

"Gosh it took me the entire day to clean the mess up, Ugh", I say that as I can feel an eye behind my back.

I went to take a shower until I saw a little girl standing infront of the window staring at me. I luckily had a knife with me, while I said "who are you" I took my knife out without her expecting it. Though, j wasn't expecting her to actually say her name, she told me her name is lazari and she came was looking after me for a month, I was suprised since I never knew and just felt her eyes staring at me right now. I shook my head as j pointed at the door and told her to leave so I could take a shower. she done as I said without any word coming out if her mouth. I wondered to myself why she was covered in blood, as I finished taking a shower I asked her if she wanted to take a bath. She agreed but before she went to take a bath she asked, "could you dry my hair after I have taken a bath?" she looked at me while tilting her head, I agreed happily since j normally would do that to my so called sister, I then went off to find some clothes that would fit her, as I found one and as she came back, I dried her hair while I asked " are you gonna stay here for a night or are you going to go back to where you came from?" she asked if she could stay for a night since jts dark, I agreed and took her to a guest room. I was about to leave until words came out of my mouth and said "goodnight lazzy". lazari was surprised after I said that, i covered my mouth while she told me its fine to call her lazzy as she also said goodnight.