

Rissa_Kindness · Sejarah
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Lucia kept reading, she was so engrossed in it but then,her eyes went to the table next to the window, she stood up from the bed and walked towards it.

' I said so,so this is what I have been perceiving for quite a while now ' she said to herself.

She grabbed a chair and sat, she took the spoon and took a spoonful of the food.

' Wait, why would anyone bring porridge for me in the afternoon, and who brought it, it's not like I'm sick,maybe she thought, the looked at the bowl of porridge and the spoonful in her hand.

' Well, I'll eat it, I haven't eaten anyway, eating this won't do anybody any harm, will it? ' she shrugged her shoulder and ate it anyway.

' That was satisfying ' she said.

' So, should I return these plates or what, who would I give it to ' she thought and decided to take them to the kitchen but as she wanted to open the door she remembered Aurelia telling her never to leave her room.

' Right, what am I even thinking ' she said and returned the plates to the table, she picked the book again and lied in her bed, she opened it and every word started coming I pairs , she wondered if it's the book or it's just her, she closed it and opened it again.

' Oh my ' she tried to get some water but her body would not cooperate, slowly, her eyes gave in and she slept.


' The only daughter I have in this house is her and her name is Aurelia ' Duchess Evelyn said holding Aurelia's arm.

' Is she? ' Fernandez said raising an eyebrow.

' Yes, you can be sure of that, your highness ' Duchess Evelyn said.

Fernandez looked back and his personal guard came forward, standing by him,

' Is this true? ' Fernandez said to his guard.

' Yes, this lady is the only one seen with the duchess in every gathering and festival ' he replied and the duchess had a devilish smile on her face but the crown prince did not notice, then the guard retreated and stood with the other servants.

' Then, if all this is true, I'll love to ask your daughter's hand, um..

' Aurelia ' the duchess said

' Right, I'll love to ask your daughter, Aurelia, to be my bride ' the crown prince corrected.

' Gladly, your highness ' both the duchess and Aurelia bowed.

' We shall come again to talk about the preparation for the wedding ' the crown prince said.

' Yes your highness '

Crown prince Fernandez and the servants left and went back to the palace.

' That useless, insolent brat ' The duchess fumed in anger.

' She's really getting on my nerves, how did he know about Lucia? ' Aurelia said with disgust.

' MELISSA... ' the duchess shouted and Melissa came rushing.

' Bring me Lucia ' she said

' Why mother ' Aurelia asked.

' I need to teach her some lessons ' the duchess replied.

' That won't be needed mother '

' Why? '

' She would be sleeping by now ' Aurelia said.

' What have you done this time '

' Don't worry mother, it's for the best '

' Alright '

The duchess then turned to Melissa and said

' You may leave '

' Yes your grace ' Melissa said, bowed and left.

The duchess left the room and went to her chamber and Aurelia went to her room.

' That useless bastard, why did the crown prince even mention her, did he know about her? how?, at least the prince acknowledges me now,what am I even saying, ' he acknowledges me now? ', really? ' She scoffed.

' We should not even be compared, she would not dare she stand a chance, I'm superior to her, right? '

Aurelia kept talking to herself, she thought of something and went out of her room.


The sun is setting and Fernandez finally got to the palace, he ordered the groom to return his horse to the stable, then he went straight to the king's chambers in long strides while his personal eunuch practically ran after him.

He was told the king was in a meeting with the kingdom officials but he decided to wait for him in his chambers.

He took a seat and his personal guard stood beside him.

' Are you sure about what you said? ' Fernandez asked

' Yes, your highness, duchess Aurelia is the only daughter in Duke Damian's house ' eunuch James replied.

' Ok, then I'll have to ask father again to be sure '

Shortly after, the king came and the crown prince stood immediately and bowed, eunuch James also bowed.

' Welcome father ' Fernandez said, he made eye contact with eunuch James and he left the room to the father and son.

' Father, about Duke Damian's daughter, there was nobody called Lucia but I met another woman there, she isn't anything like the Lucia I knew ' Fernandez explained.

' Duchess Evelyn is Duke Damian's second wife, he married her when his first wife died, so Lucia might have been done away with, maybe married off already '

' Father...

' At least you saw a lady there, marry her so you would stand a more chance, being the crown prince, if one of your brothers get married, your stand will remain temporary ' The king said frankly.

' Yes father ' Fernandez said, stood up, bowed and left the king's chambers.

As soon as he left and closes the door behind him, he said to James ' I need you to look into Lucia's whereabouts as soon as possible '

' Yes, your highness ' James replied and left immediately.

' You promised Lucia, you promised, I'll find you and be with you again '