

During the grand event of the city's first major mage event.

When they would debut and inaugurate new ventures, even new benefits, and a local environment for the great first parade of magic, in which there would be a great celebration in the city, it was in the same period of the great writers' strike.

Tsuki had this idea regarding the inclusion of the most ingrained magic in Lovecraft's city, so, consulting what was missing just with his girlfriends and his girls of colourful friendship.

Oh Circe, Hecate, Morgana, Lilith, Medea, Hemera, Nix, Selene and Medusa who were gathered in his mansion, when he consulted them about what he needed most related to magic.

- I prefer an event that encompasses everything, even the magic auctions. Circe said.

About that.

He finished writing a memo between projects as he prepared for the next day when he was going to secretly meet with a union leader at the Eternal Tower.

Even if he were going to meet after 1 pm, being Wednesday, he would go later, since he slept until 1 pm, he made them wait two more hours, when he arrived it was around 3 pm afternoon hours.

That union had organized the strike to which many scripts of cinematographic works were cancelled and stopped, even if they were poorly executed, of course the agreement was to keep only for a year after they returned because all of them, they would be fired a year later, they did what were ordered.

Due to the negotiations, in which Tsuki who occupied the form of his counterpart in a merger, in which he was in the middle of a council meeting, with the form of Hikaru.

When he woke up extremely late that morning, between pleasure and sex, between Daniel, Foley and their women of magic, many sweaty bodies on each side and around the bed, between the pillows, each beside their two men. and their women, in which, after a long bath, putting on matching silver clothes, they led them through the corridors, with the negotiations.

So, he got ready with his union guests, with a fat suitcase and bursting with money.

He was his boss, with over a million dollars to do whatever he wanted.

- You know you did not accept or agree with the proposals, we could not negotiate with the other bosses. – Hikaru said to his companion beside him.

A fat bearded and burly man, while eating barbecue that was brought from a large barbecue, the best beer, champagne, with some companions and other political interests of the union.

When Hikaru passed him a mass of fat bills, he forgave him for being late, when his eyes lit up when he saw the suitcase open, when he secretly paid, among some high sums to boycott a branch in which he considered useless, there were bribes rolling to union leaders, around a table with several lawyers.

- I know, they will be on strike for a long time, damage to others, but you are my boss, my consecrated one. - He said.

In which, in addition to illegal payments, his company was exporting secret projects from other realities, it was a program that he considered that some earthling companies would be in fair competition with him, if not for the strike in question.

Without screenwriters, without employment for profit, and benefits for other companies, there would be no competition, so Tsuki would be free to market and export films from other realities, with employees from other worlds outside Earth.

Even if the local government had opened a tender for the market in question, officially, this was a fair and competitive market, unofficially, in which Hikaru had contacts with high government officials, knows a senator for whom he did a favours, in addition to having financed and supported the campaigns of two mayors of two states.

In addition to financing the campaign by helping to elect a governor, he had benefits and support, in addition to having been helped to have support to have help to impose himself in front of other companies, even playing dirty with the fact of the lack of recognition, in addition to having support, he had a great help in keeping his company in high value.

He had more facilities and benefits with his business ahead with numerous facilities in support so he could have less competition, cheating to be the big boss in the best of words, with the fact that they were poorly paid, they would agree with everything what he said.

Of course, until the end of the strike, many companies that dealt with the cinematographic service would suffer great losses, meanwhile, he would invest in other worlds.

Knowing that the human companies that remained on Earth depended on human employees, there is still a prejudice and an overvaluation of human labour.

Recently, Hikaru cut costs by laying off and restructuring his company with some divisions and sectors, even when he saw that moving some of his buildings from Earth would have more benefits in other worlds.

With that, when he was taking them to other worlds with better benefits, in which part of the staff of employees were replaced by machines that do not complain, do not need to rest, do not ask for better wages and do not sue and are not even part of the union.

With that, he had a greater number of benefits and an astronomical profit.

While Earth would be content with just old recordings in addition to classic products, the other worlds they would be overseeing with their company would still have great local products at prohibitive cost from smaller, third-party companies.

For a long time, they would have to be content with the classics, it would not be possible to complain about something that exists and cannot be changed.

In the meantime, when they were organizing and planning a big magic event, with the guests, when they were doing congresses, seminars in which they were going to organize various events around the city, gymkhana.

In which there was an invasion of magicians, they were renegade witches, enemies of the order of Um-Mu, who went to cause chaos in the city, in addition to the witches, they had these dark sorcerers came to conquer and rule the city, using their powers to enslave people and turn them into mindless zombies.

Lovecraft's city was a breath-taking sight, it was with its tall buildings made of glittering crystal and shimmering gold, that misty city, where it was a magical city, a place where anything was possible and where the impossible became real.

Due to the fog, in which darkness comes with its darkest cases, no one imagines that while he was negotiating about strikes, a group of enemies of his lovers came to cause chaos, in search of a jewel that would be auctioned in the city during a great auction in the midst of magical events.

In the midst of a gathering of heroes who were there at a large charity event, an unexpected attack on the city shook the foundations of this wonderful place, when Tsuki, an avatar of the dragons, came to help in the midst of an animalistic beast, in which he appeared in the sky, its massive form casting a shadow over the city.