
Light of night

Trevor is an antisocial nerdy teenager, without any friends. He always feels that something is incomplete in his life. He notices some unnatural movements and believes that he is psychologically sick. He doesn't have any goal for life. He is depressed and wants to have some friends but he doesn't like anyone. What will happen when he will face the secrets that are unknown for human world? Jake is an hundred and twenty years old vampire. He is right hand of the vampire king. He have to end that curse which is on the supernatural world for hundred years. What will happen when he will have to enter the human world to fulfill his mission? Aiden is an eighteen years old werewolf. He is also a part of supernatural world. He also wants to end that curse on supernatural world, which was the result of the greediness of vampire king to get powers for ruling over the world. He will have to enter the human world with Jake to fulfill the mission of supernatural world. What will happen when a vampire and a werewolf will have to become friends for a common cause? Ana is also an hundred and eighteen years old teenage vampire rl. She is a sister of Jake. She lives in human world like humans because she never wanted to become a vampire. She is studying in high school. She will fall in love with Trevor. What will happen when she will become a part of a mission? Destiny is going to make its move and these four will be destined to end a curse. What is the link of Trevor with supernatural world. And how these four will end that curse. If you want to know then read now "Light of Night".

AuthorZaysh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

A new student

Anna: We will take it later. I have to go

now. My brother is waiting at home. I promised him dinner.

Trevor: Come on, it's just a picture. You know my phone's back camera is awesome.

Trevor, we will take it tomorrow. She said,

I held her hand. I took a picture of us with the project.

Look, how beautiful we are looking.

I turned the phone. She was looking at the picture. Her eyes were dark blue. I had already studied that on the internet, if we take a picture with a vampire from a back camera, the real color of their eyes will appear.

And if we take a picture from the front camera, the real vampire will not appear in it.

Look, your eyes are dark blue. I really loved your eyes' real color. She was staring at me. Her eyes were shocked. She was shocked. She wasn't moving. She was like a statue at that moment.

Do all the vampires have dark blue eyes? I asked her and she was still in shock.

Trevor, how do you know that? She asked.

I just found out right now. Look at the mirror behind you. There is only me. You are not in the mirror.

Then other doubts like your scaring me at any moment, your heightened senses, blood in your fridge and stuff.

It didn't take much time for me to figure it out.

Why aren't you afraid? She asked.

I don't know. Maybe I have already passed that phase of being afraid while searching for vampires. Or maybe.....I held her hand and said, maybe I am in love with you so much that it doesn't matter to me who you are.

Trevor, I thought if you find out, then you will leave me. That's why, I once tried.... She was saying and I cut her by saying..

That's why, you once tried to compel me to forget about you but fortunately I was wearing lenses that day.

Yes, I am really in shock. I thought you would be terrified and you will never see me. But now, I am relieved. She said,

I was actually afraid but I don't know, one day I saw you in a dream being a vampire and then I started to investigate.

What? You saw me in a dream being a vampire. Are you kidding me? She said,

Maybe that's the power of true love. Our true love.

She was smiling and then I asked again, you didn't answer my question, do all vampires have blue eyes?

She again started smiling and then she said in a low tone, no that depends upon the vampire who turned the person into a vampire. She said,

So, the vampire who turned you into a vampire has blue eyes?

Yes. That's why the real color of my eyes is also blue. Trevor, I have to go now. I will talk with you later about this matter. She said,

Wait, I want to ask you one more thing..... I was saying that and she dashed off with flying speed.

Is your brother a vampire? And she was nowhere. That sentence ended up in my mouth.

Jake: Where were you Ana? I was waiting for you.

I was with my high school friend. We have an art project to make. I was just doing that. She said,

Ana, we have bigger problems than an art project. Can we concentrate on them?

Yes.... Yes... I know. She said,

So, according to Nia, that protector is in California because he is near the barrier. And the barrier is in the forest of California. He is living very close to the supernatural world.

How did she know that? Ana asked.

She said that we are linked to that curse. She took our blood and did some spellings. So, that's how she located that protector. She didn't get the exact location. But he lives here and we know that. It won't be difficult for us to find him.

He will probably be a teenager, a seventeen or eighteen years old young boy. So, where can we find a boy with such qualities?

All teenagers do study. He will probably be in some kind of high school.

There are many high schools in California. Ana said.

So, you are also in high school? Aiden said.

Yeah, I have been in high school since,..... I don't even remember how many years. Anna said.

Why didn't you live in a supernatural world? Aiden asked.

I always wanted to be human, to live like humans. So, I decided to come here to the human world. Anna said.

Then, why did you become a vampire? Aiden asked again.

Anna looked at me and then she said, it's a long story. I will tell you some other day.

So, what's the plan? How are we going to find that protector? Anna said.

We? Only me and Aiden. You are not involved in this matter.

Excuse me.... Unfortunately, I am also a supernatural creature and my powers are also half. So, technically I am also involved in this matter. Anna said.

Guys, what are you doing? We have bigger problems. And you both are arguing like children. Aiden said.

I am not arguing.

Yes, you are. Anna said.

Please stop behaving like children and concentrate on the plan. Aiden said.

Okay, so what's the plan. Anna said.

I looked at her again but she didn't bother. So, I surrendered and said, according to my sister, he will be in high school and that makes sense.

So, one of us will join the high school. And the other will find him in other schools and areas.

Aiden: I will search for him in other schools data and in other areas. I don't really like high schools.

Do you have a high school in the supernatural world? Anna asked.

Yes, all the towns of different creatures in the supernatural world have their own high schools.

That's cool. I didn't know that. Anna said.

So, I think I'll be the one joining the high school. Jake asked.

Yes. Probably, you will also be going to high school for the third or fourth time.

No, I didn't join a high school in all these years. When I was a human, there weren't any high schools. And when I turned into a vampire, I went to the supernatural world. Jake said.

Oh, so this will be a new experience for you.

Yeah, maybe.

Trevor: I was feeling normal. I wasn't feeling scared and I was questioning myself, Am I that much in love?

Do I really love her? Does it really matter that she is a vampire? I was in the classroom and taking a class. I wasn't paying attention to the lecture. I was just thinking about Anna. I have been through so many unnatural incidents, that it really doesn't matter to me her being a vampire. I was trying to give a satisfying explanation to myself and this was the only thing which was making sense.

I was psychologically disturbed. I had horrifying dreams at night. And I still sometimes see such types of dreams. In fact, sometimes I see dreams during the day, terrifying dreams. Probably, that's why when a real supernatural creature came in front of me I didn't get afraid. Because I was used to seeing them in dreams.

(Attention class) Mr Tom said. He was the headmaster of our highschool. I didn't notice when he came to class. I didn't even stand in his respect. I was sitting in the last chair in the corner of class. That's why he didn't notice me sitting. There was another guy standing beside him.

Students, he is your new class fellow. His name is Jake. Mr Tom said.

Many students said hello to new students.

Mr Tom said to him, Jake you can go to every student, meet them and introduce yourself with every student one by one.

He was going to every student. He was shaking hands and saying, Hy I am Jake. And the other other student was also telling him his/her name.

What is he doing? Isn't this strange? He is going to everyone and shaking hands and telling his name. I haven't seen such type of introduction. In fact, Mr Tom didn't interfere during a lecture since when I got here. I haven't seen him introducing a new student like that.

Maybe this Jake is his relative and he wants him to feel comfortable in a new class.