When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
The moment Issei said that Kanzaki grit his teeth and activated his Transcendental Arrival Balance Breaker that fused both aspects of Innovate Clear and Telos Karna. He did not even dare to slow down to say goodbye and tried to teleport away as Issei said.
Ophis slammed her foot down and spread a domain of her influence.
"Dimension Stasis."
She froze Space and Time in a 500-mile radius to stop him, and Kurayami drew Rebellion and Submission as he charged toward Issei. As for Issei, he got deadly serious as he saw that he would have to face Kurayami of all people.
Kuromi already drew her twin chain swords and attacked Kanzaki and his surviving group. Kanzaki knew that he had to give his group a chance to escape so he charged toward Kuromi.
Behind her helmet, she had a wide snarl of a battle maniac.
Kanzaki spread his Balance Breaker to all of Kuoh Town and trapped Kurayami, Ophis, and Kuromi in his own personal world. He set the rules of this place to make him and Issei last as long as possible. He left the rest of his group outside to give them the chance to escape.
First, he set the time here to be much faster than outside, making a healing mist that only targets him and Issei. He created a bunch of anti monsters that he had prepared for years for the day that he would face Kurayami.
They were more like machines as he could not create monsters as they would rebel when Kurayami willed it. He was meticulous in his preparations and made Anti Monsters for each and every one of Kurayami's flames and lightning.
Kanzaki's wound began to close at high speed as he was not trying to hide anymore. He expelled the Demon Ki and Infinity poison that he could, but he still cursed as this all went wrong.
"Issei, take on Kurayami. I got Kuromi, I made Anti Monsters strong enough to take on Ophis."
"Did you now?"
Ophis's gauntlets and her armor appeared as she felt insulted. She was a Dragon God, saying that he made something to counter her hit her pride. She appeared in front of Kanzaki, but before she could smash his face im, a black metal palm stopped her blow capable of destroying continents.
She could feel the Kinetic Energy in her blow move from the arm to the other which was clenched in a fist. A rocket on the elbow fired with magic and punched her in the face launching her into the depths of this world created to kill her, Kurayami, and Kuromi.
When Kuromi failed to kill him the first time she made it harder to kill him. He had made something to counter them all, and now that his Anti Robot was in action he felt confident.
"Kuromi, Kurayami, today you die."
She drew her chain swords and charged at Kanzaki once again. More Anti Machines sprouted around as he remembered the first time he fought Kurayami. He made hundreds of monsters made for the purpose to kill Kurayami, but they all kneeled at his feet instead.
He felt guilty as those monsters he made went on to become one of the banes of humanity. As such he made machines now that had no biological components. He wished he knew this before, but it would not change things.
He and Kuromi clashed on a similar scale and now the world created was containing two Dragon God-level battles. Issei kept looking at the most dangerous one who was Kurayami, but he was just glad that Shin was not there.
"You know I learned of what was supposed to be my fate. I learned about it by chance. You are an anomaly that should not exist in our world. Akeno and Kuroka were supposed to marry me. Instead, they became yours. How unfair you got them first."
He did not know the meaning of fear as he did not see it as a big deal. He thought Kurayami would be more level-headed, but he just kept talking.
"Those two have some of the biggest breasts I have ever seen. Akeno especially, you are a very lucky man, but that is not to say that Kuroka is not hot. Turst me, not to mention your daughter. She might be freakishly tall, but her ass and tits are perf-"
He shut up when he heard a crack. He saw that the black sunglasses Kurayami wore had a large crack in them. That piece fell to the ground and he saw nothing but pure wrath in Kurayami's eyes. They were blood red as his Infinity sighs turned red.
The rest of the sunglasses fell to the ground in pieces as he started to hear the rhythmic beating of Kurayami's Dragon Heart. Kurayami returned to his gigantic Dragon Form while his two blades grew to his level.
"Balance Breaker, Abyss Side."
The cursed black burning armor appeared all over his back and formed a type of crown around his horns. He roared as he was going to murder and tear Issei limb from limb. Draig cursed in his mind as the dumbass pocked at a Dragons Hoard.
"Balance Breaker, Cardinal Crimson Promotion."
A crimson armor appeared around him while his aura grew to the level of a Dragon God. He knew that Kurayaimi was not going to hold back and neither was he. The Aspect of Dreams that he was gifted by Great Red activated while Kurayami used the Infinity.
Kurayami did not speak anymore just moved in for the kill. His titanic frame vanished from view as he slashed down millions of o times with his two swords. They could feel the rage, but he was not letting it control him. He controlled it and used the rage to force his Dragon Heart to beat.
Nothing drew out the power of a male dragon than mentioning their harem. Issei charged up as he created a type of mech around him as big as Kurayami. The mech was one of the things Kanzaki and Issei worked together to build.
It was built with kinetic converters, magic distributors, was supposed to be blade proof, lightning, and fireproof. It had never been tested, but the results were already poor. The mech tapped into the power of the Boosted Gear to boost its power over and over.
With the aspect of Dreams and Kanzaki's world around him he felt he could take on Kurayami. Around his arms was a crimson aura as the mech used Draconic power as energy.
These shields were as strong as they got but now was the testing phase. He raised his arm and started to parry. The crimson energy shields held on for the first 500 blows, making him feel confident.
Part of the kinetic energy from those blows was directed toward the core in the mech that could covert it into magic. Which was given to Draig so he could boost the power even further.
Kurayami's eyes squinted eyes glowed as more lightning, fire, and Infinity were channeled through his mana veins. His Dragon Heart never stopped pumping to make more energy which fed into the mana veins in a cycle.
Just as Issei felt confident Kurayami swung Rebellion faster than even the AI and Issie could see. He slashed deep into the Mech's chest causing Issei to grit his teeth in agony. He and the Mech were linked and the machine was an extension of his will.
"Deploy all weapons."
A pair of canons appeared on his shoulders while the back of the mech opened up to reveal hundreds of missiles. Two giant Ascalons appeared from the wrist gauntlets while hundreds of red and white wyverns appeared around him,
The spines on Kurayami's back crackled with lightning the size of buildings while fire burned all around his body. Kurayami cross swung both swords while a planet-destroying attack was launched toward Issei.
Kanzaki who was still battling with Kuromi while more and more Anti machines appeared around was not having it easy. He made counters to most of her abilities, but it did not stop the fact that she was a monster.
She had the best of 5 different races and each one of them gave her power. She could use Light, Senjutsu, Demon magic, Demonic Power, Infinity, and Death magic, Demonic Ki was her specialty which combined Senjustu and her Demon magic.
It was deadly as it could destroy the internals of his machines and corrupt them. Demon magic could corrupt even machines so he always made sure to run holy anti-virus software in his creations.
He spat some blood as he used his white sword to stay standing. A giant explosion appeared in the distance and from time to time Issei and Kurayami's giant figures clashed in the air. As for Ophis, she was still fighting the machine that was made for the single purpose to kill her.
He was having to contain three world-destroying battles in his World and he was reaching his limit. Just as he got distracted he felt the right side of his body be slashed open making him look down. A giant cut from his hip to his elbow cut him open. Blood spilled from the wound making him look at Kuromi.
She used his lapse of judgment to inflict a wound on him, but his Anti Machines were ready and saved his life.
"Next time, I take your head."
Kanzaki did not bother to answer as his wound struggled to heal. Some healing machines appeared around him and started to speed up his healing. Kuromi cursed at the sight of them as he learned to deal with her Demon Ki slightly.
A blood-red touki appeared around her as she used her Senjutsu and Demon Ki to boost her power. Anyone else would have gone mad, but this was her bloodline. She exhaled and started to swing her two blades toward Kazaki in a berserk frenzy.
He got up as a mechanical suit appeared around his body which increased his parameters even further. This was what made Kazaki a treat as he could keep adapting to the situation. Kuromi was not afraid in the slightest as she took pride in her lineage.
"My father would have killed you by now."
She launched her chain blade into one of the machines behind Kanzkai and used it as a wrecking ball to crush Kanzaki. Instead of dodging, his machine took care of the machine as he charged toward Kurommi with his sword.
He brought out a vial of Samael's poison that took a lot to produce. Kuromi, Kurayami, Ophis, and Issei all felt danger, but Kuromi and Kurayami felt it only slightly. Kuromi still decided to go all out now as she had kept this hidden for this time.
She returned to her true form of a giant dragon. She looked a lot like her father, but she had 9 scaled cat tails behind her. She even kept her fluffy cat ears which looked kind of weird on her dragon body.
3 pairs of wings appeared behind her as her armor and chain swords grew to accommodate her new size. Kanzaki splashed the poison on his sword and prepared to kill her.
"Even you can't survive the Dragon Killer."
Kuromi did not answer as she was going to show him the truth. She raised her two blades and swung the chains down in a cross shape at him. Her Dragon Heart which had been doing the same as her father produced more and more mana for her.
Her two blades burned in a purple and blood-red fire while her mana pathways did the same. Lightning, fire, light and bladed weapons appeared around her while Fallen Angel, Devil, and Demon magic circles appeared all over her body like runes.
Kanzaki charged forward at the speed of light as his armor kept on improving. One of the giant chain swords and Kanzaki's small white blade clashed while the other one moved to cut him in half.
He could only create one powerful machine like the one Ophis was fighting with, but he could make many weaker ones. They all combined and used their bodies to save his life. He parried the giant blade and appeared in front of Kuromi's chest.
He yelled with pure rage as he felt that he was going to succeed. She raised her arm and saw the white blade go through her armor and poison her. She felt like liquid fire was poured into her veins and not the good kind.
However, that was all it was. The pain was something she could deal with easily. Kanzaki knew that was not right as the moment it was used it should begin to destroy the Dragon or Serpent poisoned. Why was she still standing?
Kuromi punched him full force and launched him to the edge of his world.
"OW! Fuck that hurts."
She clenched her fist and caused any of the poisoned blood to be expelled.
Kanzaki expected to not be able to kill her, but his armor failed. Ki, in general, could ignore defense and when Demon Ki was involved it was even deadlier. Kanzaki grit his teeth as he communicated with Issei who was losing more and more of his mech.
His legs were already a thing of the past and his chest was damaged. The only reason his mech was standing was that the world was preparing it.
'We need to run.'
Issei was going to agree, but Ophis appeared at his side. Her body and armor were a mess of blood and wounds while a robot head and body were in her hands. She kicked Issei's mech full force giving Kurayami an opening.
He raised his swords while he channeled as much power as the could contain and slashed the mech open. Issei escaped out the back door as his mech was destroyed. He was not flanked by two Dragon Gods who were going to do everything they could to make sure he stayed dead.
Kanzaki teleported Issei to his side, but he knew he would have to be careful. Kurayami, Ophis, and Kuromi all surrounded the two of them making Kanzaki sigh. He was still human, and what he was going to do might save his life, but he would need some time to recover his life span.
He started to age rapidly until he loomed like a 50-year-old man. He could only create one Dragon God-level machine, but by paying 30 years off his lifespan he created 4. He felt like his insides were a mess as the Demon Ki was still in his system.
The 4 Robots charged at the three Dragon Gods making Ophis curse. It took all she had to kill one of those as they were made to counter her. These 4 were the same, but 2 were sent after Kurayami.
Kurayami was enraged they were going to run. He activated his Eldtrich features causing a giant eye to open on his forehead and chest. He took a deep breath while the eye on his chest locked on Issei.
Issei screamed as he just barely stayed alive while his veins turned black and his blood vessels burst. Kanzaki teleported the two of them away as they would have to try again later. Kanzaki had to recover his vitality, deal with the corruption in his body and see if he could not save Issei.
He vanished with the limp body of Issei while Kurayami's Eldtrich features went away. He could not keep it active for long, but now they had 4 Anti Robots to deal with. These would be a good way to vent the rage he felt right now.
I feel Kurayami needs some danger. This arc dealing with Kanzaki will not last long. It is the prelude to the Wrath Ring one though.