

In the midst of it all, when two guardians were chosen, she was stolen for ages, one accused the other, there was no one guilty, but there were accusations, with the advice of the council of Um-Mu, our truce involves that a priest and a representative of each race will go looking for this book, we will only unite and they will come back, when they find the book...

- Well, he was found, but we can't get them. - He said.

- So, where I come in, I have to catch her, apparently. – Hikaru said.

- Exactly. – One of them said.

- Where is she? – Hikaru questioned him.

- In another dimension inside a library, proof of magic. - He said.

- So how do I get it? – He questioned him.

- She is proof of magic, not proof of normal means like breaking in and escaping without using magic. - He said.

So, I go, but how will they send me? – He questioned him.

- A spell, and the two representatives, who will accompany you. - He said.

These two, one a vampire the other a werewolf, both sons of Van Helsing.

For their discontent, they wore only, both wore tight pants, with boots, showing their muscles and their long white hair, they had there two statues that seemed to be sculpted by Michelangelo.

- How's my colleague? - He was hugged and sniffed, as if it were a snack, must be the dick watered with honey, Hikaru thought, looking at those men full of fire with red skin burned by the sun.

In a circular motion of their hands, they pulled him out of the chair, taking out his cookies, without any warning, opening a portal and taking him to another part of the world...

- Well, what do you want me to do first? - Hikaru, saw in front of him a series of pillars and giant lions like fire statues, gigantic in monuments around a large building.

- They don't know you're going to take it, they don't know us, they keep the book as a national treasure. – The white haired vampire said to his right.

- So what should I do? – Hikaru questioned him.

- You will go in and ask, they will not give, they will refuse, so we will go through the library and you will get it manually. – The werewolf said.

- Let's change your appearance to a dark elf. - He said, with a wave of his hands, as each of them moved to enter the place, accompanied and trumpeted by their two Greek gods.

He walked down the hall to the entrance, seeing the beauty of crystals and buildings around them, the librarian looked like a dark elf, long blue hair, blue skin, statuesque body under a name tag and a tight suit, was looking at them curiously.

- What would you like? – He questioned.

- I'd like to borrow it to read the friends' book. - He asked.

- Sorry, due to several theft attempts we will not be able to borrow it for reading. - He said.

- So, can I read it inside the building? – He questioned.

- I'm sorry, we can't, we have similar books, which will be found on the big platform, but they can't be washed either, I advise you to go in the right direction, you can take a copy to search, but that same copy, being a copy not can be taken from here. - He said.

- Oh, right, I'll go over there. - He said.

- I hope it can help. – He said, as he went back to read his book towards the counter.

So, they were walking through the aisles, where they roamed the various shelves...

Between turning right and turning left, between three shelves there was a gap there, where it looked like the inner part between them was smaller than it looked, as if it were.

- An illusion. – Foley said.

- How are we going to get through? – Daniel asked.

- Let's turn left, they see a presence, stopping in front of a wall..., smooth, without any bookshelf..., without magic the wall comes apart, just change the symbols and the walls of place and the magic will disappear. undo. – Hikaru said.

- The presence is stronger. – Daniel said.

- Well, let's try, undo it, from now on, I'll put more security in the treasure room. - He said.

Foley ran his hands along the wall, it felt smooth and immobile and malleable. – Magic. – Foley said. – Well, I hope it's not that simple. – Foley said.

- Let's move the shelves. – Daniel said.

By moving one to the right and one to the left, between forming a T, moving further away from the center of the wall, when they turned and dragged it further to the left, pushing it like a door, as they revealed...

If we move the wall, thereby revealing that the magic has broken, thereby opening a door like an entrance to a cave, where there used to be a wall, between shelves.

- So easy, nothing better than the old manual work. – Hikaru said.

- Lets go in. – Hikaru said, being accompanied and trumpeted by the men accompanying him there.

They saw a dark cave, with stalagmites and stalactites, between a stone bridge, around them, which seemed to be floorless, and a dark abyss, whose lights were torches around them, floating and dispensed by a variety of objects. magic between floating pillars.

- There must be more than a magic wall to protect, those giant guard dogs with lions from Arabian tales. – Daniel said.

- Well, you can transform and fight with them, while I steal the book. – Hikaru said.

- Well, if it's not a magic protecting it, I could do that. – Daniel said.

They walked through several crooked corridors between stone pillars, it seemed they saw gigantic winged snakes emerging from the walls, amidst the darkness of the change between pillars attacking them, at that time, they retaliated.

- Hide. - The vampire said, retaliating the blow of a blast, coming towards him, as much as they threw fireballs, waves of energy, the winged snakes retaliated, multiplying and returning to them, making each of those bridges if it came undone, more and more they were close to falling over a precipice...

Hikaru looking into the distance, saw that there was a passage, to his fascination, it was...

Lovecraft's city... then, was the entrance to his mansion, he looked from afar, turning his vision to the environment among the men battling, transforming and trying to reach the winged snakes...