
98 (Exam Special Chapter)

It was the first week in the new month and….

The final exam day finally arrived. 

Klein was sitting in the third row in the school halls or you could say it's the gym. He was ready with his pencil while reciting the notes that he read last night. 

He glances towards his friends and they're all focusing on themselves. Few more minutes, the first exam will begin. Louis was preparing his writing materials while looking around nervously.

While Hana, Han and Woo Young are just leaning back to their chair, waiting for the test paper to be given to them. 


She just got there and prepared for her stuff, looking bored as usual. To her, this is like a normal exam so she wouldn't expect anything from it. 

But this exam is still important for their future. 

Should we describe the supporting character too? 

Ethan doing fine in front of Klein. He looks like he's taking a nap though.