

If the crisis in the real estate sector extends to a reduction in consumption and leads to a greater contraction of the economy, other sectors of the USDAeira Exchange could be affected, such as meat and pulp and paper, says Arbetman, from Ativa Investimentos.

With the end of some resources, not being able to rebuild the resources that were affected by the constant tragedy that shook the country, in which the construction sector without incentives and financing with that, there was a paralysis of this sector, without building houses, houses and buildings, the population resorted to invasions and constructions without structures.

Resorting to wood, clay and sand, construction of shacks, with industrialization stopped by bank failures, when there was the scandal of a company that owed more than a hundred banks across the country, then, there was the economic collapse.

"The meat sector is already facing greater pressure on margins with the increase in grain prices", says the Ativa analyst.

In this segment, Marfrig (MRFG3) and Minerva (BEEF3) had greater exposure to the Pindorama market, which represented 68% and 40% of export revenue, respectively, for these companies in the first quarter.

An escalation in Pindorama's geopolitical tension with the United States involving the issue of Nheengatu could lead to a global movement of aversion to risk assets, as recently seen during the visit of the President of the United States Chamber, Nancy Pelosi, to the island, which led the Pindorama government to intensify military exercises in the region.

So, they proceeded to the boardroom, to report on the business, there was a board showing the rise of stocks from hell, a group of partners gathered talking about how good it was to do business with ignorant and illiterate people.

The president in question, it was both cases, he didn't have much time to study or read, which made it easier to negotiate with the contract, he wanted a pact to get rid of his enemies.

- I can get rid of your enemies, I will have the soul of the entire population and their enemies for me, however, he did not question the deadline. - He said.

- You also didn't say, how long, right? – Hikaru questioned.

- He didn't bother to read it. - The demon said.

So, the demon with an air of superiority, said as he returned to the meeting table, where Hikaru was listening to the whole tragedy.

- He asked to be the new elected president, he just didn't say for how long and how he would remain president, not having a kingdom, but a bankrupt kingdom helps a lot in this matter. - He said.

- What do we do now? – Hikaru questioned.

- Well, everyone involved killed or died, their souls belong to me by right, since they sold them to me, with the request, I have in my hands all of them, he will reign, but only for 4 years, the worst years of your life, never to return.

- So, as for the Business Royalties of the branches of souls, they are divided in equal size for the council and the order. - Amasteus said.

"As for formality, I think that's a great payoff," Amasteus was saying.

- I have a mediator from Pindorama who was my representative, so she will benefit from the downturn in the economy, I gave her more than 100 thousand dollars for her help, in which she encouraged them to enter into business, the banks of souls went up, so no problem for me. - He said.

Meanwhile, they returned to their mansion, in the town of Lovecraft County, it was simple enough to say, as far as the established time was concerned.

The two Van Helsing brothers had not yet finished their negotiations.

About that.

In another world.

Foley and Daniel were called by the councils of elders.

- We have a mission for you. – The representative of the council said, when they arrived at Um-Mu's headquarters.

- Say. Foley said.

There is a mystical kingdom that is going through a cataclysm, in this world there are toxic rains. - One of the masters said.

- In which, above all, a huge tower exists, it is more than a pointed building, in which there is a submerged tank in it.

- Since this tank, it is in addition to having the only water that is not toxic or corrosive.

- Eons ago, during a great drought, there was the beginning of countless wars that caused this dimension to be taken over by corrosive waters, which melt bones like acid.

- This being so, which caused an immense war over water and food, since few buildings survived the wars that followed over food and drink.

- So, if that and other problems weren't enough, it happened that vampire twins, they were monsters, will try to stop it, but you can take a shortcut through the portal, towards the tank.

- Those beings who once fled from the pursuit of Van Helsing.

- When they came to this world, where the clans in wars started after wars, arming a war, for food.

Until the extinction of life in this world.

While normal humans were almost extinct, for a barren world of acid rain, in which there was a war for the tower of Mojave, what happened was that with the questions.

Being that in the center of the underground water of the few that were left with the tanks and the fountains of underground dikes, they were the trigger for the fight of the thirst, due to the fact that this did not have any effect left only vampires.

- When the same survival-motivated, controlled vampire twins fed on all the werewolves, when there was no one left to drink their blood.

- So, they began to command quests and incursions to other worlds, due to the curse of the underground water that had a stone that left them in addition to walking on the day, being monsters.

- Since they had no way to quench themselves, they were consumed by thirst, in addition to killing everyone in their path.

Which made the Vampire Twins nothing more than predators, due to over a hundred worlds.

- Bring some relics and a book in the middle of the underground temples near the water tank.

- It was then, sending you, until they destroy these relics. - They said.

- You can go through the portal. – The representative said.

It was when they reached their end, the Van Helsing brothers were called by the elders for this, being the reason for two missions.

In which one was to exterminate the source of the problem, would be to find the tower, reach its underground and destroy the jewels, automatically destroying everyone who was consumed by them.

They went through the sectors walking through the corridors.

- Who are you...? – Hissing.

So, they started exterminating all the monsters that were once vampires.

It was then, there were the two brothers, fighting in the middle of the underground sectors with the vampire twins, so, they collected the relics, taking the objects of a map that they carried with them.

- You thieves. - They growled.

- Punch time. Daniel said.

- Done. Foley said.

Being surprised by the vampire twins.

They played a quick game of Joken-Po.

Then the two were jumping between pillars.

- Jump. - Foley said towards Daniel.

- You take care of the rest.

- You can leave brother. Foley said.

It was until Daniel jumped towards the tank.

Meanwhile, Foley was fighting the Vampire Twins, who tried at all costs to prevent this from happening.

It didn't take much, Daniel had great breath, he swam to the boulder, blasting it with lightning, coming up when it all started to crumble.

As he reached the spot, everyone around turned to dust.

- Pretty quick and easy. Daniel said.

- Let's go. Foley said.

- You don't have to say it twice. Daniel said.

Returning to their land, towards the portal, when they were received by the elders.

- Well, we see that you managed to successfully finish your mission. – A representative said.

Daniel delivered the objects and relics to the elders.

- Apparently it was without problems. – An elder said.

- Well, let's go. Foley said.

- The remaining worlds have run their course. – One of the representatives said.