
Light Yagami and his Dimensional Group Chat

After his death, Light Yagami wakes up in the body of a 12 year old boy. Giving him the chance to live again, but in this life instead of the death note he's given something much more. A group chat, linking multiple worlds through a phone.

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20 Chs

Chapter 9 - Suki

Rui: "I'm not going"

Bachira: "Same. Whales are cute, no way I'm killing one :("

JoJo: "Haha a mission, seems interesting. I'm in."

Raito: "I'm going too. That means we need one more person. I have a theory, if 'Caged Vampire Queen' was to go, it would allow her to become 'uncaged'. Even if she doesn't have an ability, seeing as the inventory is still usable, she would be able to open the welcoming gift and get an ability from that."

Bachira: "Wow, Raito you are so smart. Yeah, we should do that, we can save our new friend. I wonder what she's like."

JoJo: "I agree, we should do that. I've never met a queen before, should be fun."

Bachira: "I wonder when the mission will start"

Was the last message I saw before suddenly my surroundings changed. I looked around and I saw two other people with me, one was a tall man with broad shoulders and he was Caucasian. The other was a little kid, and she was seemingly... Well, naked.

I quickly adjusted my eyes and looked at our surroundings, and we appeared to be on a gravel road.

'maybe the countryside.'

It was daylight at the moment. Looking around further into the distance I saw something massive, it was towering. A lone tree, reaching past the clouds, stood a couple hundred meters from us. It is mythical, a tree this big doesn't exist on earth.

"We're in another world," I muttered out loud, amazed by the power of this group chat. This group chat could be the reason I was reincarnated, or it could at least help me uncover how it happened.

Deciding to focus on the mystery of my reincarnation another time, I looked back at the two other people, clearly the other members of the group chat.

Noticing my gaze on him, the towering man looked at me and spoke with confidence. "You must be Raito, I am Joseph Joestar, but my friends call me JoJo." He spoke those words whilst making a pose, one hand on his waist while his other hand was in a fist with his thumb out, pointing at himself. Giving the impression he was showing himself off.

'hah, what arrogance. I'll allow it, for now, that is."

"Yes I'm Raito, it seems you just came from a fancy dinner," I said, pointing to his outfit.

"Well I was just dining with granny Erina, but this seemed like a lot more fun. Don't tell that to granny Erina though, or I'd be dead." He said with mock fear, though it was obvious he was just messing around.

'Even in a situation like this, he can make jokes. He's either an idiot or there's more than meets the eye, and seeing as his nickname was genius Delinquent, I'm guessing it's the latter.'

Finally looking back to the naked child, I saw that she was weak and malnourished. I took my jacket off and walked up to her, but just as I was about to cover her up with my jacket, she suddenly lunged at me.

Thinking as fast as I could, I used the ability of my new stand, Epitaph. And what I saw was interesting, to say the least. She was clinging to my body with her teeth plunged into my neck, her face had a look of euphoria. But the surprising thing was, I didn't seem to be in discomfort. Seeing that it seemed to be okay, I decided to let her drink my blood as it would seem.

'So she is a real vampire, huh.' She quickly bit my neck and I felt a weird sensation, like a heat going through my body, and around the area she was biting me it felt like I was getting sucked. A weird sensation indeed.

The other guy, JoJo, quickly exclaimed in shock and worry. "Are you ok, she's drinking your blood. Argh! what to do, what to do. Help Raito? but that would mean fighting a little girl."

"Stop screaming, I'm fine, she's not drinking too much blood and it doesn't hurt. She's the other member, the 'Caged Vampire Queen'" I finally interrupted his annoying shouting as he was giving me a headache, god he's annoying.

"Huh, oh that's good then. So that means she was an actual vampire, WAIT! Does that mean this little girl is a queen, but how? She's so young."

"STOP! CALLING! ME A LITTLE! GIRL!" The little girl - I mean the vampire, stopped sucking my blood, still clinging to me like a koala, and then suddenly shouted. Each word was said with a little pause in between, really showing how annoyed she was getting.

"But you are a little girl, I mean look at you. There's no way you're older than twelve. Am I right Raito?." JoJo said in a confused tone, something he shouldn't have said.

A couple of veins appeared on the vampire girl clinging to me, and it looked like she was ready to attack. Not wanting a fight to happen between group chat members, I decided to diffuse the situation.

"Vampire girl, how old are you then? Oh by the way I'm Raito Yagami, just call me Raito."

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to ask a lady her age? Well since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you, the only problem is I don't know the exact number. All I know is I'm over 300 years old."

"300! You older than granny Erina." JoJo interrupted again, I don't think I'll ever like this guy.

"Who are you calling old? your just a little boy who can't appreciate beauty, hmph." She said with a pout on her face.

"Beauty Ha, I like girls with a little more 'personality' if you know what I mean," JoJo responded whilst he moved his hands over his chest as if he was outlining breasts, and large ones at that.

"Ignore him, by the way, I don't know your name. I've already told you mine." Said the girl hanging from me, not wanting a fight to start.

"give me one" she whispered

"Huh?" I said back, surprised by this response.

But she took that as I didn't hear her so she said again, a lot louder this time "I said, Give me one!"

"If you say so. How about Suki? In Japanese Suki are the last two syllables for vampire. It also means Beloved, but I picked the name because of the first reason." I said, not wanting to cause any confusion.

"Beloved, me, Raito's beloved."

I guess that didn't work, what a drag. It's always the petite blondes that get this way as well.

Now wearing my jacket, I put the vampire girl, Suki, down on the ground. She reluctantly let go of me and stood by my side. I'm pretty sure I caught her sniffing my jacket a couple of times as well.

'I just hope she doesn't become obsessed with me, I think I'm getting déjà ja vu.'

-authors note-

I've seen a couple of fanfics where the MC saves Yue and she asks them to give her a name and they give her the exact same one, even if they haven't seen Arifureta. I thought to change it up a bit and give her the name Suki, which I think is as good if not better than Yue.

If you think this is a bad decision then please state your reasoning in the comments, if it's valid then I can change it, but I don't see a problem with it at the moment.

On a side note Yue Vs Misa, who do you prefer as a character. For me it's Yue, but I also like Misa. I disliked there was a harem in Arifureta, it should've just been Yue in my opinion.