
I found a dream worth living for

I was 13 when i first saw her and i never would have taught we became friends let alone fell in love with her. This is not a love story. It took me a lot of time to confess my love of her to my self but she don't know that or at least i think she don't. So this is more of a story of a boy who suffers for love .

I was in fifth grade, living in small town called Jijiga and for almost all the grades till the fifth i was number one in the class just once my best friend came first and i was second then just that time and i even cried when i hear the results, I know am a kid with a comparative attitude and i heard that this new girls was a competition and had to find out if it was true so i came to her didn't even ask her name just started asking her about herself and she told me every thing. It was all true in fact she never came second in class not even once, i got scared.

Since then she have been making my life harder and more interesting and harder because you know once my feeling changed from seeing her as a competition to love everything changed.

We grow up together until we reach university and we got in to two different universities. I taught about changing my university to where she was but it was time to let her go so i did with out telling her how i feel. Even then i was hoping i for a miracle to bring her back to me after graduation i know am hopeless.

University changed me not for the better nothing went as i have planed and everything getting wrong was just have my fault don't forget just have.

As a child i never say doctor or pilot when i was asked what i wanted to became when i grow up. I used to say a teacher even taught that was just so my teachers could feel good, and i once said an astronaut just becase it sounds cool, but i never actually think it through and i always say different things even to a same teacher.

It wasn't until i was i grade 11 i truly chose my future career and it was to became a doctor, every one i my family believed in me the don't lough but it was she also wanted to became a doctor and it was just a coincidence and my decision was my own. I was happy pursuing same dream with the person i love we even wanted to get to same university for me it didn't matter which one was it as long as i was with her,but there was one we both dreamed of being accepted at.

When choosing a profession people use different criterias like some their parents choose it for them, some say i wanted to have the Job i live, but most get what life makes convenient for them. My criteria was what ever get me close to her and i actually came to love the idea of being a doctor and i have always been fascinated by the human physiology so i don't know about you but those were the two criterias that i based one of the biggest decisions of my life and i still do not regret it but university was a hole new level of challenge waiting and my expectations were what made it worse.