
Life of Sagittarius

Aris von Frez, the last heir of the prestigious Custodian family and a member of the mysterious Order of the Black Lily, embarks on a dangerous mission within the enigmatic realm known as the Custodian Breach. With deep ties to this world, Aris is burdened by his family's legacy and the responsibility of maintaining balance between realms. Alongside him, albeit unwillingly, is Sophia Sagittarius, the estranged daughter of a powerful baron. Confused, frustrated, and unaware of her connection to the mystical realm of custodians, Sophia is suddenly dragged into Aris's world without consent.

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14 Chs

Chapter 6 - A Custodian and Fall

As Sophia stepped into the darkness, the ground beneath her suddenly gave way, and she felt herself being lifted upward. The sensation was disorienting—first, she was rising, as if caught in an invisible elevator. The shadows thickened around her, and for a moment, she felt weightless, suspended in a surreal, twisting space that seemed to defy the laws of gravity.

Then, without warning, she began to descend. The descent started slowly, but quickly accelerated into a full-blown free fall. Panic surged through her as she flailed helplessly in the air, her mind racing to make sense of what was happening. The void offered no clues—just an endless expanse of swirling darkness.

And then—wham! —Sophia landed with a thud, her rear slamming into something solid. Or rather, someone solid.

It was soft but firm—definitely not the icy floor she expected. Instead, she landed squarely on something warm, and as she settled into place, she realized with mortified horror exactly where she'd landed.


Her rear end had come crashing down directly onto Aris's face.

"Mmff—!" came a muffled sound from beneath her, followed by an angry groan as Aris struggled to push her off. "Get…off…!"

"Oh my god!" Sophia yelped, scrambling to lift herself off him. "I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to—!"

Aris finally managed to shove her aside, gasping for air as he sat up, rubbing his face. "Of all the places to land, you had to drop your ass on my face? Are you trying to kill me?" he fouled embarrassed and annoyed.

Sophia's cheeks burned with embarrassment, and she quickly stood, brushing herself off as she tried to regain her composure. "I swear, I didn't mean to! I had no idea this would happen—I just walked through the door, and suddenly I was falling!"

Aris scowled, still massaging his sore nose. "Yeah, well, you've got a hell of a way of making an entrance. Next time, aim for something that isn't my face."

Sophia's embarrassment quickly turned to frustration. "It's not like I had any control over where I landed! And you didn't exactly warn me that this could happen, did you?"

Aris shot her an annoyed glance. "How was I supposed to warn you that you'd fall from the sky and land on my face? That's not exactly something I had on my radar."

"Maybe if you actually explained things instead of just dragging me along, I wouldn't be so lost!" Sophia retorted, crossing her arms. "You act like I'm supposed to know everything that's going on, but you never tell me anything!"

Aris glared at her, his expression a mix of frustration and disbelief. "This is why you shouldn't be here if you're not ready for it! If you can't handle the basics of this place, you should've stayed outside!" He crossed his arms, his tone sharp. "You're just making things harder for everyone."

Sophia, still trying to process the bizarre turn of events, felt her frustration bubbling up. "You think I wanted this? I don't even know what 'this' is! You dragged me into this crazy place, and now you're blaming me for… for what? For falling?"

Aris scoffed, his anger still simmering. "You're acting like a child, and I don't have time to babysit you. If you're not going to take this seriously, then just leave."

Sophia shot to her feet, anger flaring in her eyes. "I would if I could! But maybe if you actually explained what's going on instead of keeping everything to yourself, I wouldn't be so lost!"

Aris's eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't understand, even if I did explain. You're too caught up in your own little world to see the bigger picture."

Sophia opened her mouth to retort, but Aris cut her off, his voice cold and final. "This isn't about you, Sophia. It never was. If you can't adapt, then stay out of the way."

Without waiting for a response, Aris turned on his heel and marched forward, leaving Sophia standing in the strange void. She watched him go, feeling a mix of anger, confusion, and a growing sense of isolation. But what choice did she have? She couldn't go back now, even if she wanted to.

As Aris exited the void, Sophia hesitated for a moment before following him. When she stepped out, she found herself standing in a completely different environment. Gone were the shadows and the oppressive darkness.

 Instead, she was greeted by a vibrant, lush landscape.

A small patch of green land stretched out before her, surrounded by thick trees and towering mountains. In the center of the clearing stood a large building—a mix of wood and stone, with a welcoming yet imposing presence.

It reminded her of something from a storybook, like an adventurer's guild, with its high, pointed roof, wooden beams, and wide double doors.

Aris glanced back at her; his expression unreadable. "Welcome to the Custodian's Breach," he said, his voice flat. "This is where you'll find the answers you're looking for… if you're willing to face them."

"For how many times are you going to repeat it." Sophia snarled, a tickle ranching in her nose. 

"It would be very much helpful if you decide to shut your mouth." Aris snarled back; not giving another gaze to Sophia and her pampers.