
Light In The Dark.

Adjei_fordjour · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 1:" Enlighten"

Ann's attention was immediately drawn to Vanessa when she noticed tears streaming down her friend's face.

Without hesitation, she walked over to her and spoke in a gentle tone, "Vanessa, what's wrong?"

She wanted Vanessa to know that she was there for her and willing to listen.

Ann continued, "Please know that I believe in you, and I know how strong and capable you are. Whatever it is that's troubling you, feel free to share it with me. I'm here to support you."

Ann patiently waited for Vanessa to open up, ready to offer any help or guidance that she could. Vanessa's voice was laced with emotion as she spoke, tears streaming down her face.

"I can't believe it. I am once again played," she said, barely able to get the words out. Ann listened carefully, sensing her friend's pain.

"You mean Jerry also broke up with you?" she asked, trying to understand the situation.

"Have you ever found yourself pondering whether your romantic relationships always seem to end in disappointment due to a streak of bad luck or if it's simply your destiny to be perpetually mistreated in love?

Are you currently grappling with the question of whether your experiences are the product of random chance or predetermined fate?

Ann expressed her bewilderment at this unusual predicament.

Hey there! Unfortunately, Cecelia and Salma didn't arrive as soon as we were expecting"Stop playing games, Vanessa. What's the problem? Spit it out,"

Salma demanded what happened and directed Ann's attention immediately drawn to Vanessa when she noticed tears streaming down her friend's face.

Without hesitation, she walked over to her and spoke in a gentle tone, "Vanessa, what's wrong?"

She wanted Vanessa to know that she was there for her and willing to listen. "It's important that you keep your thoughts to yourself. She is in pain and doesn't need any added negativity",

Cecilia's voice exuded confidence as she spoke with assertiveness and conviction, her frustration palpable.

"oh stop yelling at me! Since She is not ready to tell me I will guess myself. maybe Jerry has given her a broken heart"

With a sense of surety in her voice, Salma expressed her thoughts without any hesitation or doubt, conveying her message with a confidence that suggested she knew exactly what she was talking about.

Salma sat next to her,placing a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. own her face.

Salma sat next to Vanessa, lacing a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder.

"I can't believe he did this to you," Salma said, trying to offer some solace. Vanessa shook her head, unable to speak.

Vanessa, who had been crying quietly, suddenly spoke up. "I don't understand it," she said, her voice filled with sadness. "Is it a crime to love someone with all your heart? What did I do wrong for Jerry to cheat on me?

Ain't I beautiful enough?" Salma turned to Vanessa, her eyes filled with understanding.

"It's not your fault," she said gently. "Men can be wicked sometimes. But that doesn't mean you're not enough. You're beautiful, smart, and kind.

And one day, you'll find someone who appreciates you for who you are. The three friends slept at Vanessa's place.

they comforted Vanessa and assured her that she would find true love.

The next morning, Ann was taken aback when she saw Vanessa preparing for work. "Eii Vanessa! So you are going to work today? You were crying just yesterday. I can hardly believe it," Ann said in surprise.

Before Vanessa could even utter a word, Salma and Cecelia appeared on the scene. "Oh no, look at this girl o! She is going to work today," Salma commented, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"You guys should stop her! Aren't you happy that she is back to normal?" Cecelia said, turning to Ann and Salma.

"You guys should cut it out. I am not ready for your drama. I have a new contract, so I have to go to work," Vanessa said, a hint of irritation in her voice.

Picture this - the hustle and bustle of Vanessa's workplace. Colleagues typing away on their computers, phones ringing non-stop, and the sound of printers churning out pages. It's a lively and dynamic environment that never fails to keep Vanessa on her toes.

"I heard that Madam Vanessa has gotten a broken heart," Gerald said, his tone full of concern. The group was standing in the lobby of the company, discussing the recent turn of events.

"So you mean the Jerry guy that comes here often broke up with her?" Vanessa's accountant asked, shaking her head in sympathy.

"Yes, that's the one," Gerald confirmed. "This girl is not lucky at all."

"I don't know why men keep playing her despite she has everything a lady deserves," Vanessa's receptionist chimed in, clearly frustrated.

As they were gossiping about Vanessa, she suddenly appeared in the lobby. The group went silent as she walked past, her eyes downcast.

Vanessa made her way to her office, shutting the door behind her with a heavy sigh.

The group exchanged worried looks, knowing that their boss was going through a tough time.

The atmosphere in the office was tense as Vanessa, their boss, scolded the employees. "Why have you all gathered here? C'mon, go to your various working places. Nonsense!"

Vanessa's voice was laced with anger, and her words left the employees startled and confused.

Gerald, one of the workers, was taken aback by Vanessa's outburst. "This is unusual behavior from Madam," he thought to himself. "She often greets us when she comes to work, but this time around, she didn't greet us. Can you imagine?

That girl is going through a lot."Gerald's colleague nodded in agreement. "Don't worry about her today," he said. "She's not in a good mood.

Let's go to our various workplaces before she fires us today.

"Gerald had to deliver a document to Vanessa's office, so he headed there.

He knocked on the door three times, "boom, boom, boom." "Who is at the door? Come in," Vanessa tiredly said.

Gerald opened the door and entered the room. "What is it?" Vanessa asked, her tone harsh and dismissive.

"Madam, this is the contract from the ministry. They want to see you before they sign the contract," Gerald said, trying to maintain a calm demeanor.

"Tell them I'm not coming. If they can't wait till next week, cancel the contract," Vanessa said, her voice cold and uncaring.

"But Madam, it's a big contract. You have to sign up for this," Gerald said, hoping to change her mind.

"Shut up! Didn't you hear what I said? Just leave!" Vanessa snapped.

Gerald left the room quietly, closing the door behind him without altering a word.

The employees knew better than to argue with Vanessa when she was in a bad mood.

They went about their day, hoping that Vanessa's mood would improve soon.

It was a bright and sunny day, and the clock had just struck noon.

Vanessa sat in her office, having already completed more than half of her working hours for the day.

She had been feeling quite off lately, but now she had finally come back to normal.

As she sat at her desk, she had a sudden realization that she had been deceiving herself.

Without wasting any time, Vanessa picked up the phone and ordered all of her workers to gather in her office immediately.

"All of you should gather at my office immediately! We need to talk," she said sternly.

Her workers were taken aback by the urgency in her voice. "Madam is calling in her office! We gotta go immediately before we get fired," Gerald said to his fellow workers.

Vanessa's accountant was visibly upset, muttering to himself about the possibility of losing his job.

"What is up again? This angry woman is calling us, then we should all gather our things and prepare to leave this company," he said.

Gerald, however, was more curious than anything else.

"Let's go and at least listen to her angry words," he said, leading the way to Vanessa's office.

Once they arrived, they all sat down nervously, wondering what had happened. "Madam, you called us here," Gerald said.

Vanessa took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

She sat down, relaxed, and thought carefully before she opened her mouth

"You all know I wasn't in the best of moods today, so if I offended anyone here, please forgive me.

We all live and work in the same environment, so let's make it an enabling one for all of us," Vanessa said calmly.

Her accountant spoke up on behalf of his co-workers,

"Oh, Madam, we all understand that we may be in a happy mood today and a worse mood tomorrow. So, don't worry, we're all good."

"Thank you all for understanding," Vanessa replied.

"Today, we're closing early, so you can all head home. Gerald and I will stay back for a bit."

The rest of the crew left, leaving Vanessa and Gerald in the office.

"Gerald, about that contract you were asking for, can you please tell the ministry that I'll come tomorrow for the interview?" Vanessa asked.

"Sure thing, Madam. I'll contact them and see if they're still interested in the contract," Gerald replied.

"Thank you, Gerald. You're the best," Vanessa said with a smile.

Subsequently, they all departed in unison, and Vanessa even provided Gerald with a ride back to his residence.

As she approached a restaurant for lunch, her former boyfriend, Jerry, approached her.


Curious to know what Vanessa will do? Eager to find out what Gerald has to say? Exciting news - all your burning questions will be answered in Chapter 2!

Is there more to the story than meets the eye? Join me as we unravel these mysteries and discover the twists and turns on Light in the Dark.

Sure, here's a more detailed rewrite: "To continue with the story, please navigate to Chapter 2 of the book and look for Inamorata's Vintage section. That's where you'll find the next segment of the plot."

Adjei_fordjourcreators' thoughts