
Life of the Outcasted

Ryan's life isn't what you'd call "luxurious", that word isn't even part of his dicctionary. In a world full of magic, dungeons and monsters, where rules of physics take no place, Ryan is the only one that, for an unknown reason, has no magic at all. For him, life is unfair and cruel. He has always been the one to suffer most and he wants it all to end. The thing is, he doesn't know that his life is about to take a drastic change that he would have never expected in his short years of life.

Galaxxy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Ryan Heatherstone P.1



In my world magic is a thing. Nobody knows if there are others worlds with magic out there or not, but we think we are special. The only ones in the universe with the gift of magic, given to us by the all mighty god, Gadir, or whatever he's called. Thing is, he kinda ignored me when giving me my magical powers.

Between the ages from 5 to 8 years old, everyone is supposed to have their magic appear, there are no exceptions. Except for me. There are some cases were late bloomers have their magical powers appear at the age of 9, however, there has never been someone that, being already 10 years old, has had no signs of magic in their body at all. There exist many signs that your magical powers are appearing, for example, sneezing smoke or even fire from your nose, pretty commun way to start house fires randomly.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago there was supposed to be no magic, but it all changed when "Skyfall" started. The legends said millions of magical beasts fell from the sky destroying villages, cities and covering up to 70% of the planet. They also said that when humanity had their backs against a wall, they received divine help from god, who gave them magical powers to defend themselves.

The "Dungeons are the very-hard-to-complete-and-extremely-dangerous-and-scary underground buildings or mazes. There are quite a lot of dungeons all over the globe, each city has at least one. I am in the city of "Riveria", a really poor city which has one of weakest dungeons ever recorded, what an achievement.

Going back to magic, there are 4 main magical elements: Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. People usually have 1 element, having 2 elements is really rare. The most someone has ever had is 4, a legendary king from the eastern lands was able to wield the four elements. Gotta say, they use some weird trainning methods around those parts of the world, sleeping crossed legged and eating strange pills and food, weird if you ask me.

There are also the exceptional elements. Only 5% of the world population have these powers. They are: Lightning, Ice, Sound, Light and Darkness and the two rarest, Gravity and Time. Only the strongest magicians in the world have the last two elements.

I know all this because my parents used to tell me stories when I was a younger, and when they were alive. I loved the tales they spoke of, about dragons, monsters, magical powers and creepy places called dungeons.

Then, I had a normal life and I was really innocent, I was a normal kid. Although we were extremly poor and we lived in the suburbs of the city, when I listened to their stories I imagined myself being the main character in them or using those magical powers I had always wanted, I could dream.

I was a fool. A fool for thinking any of that would happen and getting my hopes up, just for them to be utterly crushed.


My parents died in a fire the morning I turned 7 years old, on my birthday. Apparently, my dad had gotten into some really dangerous business to get some money for food and the main necessities to be able to live. He was in a tough spot and made some enemies. He killed them, I even saw it, how the man set the house on fire, but I couldn't do anything but scream and run like a chicken, hell, I barely reached the door handle.

A neighbour, while walking home from buying his daily stale and moled bread, saw the fire. He run to the dirty window and saw me trying to open the door, which was blocked by a chair from the outside, with no hope of getting it to even budge. My parents were desperately trying to stop the fire from spreading, it was all useless.

The man threw the chair out of the way and broke the door open, they were really only a piece of wood nailed to the wall. I got out safely, however, when I looked at what was happening in the house, I saw a horrible scene happen before me.

My parents saw me get out of the house unharmed, so they decided to also get away, but before they realized it, a hole closet on fire, the only one in the house, fell in front of them blocking there way out.

They had nowhere to go, there was a wall of flames in front of them and a hole sea of fire covering the 4 meters in length of our house swarming towards them. I screamed for them to come and get away from the fire, I didn't know what to do at the moment. When I think back on it, I know I could have done something to save them. They were the only people I loved, I know I could have done something, anything.

However, when the fire was about to swarm them and burn them alive the only thing they did was look at me and smile. Those were two of the most sincere smiles I had ever seen, it was full of love and regret for leaving me so soon in life. The smile that the poor man dying from hunger gave when he got some bread to eat was nothing compared to this one. They only said: "Live on, Ryan, find a new home far away from here and fight for your dreams. We will always be beside you, our little Ryan. You will always be a Heatherstone, oh and, Happy Birthday.

That was the last message my 2 loving parents gave me at the time of their deaths. That message will stick with me until the moment I die. I will never forget that moment in my entire life.

At that time I made one promise. I promised that I will achieve my goal. Become that hero, the one from the stories I read, the one I dreamed about. I will fight against anyone and do anything to fulfill it. Because that, that is my destiny.

The only thing is, that me, the 7 year old foolish me, didn't know what would happen after I had sworn my life on that. Life had such a hole amusement park of Ups and Downs in store for me.

Hello!! Galaxxy here,

This has been the first serious chapter of the series.

The introduction is going to be a few chapters in length, talking about how his life as been going until his present moment.

This chapter has been a bit too long. I don't really care about the length, I'll write however much I need to complete the chapter.

I'll try uploading at least once a week until I finish my exams and find some free time to write more.

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