
Life over power

What does life mean to you? Maybe family and friends? Perhaps love? To Atlas Harrison it means none of that. To him it means strength, power and violence. But his world takes a sudden turn after he gets murdered and reincarnated as an extra who's extremely weak and gets brutally killed! Now he must go on a journey to save himself from being murdered once again. And maybe this journey will teach him about what life truly is about

Leyra2395 · Sejarah
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4 Chs

It was you?!

"No need to act fool Atlas Harrison. I know who you are."

Leo/Atlas didn't speak or more correctly, couldn't. He hadn't even been in this story for half an hour and this random stranger took one look at him and was like "what's up Atlas." Just who the hell was this guy?

Atlas swallowed. No. He couldn't be found out this easily. He wouldn't let himself be.

"Err..just...what on earth are you talking about? I'm literally an NPC in this boo-"

Ugh, could he be anymore obvious?

The visitor just smiled. "Don't worry. I mean it. Now, I do hope you like Leo Hunter since I was the one that chose him for you." 

Leo blinked. What did he say? He...he what? Leo found his tongue. "You..it was you?! Why, who, how and who. Wait, never mind I already said that. Anyways, give me answers!"

Once again, the visitor just smiled. He cleared his throat. "Listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you.

I am known as élenchos psychís. However, most just call me elenktis. I am a soul controller. I choose which souls go in which body."

"alright then why did you choose my soul to go to this body?"

"Because...I found your soul interesting. You were and maybe still are a horrible person. You left a poor woman pregnant and didn't support her. You abandoned the people who needed you the most. You killed your sister.

Awful people like you are never given second chances. However, I looked into your soul and...more than half of it were regrets. But they weren't the 'oh why if I had just hurt this person blah, blah, blah' or just the insincere regrets. They were powerful and true. I was astounded.

So, I thought about it and wondered that, if you had different situation and different people in that life, things maybe would have been different. You see, some people are just the same, no matter what body they have.

I talked to my superiors and they didn't agree. In fact, they were appalled that I even suggested it. However, I ended up convincing them but they only agreed on one condition. You must be sent to a body which was completely different from your first one. 

I chose Leo Hunter. He was weak, inferior and had an extremely early death. It was perfect. So there you are Atlas or rather, Leo."

Leo was stunned. "Why.." He began. "Why didn't you just leave me be? I would've wanted to go to hell than be in this body!"

Elenktis smiled sadly at him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Atlas. Find people who will support and love you in this life. Find people who will stick with you forever. May we meet again."

He winked, Leo blinked and with that Elenktis was gone.

Leo sighed. This all had really happened to him?

Ugh whatever. Lets just get this life started.