

After losing your powers in a battle against a demon blood, you search for answers, and you've found them. Only catch is, to restore back your abilities you must find and seduce Damien Cold, who also happens to be the man who made you lose them in the first place - your worst enemy. Fate is playing a game with you, will you succumb to fate? But as they, one can’t fight destiny. Perhaps, Damien Cold is the starting that will lead you back the road you came running from.

_KherdieB · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

Time to let go

Ellorhia, present day

"Do it Levi!" Hela yelled with authority, and Levi felt the command.

He ducks his head and speaks grumpily,

"Forgive me for my actions brother, i meant no harm neither to you, nor Tee, nor Aragon. I hope you understand that this is my way of offering you help, do forgive me!" He stops.

"And?" Hela asked him expectantly. He stifles a groan,

"And… i uh… I am!"

"Just say the damn word Levi so we can end this torture!" Avaa complained.

Levi sighed in defeat, "I am… I am ss… SORRY, sorry for my actions!"

Hearing Levi apologize is equivalent to child birth - both are forced out.

Tee smiled brightly, "I love you brother!"

"Yeah, whatever!" He grumbled.

Aragon nods, "As the older brother, it is expected of me to be understanding and forgiving. But such insolence from you shall never be tolerated by me ever again, so watch how you speak to me next time brother!" He warned sternly.