
Life of Juan Manuel Alvarado

Follow the life of Juan as he faces some hardships, but mostly heartwarming moments.

Shit_Novel · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


Juan is now at a point in his life where he feels like time is moving too fast. It seems like only yesterday that he was starting his own family, but now he has a 6-year-old daughter starting primary school. He can hardly believe his daughter Morena is growing up so quickly. At the age of 40, life has taken a different turn for him. His daughter, Morena, has started primary school and he is beginning to see her grow up right before his eyes. As for his loyal dog Lassie, he has been noticing a concerning change in her lately. She's become super lethargic and is showing signs of being unwell.

As Juan watches his daughter walking into school on her first day, he realises that time really does fly and nothing in life is permanent. He feels a responsibility to make the most of the little time he has with his loved ones and create as many memories as possible. Juan's daughter, Morena, is growing so fast, and he knows he needs to cherish every moment with her because before he knows it, she'll be all grown up and out of the house.

Meanwhile, Juan really can't ignore the changes in his dog's behaviour. He has never seen Lassie so weak and lethargic. As a responsible pet owner, he decides to take her to the vet and have her checked out. The vet runs some tests and shares the terrible news with Juan - Lassie has cancer. Juan is devastated, and he hasn't really come to terms with his pet's condition yet. He considers all the treatment options available but sadly, he is informed that there isn't much that can be done for Lassie.

While Juan was dealing with his daughter's new school routine and his dog's illness, his friend Antonio confided in him that he had been hearing voices in his head and wasn't quite sure if they were real or not. He sought advice from Juan, who knew immediately that he had to be honest and make sure that Antonio knew he was there for him. He advised his friend that listening to voices in his head could be dangerous, and that he needed to seek professional help. He strongly urged him not to ignore the symptoms and recommended he talk to a psychiatrist.

Juan felt that he had successfully helped his friends and family through a difficult time but was still coming to terms with the harsh reality of Lassie's cancer. He knew that it was time to say his goodbyes, it was going to be tough, but he had to do what was right for Lassie. The news of Lassie's cancer was shocking and had hit Juan hard. He felt guilty that he hadn't noticed the symptoms earlier and that he had potentially missed out on treatment options for her. Juan couldn't forget the countless memories that he had made with Lassie over the years, and the bond they shared. Lassie had been an essential part of his life, and it was time to let her go.

In conclusion, life is unpredictable, and Juan realised that he has to cherish every moment. He felt that he had to be there for his daughter as she attempted to adapt to school life. And he learned that even with a friend who is facing mental challenges, it was important to offer the right advice. As for Lassie, Juan learned that some things in life are inevitable, and he needed to focus on the memories they shared together. It was a difficult lesson to learn, and he knew that it would take time to come to terms with. But, by staying positive and persevering, Juan knew that he could find a way to move forward.