
End of middle school

Today is the last day of middle school. Some took pictures,others laughed, and some even cried. I woke up thinking to day is the last day I'll see her. I had the biggest crush on this girl but she was moving away this summer,my heart weighed heavily when I woke up knowing I never told her how I felt.

I got out of bed like any other day I was walking slowly to the bathroom when my older brother came behind me and said"so you're one day away from finishing middle school?" He stood there leaning against the wall with his tank top and muscle showing. He is one of the best football players in his high school soon to be mine. I looked at him and with a kind of a disappointed tone said" yeah I guess it is" I decided to crack a smile at the end. My brother looked at me for a while but went down stairs.

I walked into the bathroom nervously knowing every second was closer to our last day together. I mean if I were to make a metaphor about how I was feeling it would go a little like this" every second was 10 pounds heavier than the one before" I know I suck at metaphors but that's what I felt that moment. I quickly brushed my teeth and ran down stairs to go eat. My mother always goes extra towards the last day of school, she made pancakes,waffles, bacon,eggs, and some strawberry smoothies. I personally liked the pancakes and bacon but my dad and brother liked everything except the eggs yet they still ate them without a complaint.

I got done eating and went up stairs to put on my clothes for the last day. I picked my favorite ones a black short sleeved shirt that said" I'm the best you'll ever know" I rarely wore it than my black Adidas sweat pants and to finish it if I wore my purple black air Jordan retro 12. I picked up my bag and ran downstairs and out the front door.

I usually walk to the bus with my friend but he was left to California for a month. There were so many trees and birds were singing. The bus was like half a mile away and it usually got there 7:00 and now it was 6:46 so I had time to goof around. After a while people who went to the same school started leaving their homes some a grade young while the others were the same grade. I finally got to the bus and got on, our bus driver was nice so I always greeted him with a smile of course he would do the same back. I sat at the back of the bus and started listening to music with my earbuds.

The bus ride was the same as always kids were yelling some were talking and the couples were making out. I didn't pay attention to anything. I got of the bus last and walked into the school at 7:15 we had 45 minutes till we had to get in class. I'm not very popular and my best friend was gone so I wasn't like everyone talking pictures and sighing year book pictures. I went to the west stairs were Abraham and I hung out till the bell rang, we usually talked about normal stuff like new music,games,things that were going on,girls, and many other things. Today he wasn't here so I sat at the stairs by myself looking at everyone smiling sighing year books. I questioned why I didn't make any friends this year and it hit me; people brought drama but Abraham knew everyone in our grade but he was good looking and a great athlete so it wasn't a shocker or anything. At least I knew I was looking fresh with my black clothes and purple black shoes also I had my hair cut two days ago so my hair was sharp but it was my first time with a fade. If you saw me you would think I was a popular kid but I wasn't I was a quite kid that nobody talked to and had a peaceful middle school year and only got into like two fights winning both but they weren't such big deals.

I sat there for like 20 minutes listening to music and watching people. Abraham and I sat there because it faced the west entrance which was the door the girl who had my heart. She walked in when my favorite song was playing it was so in sync you'd think it was destined. She was wearing black leggings and a pink shirt that said" dragons track middle school" we were in track together I had the same shirt but in red. Her hair was curly and the bottom half was red and black on the top. My heart skipped when she came in. Then I remembered it was her last day and she probably won't even bat an eye towards me.

I sat there looking at her and ripping myself from the insides for wasting three years in middle school and not talking to her unless we were working buddies. She was very popular and almost every guy in our school asked her out or had a crush on her.

The bell rang after what felt like forever. My class was just right up stairs so I walked there before anyone else and got to my seat. I had my head down the whole class period while everyone else took pictures and sighed year books. Every class period was the same for the first three classes that is. I went to lunch after my third period and ate by myself cause Abraham wasn't there but that didn't bother me. I sat by myself till this girl with black brownish girl came up to me. When I looked up I didn't even know how to react this girl was as hot as my crush and she was like a little shorter than me she looked like she was 5'2 feat or 158 cm. I looked at her for what felt like an eternity. Then after a while she spoke with a cute voice saying" would you like to come sit with us" as she pointed to a table full of girls and two seats were open one being hers and the other one was were I was supposed to sit. I had nothing better to do so I said" yeah sure" my voice wasn't very high pitched but it wasn't deep either. I still had one ear plugged in but the girls talked not worrying about me. When I finished eating I got up to go dump when the girl who brought me over said" wait I'm go with you" and one of her friends said"ooouu" which she replied saying"shut up." We went to go dump and came back other than simple questions nothing else happened and lunch finished.

After lunch everything went back to how it was for the rest of the school day. My last two class periods we watched vines and talked about memes but I wasn't in the conversation. At the last ten seconds everyone was counting down like it was the New Years count down. My crush was counting too"10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.." the bell rang and all the guys ran out of class but I just walked out like a nod person should.

I was outside of the school building while people got picked up but I was gonna walk home and not take the bus. I started walking when someone grabbed my shoulder and said" I found you" I could recognize that voice anywhere it was my crushes voice. I felt like I was sweating enough to fill up 200 pools and I finally turned around I was right it was her looking at me eye to eye. I unplugged my earbuds even through I had one on only"yes can I help you with something?" I can't believe what I was saying this was the girl I have been dreaming about for three years and now she was talking to me. She looked at me square in the eye and said" I have something I wanted to say this whole year but you were one of those cool kids that wouldn't bother talking to someone like me" I was losing myself my crush wanted to talk to me all year but because I was a inverted she didn't. I immediately said" oh I'm sorry" she replied saying" oh don't worry about it." Then what felt like time froze she said" today is my last day here and I liked you all year and you seem free right now so would you like to go grab something to eat with me?"My heart was all over the place. I quickly said"yeah sure I don't got anything to do." We walked to sonic and got some ice cream she saw people she knew but nobody said anything with me being with her. When we went up to go pay this guy named wade came up and said" hey Kim what you doing with the quite black kid" I turned around but before I could say anything the most well known kid other than Abraham got slapped cross the face. Kim pulled me out and we walked to the lake"I'm really sorry about what wade said" Kim apologized for wade. I looked at her for a while and said" it's fine". The sun was setting so she had to go but before she could go I did the craziest thing. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my arms then kissed her on the lips. Her face turned red and she stood there for while than she started to walk but before she was too far she said"your a good kisser" smiling.

I ran home and immediately and called Abraham to tell him what happened. Abraham was the kind guy to wait till you finish the story before he would say anything . After I finished speaking he said" I knew she liked you even told you but you didn't believe me." After that we talked about other things. After hours of talking on the phone I started to get sleepy and told him I was going to bed.

I ate dinner and took a shower summer was gonna begin tomorrow so I was excited. I had many things planned and my older brother is letting me workout with him now.

After 2 months and 13 days...

Tomorrow was gonna be my first day of high school I was excited at the same time nervous. I was excited because I was gonna do many things this year instead of being a quite person with one friend. I was nervous because it was gonna be the first day of high school and my best friend is going to a private school because of his parents. I was gonna have no friends to look for in classes but this was my chance to make new friends.