
Chapter 60

It takes us several days flying to reach General Fong and the Earth Kingdom base. Sokka is the first to see the base, a circular walled tower manned by earth bending sentries. We slowly descend into the base's courtyard. An open area surrounded in stone and Earth Kingdom symbols. A man in a decorative military uniform with epaulets approaches and greets us.

"Welcome, Avatar Aang! I am General Fong. And welcome to all of you, great heroes! Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, mighty Katara, and the wise Silva"

"Mighty Katara? I like that."

"No complaints about being the wise one either" Katara and I quip glibly.

Then without warning, I hear explosives going off. I didn't sense any danger and I soon notice earth benders behind us launching explosives. Everyone else seems impressed, but fireworks lose their pizazz when you can't see them. Sokka starts to clap "Not bad. Not bad"

"We thank you all for your hospitality." Aang announcer to all the people in the courtyard.

"It is our honor to host you and your companion Avatar Aang. Now if you would all like to join me we can continue our talk inside" We agree then follow behind the general. The inside is tan stone decorated green tapestries and rugs. It feels like it's trying a bit too hard. I mean how much can you really spruce up a uniform stone building. Maybe I'm being biased but earth kingdom buildings and architecture have always been my least favorite. We are led through a series of halls and chambers until reaching a large office or war room. In the back of the room is a large wooden desk. In front of the desk is a spacious area covered by a rug and several seat cushions. I notice the rug has a large rectangular weight imprint covering most of the open space. I guess the general did some redecorating.

"Sit. Sit. Please make yourselves comfortable" The general tells us while waving us to sit down.

"Don't mind, if I do" Sokka, replies as he plops down onto a seat cushion. The rest of us then follow suit and sit.

"Avatar Aang, I was so happy to hear about the Water Tribe's recent victory. I haven't heard anything about your contributions, but the must have been incredible to lead to such a decisive victory" Wow the general is really grasping at straws. Originally Aang used the Avatar state to destroy the invading fleet and the general would use that as proof for a more direct intervention of the avatar. Even without evidence, he's still looking to exploit Aang. I was hoping he would actually be a competent general, but that's looking less and less likely.

"Uhhh not really. I mean I helped evacuate civilians and stopped a rampaging spirit, but I didn't really help directly with the war."

"Surely, you're just being modest. I'm sure without your help the invasion would have been much worse."

"You right! Silva was super important"

Aang you mother fucker. That little suggestion turned all heads toward me and has twisted the general's face like sucking on a lemon.

"Well not me, but the information I had. I met a loose-lipped fire nation soldier who had spilled the beans about the invasion. We arrived close to a week before the invasion. With a week's head start the tribe was able to prepare and set up a counter-strategy. As for the fire nation, their strategy was inherently flawed from the beginning. They were relying on a surprise they no longer had and were attacking during a winter full moon when the water tribe is at it's strongest. It would be more surprising if they had won."

The general is silent for a moment before putting his head in both hands. I guess that isn't what he wanted to... O God is he crying?

"I don't know what to do anymore. This war has been going on for so long. Every day more of my men die. The fire nation gets closer and closer to this fort. It's like I'm struggling against the inevitable. What do I even do?"

Oh man, this is bad. Watching a grown man have a full mental break down in front of 4 teenagers might be the most painfully awkward thing I've ever watched.

"Ohh it's okay. It'll be okay." Katara says softly as she gets up and pats him on the shoulder. By the time she does, he's openly weeping with his head on the desk. The four of us are in shocked silence and none of us know what to do. Katara keeps patting his shoulder but then glares at the three of us to do something. Sokka and I then glare at Aang. Aang shakes his head, kicks me in the shin, and points at me. That's all it takes for Sokka to switch sides because he comes over and kicks me in my other shin.

"ARRRRRGH ALRIGHT! " I yell pushing them back" umm sorry about that. I have plenty of ideas of what you can do"

"You do?" Fong asks

"Yeaaaa... Why don't you ask the Water tribe for some help? Maybe some healers to help with your injured soldiers. After that disastrous invasion, they should have some manpower to spare. You could also have some of your earthbenders begin building up further walls and fortification in their downtime. No reason this base couldn't be more secure. Maybe you could reach out to Omashu." Well, it might have been conquered, but even so, this base could be a good place to relocate people to.

The General has recovered enough to stop crying and try to find a way out of his trouble "Well it's against normal operating procedure to ask for outside help, but these are desperate times. Avatar Aang I know the water tribe has requested an escort to Omashu from me. Is it possible for your escort to remain with you and ask King Bumi for help?"

"Sure, no reason they couldn't." Aang responds quickly and cheerfully. He was ready to do anything to leave as to never deal with this general again.

"Excellent, You're free to stay here tonight. Tomorrow your escort earth benders, Hann and Laulan, will start to take you to Omashu"

So, about the duplicate chapter yesterday. on mobile if you make a change to a chapter then don't specifically save before posting it, there is a weird duplication glitch. Usually that has only duplicated the chapter in my draft section, but I guess it can duplicate posted chapters as well.

Quiliditycreators' thoughts