Moon. I will try to keep its oceans intact."
He nodded.
"While you do that, I will begin to see if I can make the level of Earth rise up. The humans had their turn, it is ours now."
Nyx laughed at his words.
"Kinky, now when can I expect that reward."
His arm wrapped around her hips as while he would not be free, he would have some free time. I think that can be arranged."
Ophis already started to leave.
"Oh Kurayami, have fun. I think I need a reward to deal with all of the pain I suffered. Two Months."
He nodded.
"I also want to relax, so I will appreciate it."
She left after and now Kurayami was with Xargomoth, Nyx, and Shin. He put his demon in his familiar space which was the best place for his familiars. It was where they could enjoy his aura.
His hand went toward her full breast and gave them a squeeze. A soft moan came out of her mouth as she enjoyed his touch. He teleported them to his room where he would claim his next virgin.
(Not a Full Sex Chapter. Just part of one.)